An editor for Microsoft Adaptive Cards that supports the new templating language and DOESN'T use JavaScript, because JavaScript isn't a real programming language.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

11890 lines
516 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Version: 0.13.1(dee295ce5964a7aeddfe417c4970283b364554f1)
* Released under the MIT license
(function() {
var __m = ["exports","require","vs/editor/common/core/position","vs/base/common/winjs.base","vs/base/common/errors","vs/base/common/platform","vs/base/common/uri","vs/editor/common/core/range","vs/editor/common/core/uint","vs/base/common/event","vs/base/common/lifecycle","vs/base/common/cancellation","vs/base/common/functional","vs/base/common/diff/diff","vs/base/common/async","vs/base/common/map","vs/base/common/strings","vs/editor/common/model/mirrorTextModel","vs/base/common/linkedList","vs/base/common/keyCodes","vs/editor/common/core/selection","vs/editor/common/core/token","vs/base/common/diff/diffChange","vs/editor/common/core/characterClassifier","vs/editor/common/diff/diffComputer","vs/editor/common/model/wordHelper","vs/editor/common/modes/linkComputer","vs/editor/common/modes/supports/inplaceReplaceSupport","vs/editor/common/standalone/standaloneBase","vs/editor/common/viewModel/prefixSumComputer","vs/base/common/worker/simpleWorker","vs/editor/common/services/editorSimpleWorker"];
var __M = function(deps) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0, len = deps.length; i < len; i++) {
result[i] = __m[deps[i]];
return result;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
* Please make sure to make edits in the .ts file at
var _amdLoaderGlobal = this;
var AMDLoader;
(function (AMDLoader) { = _amdLoaderGlobal;
var Environment = /** @class */ (function () {
function Environment() {
this._detected = false;
this._isWindows = false;
this._isNode = false;
this._isElectronRenderer = false;
this._isWebWorker = false;
Object.defineProperty(Environment.prototype, "isWindows", {
get: function () {
return this._isWindows;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Environment.prototype, "isNode", {
get: function () {
return this._isNode;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Environment.prototype, "isElectronRenderer", {
get: function () {
return this._isElectronRenderer;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Environment.prototype, "isWebWorker", {
get: function () {
return this._isWebWorker;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Environment.prototype._detect = function () {
if (this._detected) {
this._detected = true;
this._isWindows = Environment._isWindows();
this._isNode = (typeof module !== 'undefined' && !!module.exports);
this._isElectronRenderer = (typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.versions !== 'undefined' && typeof process.versions.electron !== 'undefined' && process.type === 'renderer');
this._isWebWorker = (typeof === 'function');
Environment._isWindows = function () {
if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined') {
if (navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Windows') >= 0) {
return true;
if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {
return (process.platform === 'win32');
return false;
return Environment;
AMDLoader.Environment = Environment;
})(AMDLoader || (AMDLoader = {}));
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
var AMDLoader;
(function (AMDLoader) {
var LoaderEvent = /** @class */ (function () {
function LoaderEvent(type, detail, timestamp) {
this.type = type;
this.detail = detail;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
return LoaderEvent;
AMDLoader.LoaderEvent = LoaderEvent;
var LoaderEventRecorder = /** @class */ (function () {
function LoaderEventRecorder(loaderAvailableTimestamp) {
this._events = [new LoaderEvent(1 /* LoaderAvailable */, '', loaderAvailableTimestamp)];
LoaderEventRecorder.prototype.record = function (type, detail) {
this._events.push(new LoaderEvent(type, detail, AMDLoader.Utilities.getHighPerformanceTimestamp()));
LoaderEventRecorder.prototype.getEvents = function () {
return this._events;
return LoaderEventRecorder;
AMDLoader.LoaderEventRecorder = LoaderEventRecorder;
var NullLoaderEventRecorder = /** @class */ (function () {
function NullLoaderEventRecorder() {
NullLoaderEventRecorder.prototype.record = function (type, detail) {
// Nothing to do
NullLoaderEventRecorder.prototype.getEvents = function () {
return [];
NullLoaderEventRecorder.INSTANCE = new NullLoaderEventRecorder();
return NullLoaderEventRecorder;
AMDLoader.NullLoaderEventRecorder = NullLoaderEventRecorder;
})(AMDLoader || (AMDLoader = {}));
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
var AMDLoader;
(function (AMDLoader) {
var Utilities = /** @class */ (function () {
function Utilities() {
* This method does not take care of / vs \
Utilities.fileUriToFilePath = function (isWindows, uri) {
uri = decodeURI(uri);
if (isWindows) {
if (/^file:\/\/\//.test(uri)) {
// This is a URI without a hostname => return only the path segment
return uri.substr(8);
if (/^file:\/\//.test(uri)) {
return uri.substr(5);
else {
if (/^file:\/\//.test(uri)) {
return uri.substr(7);
// Not sure...
return uri;
Utilities.startsWith = function (haystack, needle) {
return haystack.length >= needle.length && haystack.substr(0, needle.length) === needle;
Utilities.endsWith = function (haystack, needle) {
return haystack.length >= needle.length && haystack.substr(haystack.length - needle.length) === needle;
// only check for "?" before "#" to ensure that there is a real Query-String
Utilities.containsQueryString = function (url) {
return /^[^\#]*\?/gi.test(url);
* Does `url` start with http:// or https:// or file:// or / ?
