An editor for Microsoft Adaptive Cards that supports the new templating language and DOESN'T use JavaScript, because JavaScript isn't a real programming language.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

219 lines
14 KiB

using Monaco.Helpers;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Monaco.Editor
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
#pragma warning disable CS1591
public sealed class IEditorConstructionOptions : IEditorOptions, IJsonable, INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public bool? AcceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string AcceptSuggestionOnEnter { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string AccessibilitySupport { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string AriaLabel { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? AutoClosingBrackets { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? CodeLens { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? ContextMenu { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string CursorBlinking { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string CursorStyle { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? DisableLayerHinting { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? DisableMonospaceOptimizations { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? DragAndDrop { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? EmptySelectionClipboard { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public IEditorFindOptions Find { get { return GetPropertyValue<IEditorFindOptions>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? FixedOverflowWidgets { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? Folding { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string FontFamily { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? FontLigatures { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public uint? FontSize { get { return GetPropertyValue<uint?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string FontWeight { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? FormatOnPaste { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? GlyphMargin { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? HideCursorInOverviewRuler { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? Hover { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? IconsInSuggestions { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public int? LetterSpacing { get { return GetPropertyValue<int?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public int? LineDecorationsWidth { get { return GetPropertyValue<int?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public int? LineHeight { get { return GetPropertyValue<int?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string LineNumbers { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public int? LineNumbersMinChars { get { return GetPropertyValue<int?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? Links { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? MatchBrackets { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public IEditorMinimapOptions Minimap { get { return GetPropertyValue<IEditorMinimapOptions>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public int? MouseWheelScrollSensitivity { get { return GetPropertyValue<int?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? MouseWheelZoom { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string MultiCursorModifier { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? OccurrencesHighlight { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? OverviewRulerBorder { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public uint? OverviewRulerLanes { get { return GetPropertyValue<uint?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? ParameterHints { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? QuickSuggestions { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public uint? QuickSuggestionsDelay { get { return GetPropertyValue<uint?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? ReadOnly { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? RenderControlCharacters { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? RenderIndentGuides { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string RenderLineHighlight { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string RenderWhitespace { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public uint? RevealHorizontalRightPadding { get { return GetPropertyValue<uint?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? RoundedSelection { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public uint[] Rulers { get { return GetPropertyValue<uint[]>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? ScrollBeyondLastLine { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public IEditorScrollbarOptions Scrollbar { get { return GetPropertyValue<IEditorScrollbarOptions>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? SelectOnLineNumbers { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? SelectionClipboard { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? SelectionHighlight { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string ShowFoldingControls { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string SnippetSuggestions { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public int? StopRenderingLineAfter { get { return GetPropertyValue<int?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public uint? SuggestFontSize { get { return GetPropertyValue<uint?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public int? SuggestLineHeight { get { return GetPropertyValue<int?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? SuggestOnTriggerCharacters { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? UseTabStops { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? WordBasedSuggestions { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string WordSeparators { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string WordWrap { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string WordWrapBreakAfterCharacters { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string WordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string WordWrapBreakObtrusiveCharacters { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public uint? WordWrapColumn { get { return GetPropertyValue<uint?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public bool? WordWrapMinified { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
public string WrappingIndent { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
// Construction Specific Properties Below
// --------------------------------------
public bool? AutoIndent { get { return GetPropertyValue<bool?>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } } // = false;
// public CssStyle ExtraEditorClassName?
/// <summary>
/// Gets or Sets the language of the Editor. This property is only read for initialization, changes should go through <see cref="CodeEditor.CodeLanguage"/>.
/// </summary>
public string Language { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>(); } set { SetPropertyValue(value); } }
//public string Theme { get; set; } // = 'vs' (default), 'vs-dark', 'hc-black'
// Value (initial value of model)
public string ToJson()
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this, new JsonSerializerSettings()
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore
}); // TODO
private readonly Dictionary<string, object> _propertyBackingDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
private T GetPropertyValue<T>([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
if (propertyName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("propertyName");
object value;
if (_propertyBackingDictionary.TryGetValue(propertyName, out value))
return (T)value;
return default(T);
private bool SetPropertyValue<T>(T newValue, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
if (propertyName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("propertyName");
if (EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(newValue, GetPropertyValue<T>(propertyName))) return false;
_propertyBackingDictionary[propertyName] = newValue;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
return true;
#pragma warning restore CS1591