Utilities.isAbsolutePath = function (url) {
return /^((http:\/\/)|(https:\/\/)|(file:\/\/)|(\/))/.test(url);
Utilities.forEachProperty = function (obj, callback) {
if (obj) {
var key = void 0;
for (key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
callback(key, obj[key]);
Utilities.isEmpty = function (obj) {
var isEmpty = true;
Utilities.forEachProperty(obj, function () {
isEmpty = false;
return isEmpty;
Utilities.recursiveClone = function (obj) {
if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') {
return obj;
var result = Array.isArray(obj) ? [] : {};
Utilities.forEachProperty(obj, function (key, value) {
if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
result[key] = Utilities.recursiveClone(value);
else {
result[key] = value;
return result;
Utilities.generateAnonymousModule = function () {
return '===anonymous' + (Utilities.NEXT_ANONYMOUS_ID++) + '===';
Utilities.isAnonymousModule = function (id) {
return /^===anonymous/.test(id);
Utilities.getHighPerformanceTimestamp = function () {
this.HAS_PERFORMANCE_NOW = ( && typeof === 'function');
return (this.HAS_PERFORMANCE_NOW ? :;
Utilities.NEXT_ANONYMOUS_ID = 1;
Utilities.HAS_PERFORMANCE_NOW = false;
return Utilities;
AMDLoader.Utilities = Utilities;
})(AMDLoader || (AMDLoader = {}));
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
var AMDLoader;
(function (AMDLoader) {
var ConfigurationOptionsUtil = /** @class */ (function () {
function ConfigurationOptionsUtil() {
* Ensure configuration options make sense
ConfigurationOptionsUtil.validateConfigurationOptions = function (options) {
function defaultOnError(err) {
if (err.errorCode === 'load') {
console.error('Loading "' + err.moduleId + '" failed');
console.error('Detail: ', err.detail);
if (err.detail && err.detail.stack) {
console.error('Here are the modules that depend on it:');
if (err.errorCode === 'factory') {
console.error('The factory method of "' + err.moduleId + '" has thrown an exception');
if (err.detail && err.detail.stack) {
options = options || {};
if (typeof options.baseUrl !== 'string') {
options.baseUrl = '';
if (typeof options.isBuild !== 'boolean') {
options.isBuild = false;
if (typeof options.paths !== 'object') {
options.paths = {};
if (typeof options.config !== 'object') {
options.config = {};
if (typeof options.catchError === 'undefined') {
options.catchError = false;
if (typeof options.urlArgs !== 'string') {
options.urlArgs = '';
if (typeof options.onError !== 'function') {
options.onError = defaultOnError;
if (typeof options.ignoreDuplicateModules !== 'object' || !Array.isArray(options.ignoreDuplicateModules)) {
options.ignoreDuplicateModules = [];
if (options.baseUrl.length > 0) {
if (!AMDLoader.Utilities.endsWith(options.baseUrl, '/')) {
options.baseUrl += '/';
if (!Array.isArray(options.nodeModules)) {
options.nodeModules = [];
if (typeof options.nodeCachedDataWriteDelay !== 'number' || options.nodeCachedDataWriteDelay < 0) {
options.nodeCachedDataWriteDelay = 1000 * 7;
if (typeof options.onNodeCachedData !== 'function') {
options.onNodeCachedData = function (err, data) {
if (!err) {
// ignore
else if (err.errorCode === 'cachedDataRejected') {
console.warn('Rejected cached data from file: ' + err.path);
else if (err.errorCode === 'unlink' || err.errorCode === 'writeFile') {
console.error('Problems writing cached data file: ' + err.path);
else {
return options;
ConfigurationOptionsUtil.mergeConfigurationOptions = function (overwrite, base) {
if (overwrite === void 0) { overwrite = null; }
if (base === void 0) { base = null; }
var result = AMDLoader.Utilities.recursiveClone(base || {});
// Merge known properties and overwrite the unknown ones
AMDLoader.Utilities.forEachProperty(overwrite, function (key, value) {
if (key === 'ignoreDuplicateModules' && typeof result.ignoreDuplicateModules !== 'undefined') {
result.ignoreDuplicateModules = result.ignoreDuplicateModules.concat(value);
else if (key === 'paths' && typeof result.paths !== 'undefined') {
AMDLoader.Utilities.forEachProperty(value, function (key2, value2) { return result.paths[key2] = value2; });
else if (key === 'config' && typeof result.config !== 'undefined') {
AMDLoader.Utilities.forEachProperty(value, function (key2, value2) { return result.config[key2] = value2; });
else {
result[key] = AMDLoader.Utilities.recursiveClone(value);
return ConfigurationOptionsUtil.validateConfigurationOptions(result);
return ConfigurationOptionsUtil;
AMDLoader.ConfigurationOptionsUtil = ConfigurationOptionsUtil;
var Configuration = /** @class */ (function () {
function Configuration(env, options) {
this._env = env;
this.options = ConfigurationOptionsUtil.mergeConfigurationOptions(options);
if (this.options.baseUrl === '') {
if (this.options.nodeRequire && this.options.nodeRequire.main && this.options.nodeRequire.main.filename && this._env.isNode) {
var nodeMain = this.options.nodeRequire.main.filename;
var dirnameIndex = Math.max(nodeMain.lastIndexOf('/'), nodeMain.lastIndexOf('\\'));
this.options.baseUrl = nodeMain.substring(0, dirnameIndex + 1);
if (this.options.nodeMain && this._env.isNode) {
var nodeMain = this.options.nodeMain;
var dirnameIndex = Math.max(nodeMain.lastIndexOf('/'), nodeMain.lastIndexOf('\\'));
this.options.baseUrl = nodeMain.substring(0, dirnameIndex + 1);
Configuration.prototype._createIgnoreDuplicateModulesMap = function () {
// Build a map out of the ignoreDuplicateModules array
this.ignoreDuplicateModulesMap = {};
for (var i = 0; i < this.options.ignoreDuplicateModules.length; i++) {
this.ignoreDuplicateModulesMap[this.options.ignoreDuplicateModules[i]] = true;
Configuration.prototype._createNodeModulesMap = function () {
// Build a map out of nodeModules array
this.nodeModulesMap = Object.create(null);
for (var _i = 0, _a = this.options.nodeModules; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var nodeModule = _a[_i];
this.nodeModulesMap[nodeModule] = true;
Configuration.prototype._createSortedPathsRules = function () {
var _this = this;
// Create an array our of the paths rules, sorted descending by length to
// result in a more specific -> less specific order
this.sortedPathsRules = [];
AMDLoader.Utilities.forEachProperty(this.options.paths, function (from, to) {
if (!Array.isArray(to)) {
from: from,
to: [to]
else {
from: from,
to: to
this.sortedPathsRules.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.from.length - a.from.length;
* Clone current configuration and overwrite options selectively.
* @param options The selective options to overwrite with.
* @result A new configuration
Configuration.prototype.cloneAndMerge = function (options) {
return new Configuration(this._env, ConfigurationOptionsUtil.mergeConfigurationOptions(options, this.options));
* Get current options bag. Useful for passing it forward to plugins.
Configuration.prototype.getOptionsLiteral = function () {
return this.options;
Configuration.prototype._applyPaths = function (moduleId) {
var pathRule;
for (var i = 0, len = this.sortedPathsRules.length; i < len; i++) {
pathRule = this.sortedPathsRules[i];
if (AMDLoader.Utilities.startsWith(moduleId, pathRule.from)) {
var result = [];
for (var j = 0, lenJ =; j < lenJ; j++) {
result.push([j] + moduleId.substr(pathRule.from.length));
return result;
return [moduleId];
Configuration.prototype._addUrlArgsToUrl = function (url) {
if (AMDLoader.Utilities.containsQueryString(url)) {
return url + '&' + this.options.urlArgs;
else {
return url + '?' + this.options.urlArgs;
Configuration.prototype._addUrlArgsIfNecessaryToUrl = function (url) {
if (this.options.urlArgs) {
return this._addUrlArgsToUrl(url);
return url;
Configuration.prototype._addUrlArgsIfNecessaryToUrls = function (urls) {
if (this.options.urlArgs) {
for (var i = 0, len = urls.length; i < len; i++) {
urls[i] = this._addUrlArgsToUrl(urls[i]);
return urls;
* Transform a module id to a location. Appends .js to module ids
Configuration.prototype.moduleIdToPaths = function (moduleId) {
if (this.nodeModulesMap[moduleId] === true) {
// This is a node module...
if (this.isBuild()) {
// ...and we are at build time, drop it
return ['empty:'];
else {
// ...and at runtime we create a `shortcut`-path
return ['node|' + moduleId];
var result = moduleId;
var results;
if (!AMDLoader.Utilities.endsWith(result, '.js') && !AMDLoader.Utilities.isAbsolutePath(result)) {
results = this._applyPaths(result);
for (var i = 0, len = results.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this.isBuild() && results[i] === 'empty:') {
if (!AMDLoader.Utilities.isAbsolutePath(results[i])) {
results[i] = this.options.baseUrl + results[i];
if (!AMDLoader.Utilities.endsWith(results[i], '.js') && !AMDLoader.Utilities.containsQueryString(results[i])) {
results[i] = results[i] + '.js';
else {
if (!AMDLoader.Utilities.endsWith(result, '.js') && !AMDLoader.Utilities.containsQueryString(result)) {
result = result + '.js';
results = [result];
return this._addUrlArgsIfNecessaryToUrls(results);
* Transform a module id or url to a location.
Configuration.prototype.requireToUrl = function (url) {
var result = url;
if (!AMDLoader.Utilities.isAbsolutePath(result)) {
result = this._applyPaths(result)[0];
if (!AMDLoader.Utilities.isAbsolutePath(result)) {
result = this.options.baseUrl + result;
return this._addUrlArgsIfNecessaryToUrl(result);
* Flag to indicate if current execution is as part of a build.
Configuration.prototype.isBuild = function () {
return this.options.isBuild;
* Test if module `moduleId` is expected to be defined multiple times
Configuration.prototype.isDuplicateMessageIgnoredFor = function (moduleId) {
return this.ignoreDuplicateModulesMap.hasOwnProperty(moduleId);
* Get the configuration settings for the provided module id
Configuration.prototype.getConfigForModule = function (moduleId) {
if (this.options.config) {
return this.options.config[moduleId];
* Should errors be caught when executing module factories?
Configuration.prototype.shouldCatchError = function () {
return this.options.catchError;
* Should statistics be recorded?
Configuration.prototype.shouldRecordStats = function () {
return this.options.recordStats;
* Forward an error to the error handler.
Configuration.prototype.onError = function (err) {
return Configuration;
AMDLoader.Configuration = Configuration;
})(AMDLoader || (AMDLoader = {}));
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
var AMDLoader;
(function (AMDLoader) {
* Load `scriptSrc` only once (avoid multiple <script> tags)
var OnlyOnceScriptLoader = /** @class */ (function () {
function OnlyOnceScriptLoader(env) {
this._env = env;
this._scriptLoader = null;
this._callbackMap = {};
OnlyOnceScriptLoader.prototype.load = function (moduleManager, scriptSrc, callback, errorback) {
var _this = this;
if (!this._scriptLoader) {
this._scriptLoader = (this._env.isWebWorker
? new WorkerScriptLoader()
: this._env.isNode
? new NodeScriptLoader(this._env)
: new BrowserScriptLoader());
var scriptCallbacks = {
callback: callback,
errorback: errorback
if (this._callbackMap.hasOwnProperty(scriptSrc)) {
this._callbackMap[scriptSrc] = [scriptCallbacks];
this._scriptLoader.load(moduleManager, scriptSrc, function () { return _this.triggerCallback(scriptSrc); }, function (err) { return _this.triggerErrorback(scriptSrc, err); });
OnlyOnceScriptLoader.prototype.triggerCallback = function (scriptSrc) {
var scriptCallbacks = this._callbackMap[scriptSrc];
delete this._callbackMap[scriptSrc];
for (var i = 0; i < scriptCallbacks.length; i++) {
OnlyOnceScriptLoader.prototype.triggerErrorback = function (scriptSrc, err) {
var scriptCallbacks = this._callbackMap[scriptSrc];
delete this._callbackMap[scriptSrc];
for (var i = 0; i < scriptCallbacks.length; i++) {
return OnlyOnceScriptLoader;
var BrowserScriptLoader = /** @class */ (function () {
function BrowserScriptLoader() {
* Attach load / error listeners to a script element and remove them when either one has fired.
* Implemented for browssers supporting HTML5 standard 'load' and 'error' events.
BrowserScriptLoader.prototype.attachListeners = function (script, callback, errorback) {
var unbind = function () {
script.removeEventListener('load', loadEventListener);
script.removeEventListener('error', errorEventListener);
var loadEventListener = function (e) {
var errorEventListener = function (e) {
script.addEventListener('load', loadEventListener);
script.addEventListener('error', errorEventListener);
BrowserScriptLoader.prototype.load = function (moduleManager, scriptSrc, callback, errorback) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('async', 'async');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
this.attachListeners(script, callback, errorback);
script.setAttribute('src', scriptSrc);
return BrowserScriptLoader;
var WorkerScriptLoader = /** @class */ (function () {
function WorkerScriptLoader() {
WorkerScriptLoader.prototype.load = function (moduleManager, scriptSrc, callback, errorback) {
try {
catch (e) {
return WorkerScriptLoader;
var NodeScriptLoader = /** @class */ (function () {
function NodeScriptLoader(env) {
this._env = env;
this._didInitialize = false;
this._didPatchNodeRequire = false;
NodeScriptLoader.prototype._init = function (nodeRequire) {
if (this._didInitialize) {
this._didInitialize = true;
// capture node modules
this._fs = nodeRequire('fs');
this._vm = nodeRequire('vm');
this._path = nodeRequire('path');
this._crypto = nodeRequire('crypto');
// js-flags have an impact on cached data
this._jsflags = '';
for (var _i = 0, _a = process.argv; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var arg = _a[_i];
if (arg.indexOf('--js-flags=') === 0) {
this._jsflags = arg;
// patch require-function of nodejs such that we can manually create a script
// from cached data. this is done by overriding the `Module._compile` function
NodeScriptLoader.prototype._initNodeRequire = function (nodeRequire, moduleManager) {
var nodeCachedDataDir = moduleManager.getConfig().getOptionsLiteral().nodeCachedDataDir;
if (!nodeCachedDataDir || this._didPatchNodeRequire) {
this._didPatchNodeRequire = true;
var that = this;
var Module = nodeRequire('module');
function makeRequireFunction(mod) {
var Module = mod.constructor;
var require = function require(path) {
try {
return mod.require(path);
finally {
// nothing
require.resolve = function resolve(request) {
return Module._resolveFilename(request, mod);
require.main = process.mainModule;
require.extensions = Module._extensions;
require.cache = Module._cache;
return require;
Module.prototype._compile = function (content, filename) {
// remove shebang
content = content.replace(/^#!.*/, '');
// create wrapper function
var wrapper = Module.wrap(content);
var cachedDataPath = that._getCachedDataPath(nodeCachedDataDir, filename);
var options = { filename: filename };
try {
options.cachedData = that._fs.readFileSync(cachedDataPath);
catch (e) {
options.produceCachedData = true;
var script = new that._vm.Script(wrapper, options);
var compileWrapper = script.runInThisContext(options);
var dirname = that._path.dirname(filename);
var require = makeRequireFunction(this);
var args = [this.exports, require, this, filename, dirname, process,, Buffer];
var result = compileWrapper.apply(this.exports, args);
that._processCachedData(moduleManager, script, cachedDataPath);
return result;
NodeScriptLoader.prototype.load = function (moduleManager, scriptSrc, callback, errorback) {
var _this = this;
var opts = moduleManager.getConfig().getOptionsLiteral();
var nodeRequire = (opts.nodeRequire ||;
var nodeInstrumenter = (opts.nodeInstrumenter || function (c) { return c; });
this._initNodeRequire(nodeRequire, moduleManager);
var recorder = moduleManager.getRecorder();
if (/^node\|/.test(scriptSrc)) {
var pieces = scriptSrc.split('|');
var moduleExports_1 = null;
try {
moduleExports_1 = nodeRequire(pieces[1]);
catch (err) {
moduleManager.enqueueDefineAnonymousModule([], function () { return moduleExports_1; });
else {
scriptSrc = AMDLoader.Utilities.fileUriToFilePath(this._env.isWindows, scriptSrc);
this._fs.readFile(scriptSrc, { encoding: 'utf8' }, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
var normalizedScriptSrc = _this._path.normalize(scriptSrc);
var vmScriptSrc = normalizedScriptSrc;
// Make the script src friendly towards electron
if (_this._env.isElectronRenderer) {
var driveLetterMatch = vmScriptSrc.match(/^([a-z])\:(.*)/i);
if (driveLetterMatch) {
// windows
vmScriptSrc = "file:///" + (driveLetterMatch[1].toUpperCase() + ':' + driveLetterMatch[2]).replace(/\\/g, '/');
else {
// nix
vmScriptSrc = "file://" + vmScriptSrc;
var contents, prefix = '(function (require, define, __filename, __dirname) { ', suffix = '\n});';
if (data.charCodeAt(0) === NodeScriptLoader._BOM) {
contents = prefix + data.substring(1) + suffix;
else {
contents = prefix + data + suffix;
contents = nodeInstrumenter(contents, normalizedScriptSrc);
if (!opts.nodeCachedDataDir) {
_this._loadAndEvalScript(moduleManager, scriptSrc, vmScriptSrc, contents, { filename: vmScriptSrc }, recorder);
else {
var cachedDataPath_1 = _this._getCachedDataPath(opts.nodeCachedDataDir, scriptSrc);
_this._fs.readFile(cachedDataPath_1, function (err, cachedData) {
// create script options
var options = {
filename: vmScriptSrc,
produceCachedData: typeof cachedData === 'undefined',
cachedData: cachedData
var script = _this._loadAndEvalScript(moduleManager, scriptSrc, vmScriptSrc, contents, options, recorder);
_this._processCachedData(moduleManager, script, cachedDataPath_1);
NodeScriptLoader.prototype._loadAndEvalScript = function (moduleManager, scriptSrc, vmScriptSrc, contents, options, recorder) {
// create script, run script
recorder.record(31 /* NodeBeginEvaluatingScript */, scriptSrc);
var script = new this._vm.Script(contents, options);
var r = script.runInThisContext(options);, moduleManager.getGlobalAMDRequireFunc(), moduleManager.getGlobalAMDDefineFunc(), vmScriptSrc, this._path.dirname(scriptSrc));
// signal done
recorder.record(32 /* NodeEndEvaluatingScript */, scriptSrc);
return script;
NodeScriptLoader.prototype._getCachedDataPath = function (basedir, filename) {
var hash = this._crypto.createHash('md5').update(filename, 'utf8').update(this._jsflags, 'utf8').digest('hex');
var basename = this._path.basename(filename).replace(/\.js$/, '');
return this._path.join(basedir, basename + "-" + hash + ".code");
NodeScriptLoader.prototype._processCachedData = function (moduleManager, script, cachedDataPath) {
var _this = this;
if (script.cachedDataRejected) {
// data rejected => delete cache file
errorCode: 'cachedDataRejected',
path: cachedDataPath
NodeScriptLoader._runSoon(function () { return _this._fs.unlink(cachedDataPath, function (err) {
if (err) {
errorCode: 'unlink',
path: cachedDataPath,
detail: err
}); }, moduleManager.getConfig().getOptionsLiteral().nodeCachedDataWriteDelay);
else if (script.cachedDataProduced) {
// data produced => tell outside world
moduleManager.getConfig().getOptionsLiteral().onNodeCachedData(undefined, {
path: cachedDataPath,
length: script.cachedData.length
// data produced => write cache file
NodeScriptLoader._runSoon(function () { return _this._fs.writeFile(cachedDataPath, script.cachedData, function (err) {
if (err) {
errorCode: 'writeFile',
path: cachedDataPath,
detail: err
}); }, moduleManager.getConfig().getOptionsLiteral().nodeCachedDataWriteDelay);
NodeScriptLoader._runSoon = function (callback, minTimeout) {
var timeout = minTimeout + Math.ceil(Math.random() * minTimeout);
setTimeout(callback, timeout);
NodeScriptLoader._BOM = 0xFEFF;
return NodeScriptLoader;
function createScriptLoader(env) {
return new OnlyOnceScriptLoader(env);
AMDLoader.createScriptLoader = createScriptLoader;
})(AMDLoader || (AMDLoader = {}));
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
var AMDLoader;
(function (AMDLoader) {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ModuleIdResolver
var ModuleIdResolver = /** @class */ (function () {
function ModuleIdResolver(fromModuleId) {
var lastSlash = fromModuleId.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSlash !== -1) {
this.fromModulePath = fromModuleId.substr(0, lastSlash + 1);
else {
this.fromModulePath = '';
* Normalize 'a/../name' to 'name', etc.
ModuleIdResolver._normalizeModuleId = function (moduleId) {
var r = moduleId, pattern;
// replace /./ => /
pattern = /\/\.\//;
while (pattern.test(r)) {
r = r.replace(pattern, '/');
// replace ^./ => nothing
r = r.replace(/^\.\//g, '');
// replace /aa/../ => / (BUT IGNORE /../../)
pattern = /\/(([^\/])|([^\/][^\/\.])|([^\/\.][^\/])|([^\/][^\/][^\/]+))\/\.\.\//;
while (pattern.test(r)) {
r = r.replace(pattern, '/');
// replace ^aa/../ => nothing (BUT IGNORE ../../)
r = r.replace(/^(([^\/])|([^\/][^\/\.])|([^\/\.][^\/])|([^\/][^\/][^\/]+))\/\.\.\//, '');
return r;
* Resolve relative module ids
ModuleIdResolver.prototype.resolveModule = function (moduleId) {
var result = moduleId;
if (!AMDLoader.Utilities.isAbsolutePath(result)) {
if (AMDLoader.Utilities.startsWith(result, './') || AMDLoader.Utilities.startsWith(result, '../')) {
result = ModuleIdResolver._normalizeModuleId(this.fromModulePath + result);
return result;
ModuleIdResolver.ROOT = new ModuleIdResolver('');
return ModuleIdResolver;
AMDLoader.ModuleIdResolver = ModuleIdResolver;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Module
var Module = /** @class */ (function () {
function Module(id, strId, dependencies, callback, errorback, moduleIdResolver) { = id;
this.strId = strId;
this.dependencies = dependencies;
this._callback = callback;
this._errorback = errorback;
this.moduleIdResolver = moduleIdResolver;
this.exports = {};
this.exportsPassedIn = false;
this.unresolvedDependenciesCount = this.dependencies.length;
this._isComplete = false;
Module._safeInvokeFunction = function (callback, args) {
try {
return {
returnedValue: callback.apply(, args),
producedError: null
catch (e) {
return {
returnedValue: null,
producedError: e
Module._invokeFactory = function (config, strModuleId, callback, dependenciesValues) {
if (config.isBuild() && !AMDLoader.Utilities.isAnonymousModule(strModuleId)) {
return {
returnedValue: null,
producedError: null
if (config.shouldCatchError()) {
return this._safeInvokeFunction(callback, dependenciesValues);
return {
returnedValue: callback.apply(, dependenciesValues),
producedError: null
Module.prototype.complete = function (recorder, config, dependenciesValues) {
this._isComplete = true;
var producedError = null;
if (this._callback) {
if (typeof this._callback === 'function') {
recorder.record(21 /* BeginInvokeFactory */, this.strId);
var r = Module._invokeFactory(config, this.strId, this._callback, dependenciesValues);
producedError = r.producedError;
recorder.record(22 /* EndInvokeFactory */, this.strId);
if (!producedError && typeof r.returnedValue !== 'undefined' && (!this.exportsPassedIn || AMDLoader.Utilities.isEmpty(this.exports))) {
this.exports = r.returnedValue;
else {
this.exports = this._callback;
if (producedError) {
errorCode: 'factory',
moduleId: this.strId,
detail: producedError
this.dependencies = null;
this._callback = null;
this._errorback = null;
this.moduleIdResolver = null;
* One of the direct dependencies or a transitive dependency has failed to load.
Module.prototype.onDependencyError = function (err) {
if (this._errorback) {
return true;
return false;
* Is the current module complete?
Module.prototype.isComplete = function () {
return this._isComplete;
return Module;
AMDLoader.Module = Module;
var ModuleIdProvider = /** @class */ (function () {
function ModuleIdProvider() {
this._nextId = 0;
this._strModuleIdToIntModuleId = new Map();
this._intModuleIdToStrModuleId = [];
// Ensure values 0, 1, 2 are assigned accordingly with ModuleId
ModuleIdProvider.prototype.getMaxModuleId = function () {
return this._nextId;
ModuleIdProvider.prototype.getModuleId = function (strModuleId) {
var id = this._strModuleIdToIntModuleId.get(strModuleId);
if (typeof id === 'undefined') {
id = this._nextId++;
this._strModuleIdToIntModuleId.set(strModuleId, id);
this._intModuleIdToStrModuleId[id] = strModuleId;
return id;
ModuleIdProvider.prototype.getStrModuleId = function (moduleId) {
return this._intModuleIdToStrModuleId[moduleId];
return ModuleIdProvider;
var RegularDependency = /** @class */ (function () {
function RegularDependency(id) { = id;
RegularDependency.EXPORTS = new RegularDependency(0 /* EXPORTS */);
RegularDependency.MODULE = new RegularDependency(1 /* MODULE */);
RegularDependency.REQUIRE = new RegularDependency(2 /* REQUIRE */);
return RegularDependency;
AMDLoader.RegularDependency = RegularDependency;
var PluginDependency = /** @class */ (function () {
function PluginDependency(id, pluginId, pluginParam) { = id;
this.pluginId = pluginId;
this.pluginParam = pluginParam;
return PluginDependency;
AMDLoader.PluginDependency = PluginDependency;
var ModuleManager = /** @class */ (function () {
function ModuleManager(env, scriptLoader, defineFunc, requireFunc, loaderAvailableTimestamp) {
if (loaderAvailableTimestamp === void 0) { loaderAvailableTimestamp = 0; }
this._env = env;
this._scriptLoader = scriptLoader;
this._loaderAvailableTimestamp = loaderAvailableTimestamp;
this._defineFunc = defineFunc;
this._requireFunc = requireFunc;
this._moduleIdProvider = new ModuleIdProvider();
this._config = new AMDLoader.Configuration(this._env);
this._modules2 = [];
this._knownModules2 = [];
this._inverseDependencies2 = [];
this._inversePluginDependencies2 = new Map();
this._currentAnnonymousDefineCall = null;
this._recorder = null;
this._buildInfoPath = [];
this._buildInfoDefineStack = [];
this._buildInfoDependencies = [];
ModuleManager.prototype.reset = function () {
return new ModuleManager(this._env, this._scriptLoader, this._defineFunc, this._requireFunc, this._loaderAvailableTimestamp);
ModuleManager.prototype.getGlobalAMDDefineFunc = function () {
return this._defineFunc;
ModuleManager.prototype.getGlobalAMDRequireFunc = function () {
return this._requireFunc;
ModuleManager._findRelevantLocationInStack = function (needle, stack) {
var normalize = function (str) { return str.replace(/\\/g, '/'); };
var normalizedPath = normalize(needle);
var stackPieces = stack.split(/\n/);
for (var i = 0; i < stackPieces.length; i++) {
var m = stackPieces[i].match(/(.*):(\d+):(\d+)\)?$/);
if (m) {
var stackPath = m[1];
var stackLine = m[2];
var stackColumn = m[3];
var trimPathOffset = Math.max(stackPath.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1, stackPath.lastIndexOf('(') + 1);
stackPath = stackPath.substr(trimPathOffset);
stackPath = normalize(stackPath);
if (stackPath === normalizedPath) {
var r = {
line: parseInt(stackLine, 10),
col: parseInt(stackColumn, 10)
if (r.line === 1) {
r.col -= '(function (require, define, __filename, __dirname) { '.length;
return r;
throw new Error('Could not correlate define call site for needle ' + needle);
ModuleManager.prototype.getBuildInfo = function () {
if (!this._config.isBuild()) {
return null;
var result = [], resultLen = 0;
for (var i = 0, len = this._modules2.length; i < len; i++) {
var m = this._modules2[i];
if (!m) {
var location_1 = this._buildInfoPath[] || null;
var defineStack = this._buildInfoDefineStack[] || null;
var dependencies = this._buildInfoDependencies[];
result[resultLen++] = {
id: m.strId,
path: location_1,
defineLocation: (location_1 && defineStack ? ModuleManager._findRelevantLocationInStack(location_1, defineStack) : null),
dependencies: dependencies,
shim: null,
exports: m.exports
return result;
ModuleManager.prototype.getRecorder = function () {
if (!this._recorder) {
if (this._config.shouldRecordStats()) {
this._recorder = new AMDLoader.LoaderEventRecorder(this._loaderAvailableTimestamp);
else {
this._recorder = AMDLoader.NullLoaderEventRecorder.INSTANCE;
return this._recorder;
ModuleManager.prototype.getLoaderEvents = function () {
return this.getRecorder().getEvents();
* Defines an anonymous module (without an id). Its name will be resolved as we receive a callback from the scriptLoader.
* @param dependecies @see defineModule
* @param callback @see defineModule
ModuleManager.prototype.enqueueDefineAnonymousModule = function (dependencies, callback) {
if (this._currentAnnonymousDefineCall !== null) {
throw new Error('Can only have one anonymous define call per script file');
var stack = null;
if (this._config.isBuild()) {
stack = new Error('StackLocation').stack;
this._currentAnnonymousDefineCall = {
stack: stack,
dependencies: dependencies,
callback: callback
* Creates a module and stores it in _modules. The manager will immediately begin resolving its dependencies.
* @param strModuleId An unique and absolute id of the module. This must not collide with another module's id
* @param dependencies An array with the dependencies of the module. Special keys are: "require", "exports" and "module"
* @param callback if callback is a function, it will be called with the resolved dependencies. if callback is an object, it will be considered as the exports of the module.
ModuleManager.prototype.defineModule = function (strModuleId, dependencies, callback, errorback, stack, moduleIdResolver) {
var _this = this;
if (moduleIdResolver === void 0) { moduleIdResolver = new ModuleIdResolver(strModuleId); }
var moduleId = this._moduleIdProvider.getModuleId(strModuleId);
if (this._modules2[moduleId]) {
if (!this._config.isDuplicateMessageIgnoredFor(strModuleId)) {
console.warn('Duplicate definition of module \'' + strModuleId + '\'');
// Super important! Completely ignore duplicate module definition
var m = new Module(moduleId, strModuleId, this._normalizeDependencies(dependencies, moduleIdResolver), callback, errorback, moduleIdResolver);
this._modules2[moduleId] = m;
if (this._config.isBuild()) {
this._buildInfoDefineStack[moduleId] = stack;
this._buildInfoDependencies[moduleId] = (dep) { return _this._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(; });
// Resolving of dependencies is immediate (not in a timeout). If there's a need to support a packer that concatenates in an
// unordered manner, in order to finish processing the file, execute the following method in a timeout
ModuleManager.prototype._normalizeDependency = function (dependency, moduleIdResolver) {
if (dependency === 'exports') {
return RegularDependency.EXPORTS;
if (dependency === 'module') {
return RegularDependency.MODULE;
if (dependency === 'require') {
return RegularDependency.REQUIRE;
// Normalize dependency and then request it from the manager
var bangIndex = dependency.indexOf('!');
if (bangIndex >= 0) {
var strPluginId = moduleIdResolver.resolveModule(dependency.substr(0, bangIndex));
var pluginParam = moduleIdResolver.resolveModule(dependency.substr(bangIndex + 1));
var dependencyId = this._moduleIdProvider.getModuleId(strPluginId + '!' + pluginParam);
var pluginId = this._moduleIdProvider.getModuleId(strPluginId);
return new PluginDependency(dependencyId, pluginId, pluginParam);
return new RegularDependency(this._moduleIdProvider.getModuleId(moduleIdResolver.resolveModule(dependency)));
ModuleManager.prototype._normalizeDependencies = function (dependencies, moduleIdResolver) {
var result = [], resultLen = 0;
for (var i = 0, len = dependencies.length; i < len; i++) {
result[resultLen++] = this._normalizeDependency(dependencies[i], moduleIdResolver);
return result;
ModuleManager.prototype._relativeRequire = function (moduleIdResolver, dependencies, callback, errorback) {
if (typeof dependencies === 'string') {
return this.synchronousRequire(dependencies, moduleIdResolver);
this.defineModule(AMDLoader.Utilities.generateAnonymousModule(), dependencies, callback, errorback, null, moduleIdResolver);
* Require synchronously a module by its absolute id. If the module is not loaded, an exception will be thrown.
* @param id The unique and absolute id of the required module
* @return The exports of module 'id'
ModuleManager.prototype.synchronousRequire = function (_strModuleId, moduleIdResolver) {
if (moduleIdResolver === void 0) { moduleIdResolver = new ModuleIdResolver(_strModuleId); }
var dependency = this._normalizeDependency(_strModuleId, moduleIdResolver);
var m = this._modules2[];
if (!m) {
throw new Error('Check dependency list! Synchronous require cannot resolve module \'' + _strModuleId + '\'. This is the first mention of this module!');
if (!m.isComplete()) {
throw new Error('Check dependency list! Synchronous require cannot resolve module \'' + _strModuleId + '\'. This module has not been resolved completely yet.');
return m.exports;
ModuleManager.prototype.configure = function (params, shouldOverwrite) {
var oldShouldRecordStats = this._config.shouldRecordStats();
if (shouldOverwrite) {
this._config = new AMDLoader.Configuration(this._env, params);
else {
this._config = this._config.cloneAndMerge(params);
if (this._config.shouldRecordStats() && !oldShouldRecordStats) {
this._recorder = null;
ModuleManager.prototype.getConfig = function () {
return this._config;
* Callback from the scriptLoader when a module has been loaded.
* This means its code is available and has been executed.
ModuleManager.prototype._onLoad = function (moduleId) {
if (this._currentAnnonymousDefineCall !== null) {
var defineCall = this._currentAnnonymousDefineCall;
this._currentAnnonymousDefineCall = null;
// Hit an anonymous define call
this.defineModule(this._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(moduleId), defineCall.dependencies, defineCall.callback, null, defineCall.stack);
ModuleManager.prototype._createLoadError = function (moduleId, err) {
var _this = this;
var strModuleId = this._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(moduleId);
var neededBy = (this._inverseDependencies2[moduleId] || []).map(function (intModuleId) { return _this._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(intModuleId); });
return {
errorCode: 'load',
moduleId: strModuleId,
neededBy: neededBy,
detail: err
* Callback from the scriptLoader when a module hasn't been loaded.
* This means that the script was not found (e.g. 404) or there was an error in the script.
ModuleManager.prototype._onLoadError = function (moduleId, err) {
var error = this._createLoadError(moduleId, err);
// Find any 'local' error handlers, walk the entire chain of inverse dependencies if necessary.
var seenModuleId = [];
for (var i = 0, len = this._moduleIdProvider.getMaxModuleId(); i < len; i++) {
seenModuleId[i] = false;
var someoneNotified = false;
var queue = [];
seenModuleId[moduleId] = true;
while (queue.length > 0) {
var queueElement = queue.shift();
var m = this._modules2[queueElement];
if (m) {
someoneNotified = m.onDependencyError(error) || someoneNotified;
var inverseDeps = this._inverseDependencies2[queueElement];
if (inverseDeps) {
for (var i = 0, len = inverseDeps.length; i < len; i++) {
var inverseDep = inverseDeps[i];
if (!seenModuleId[inverseDep]) {
seenModuleId[inverseDep] = true;
if (!someoneNotified) {
* Walks (recursively) the dependencies of 'from' in search of 'to'.
* Returns true if there is such a path or false otherwise.
* @param from Module id to start at
* @param to Module id to look for
ModuleManager.prototype._hasDependencyPath = function (fromId, toId) {
var from = this._modules2[fromId];
if (!from) {
return false;
var inQueue = [];
for (var i = 0, len = this._moduleIdProvider.getMaxModuleId(); i < len; i++) {
inQueue[i] = false;
var queue = [];
// Insert 'from' in queue
inQueue[fromId] = true;
while (queue.length > 0) {
// Pop first inserted element of queue
var element = queue.shift();
var dependencies = element.dependencies;
if (dependencies) {
// Walk the element's dependencies
for (var i = 0, len = dependencies.length; i < len; i++) {
var dependency = dependencies[i];
if ( === toId) {
// There is a path to 'to'
return true;
var dependencyModule = this._modules2[];
if (dependencyModule && !inQueue[]) {
// Insert 'dependency' in queue
inQueue[] = true;
// There is no path to 'to'
return false;
* Walks (recursively) the dependencies of 'from' in search of 'to'.
* Returns cycle as array.
* @param from Module id to start at
* @param to Module id to look for
ModuleManager.prototype._findCyclePath = function (fromId, toId, depth) {
if (fromId === toId || depth === 50) {
return [fromId];
var from = this._modules2[fromId];
if (!from) {
return null;
// Walk the element's dependencies
var dependencies = from.dependencies;
for (var i = 0, len = dependencies.length; i < len; i++) {
var path = this._findCyclePath(dependencies[i].id, toId, depth + 1);
if (path !== null) {
return path;
return null;
* Create the local 'require' that is passed into modules
ModuleManager.prototype._createRequire = function (moduleIdResolver) {
var _this = this;
var result = (function (dependencies, callback, errorback) {
return _this._relativeRequire(moduleIdResolver, dependencies, callback, errorback);
result.toUrl = function (id) {
return _this._config.requireToUrl(moduleIdResolver.resolveModule(id));
result.getStats = function () {
return _this.getLoaderEvents();
result.__$__nodeRequire =;
return result;
ModuleManager.prototype._loadModule = function (moduleId) {
var _this = this;
if (this._modules2[moduleId] || this._knownModules2[moduleId]) {
// known module
this._knownModules2[moduleId] = true;
var strModuleId = this._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(moduleId);
var paths = this._config.moduleIdToPaths(strModuleId);
if (this._env.isNode && strModuleId.indexOf('/') === -1) {
paths.push('node|' + strModuleId);
var lastPathIndex = -1;
var loadNextPath = function (err) {
if (lastPathIndex >= paths.length) {
// No more paths to try
_this._onLoadError(moduleId, err);
else {
var currentPath_1 = paths[lastPathIndex];
var recorder_1 = _this.getRecorder();
if (_this._config.isBuild() && currentPath_1 === 'empty:') {
_this._buildInfoPath[moduleId] = currentPath_1;
_this.defineModule(_this._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(moduleId), [], null, null, null);
recorder_1.record(10 /* BeginLoadingScript */, currentPath_1);
_this._scriptLoader.load(_this, currentPath_1, function () {
if (_this._config.isBuild()) {
_this._buildInfoPath[moduleId] = currentPath_1;
recorder_1.record(11 /* EndLoadingScriptOK */, currentPath_1);
}, function (err) {
recorder_1.record(12 /* EndLoadingScriptError */, currentPath_1);
* Resolve a plugin dependency with the plugin loaded & complete
* @param module The module that has this dependency
* @param pluginDependency The semi-normalized dependency that appears in the module. e.g. 'vs/css!./mycssfile'. Only the plugin part (before !) is normalized
* @param plugin The plugin (what the plugin exports)
ModuleManager.prototype._loadPluginDependency = function (plugin, pluginDependency) {
var _this = this;
if (this._modules2[] || this._knownModules2[]) {
// known module
this._knownModules2[] = true;
// Delegate the loading of the resource to the plugin
var load = (function (value) {
_this.defineModule(_this._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(, [], value, null, null);
load.error = function (err) {
_this._config.onError(_this._createLoadError(, err));
plugin.load(pluginDependency.pluginParam, this._createRequire(ModuleIdResolver.ROOT), load, this._config.getOptionsLiteral());
* Examine the dependencies of module 'module' and resolve them as needed.
ModuleManager.prototype._resolve = function (module) {
var _this = this;
var dependencies = module.dependencies;
for (var i = 0, len = dependencies.length; i < len; i++) {
var dependency = dependencies[i];
if (dependency === RegularDependency.EXPORTS) {
module.exportsPassedIn = true;
if (dependency === RegularDependency.MODULE) {
if (dependency === RegularDependency.REQUIRE) {
var dependencyModule = this._modules2[];
if (dependencyModule && dependencyModule.isComplete()) {
if (this._hasDependencyPath(, {
console.warn('There is a dependency cycle between \'' + this._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId( + '\' and \'' + this._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId( + '\'. The cyclic path follows:');
var cyclePath = this._findCyclePath(,, 0);
console.warn( (id) { return _this._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(id); }).join(' => \n'));
// Break the cycle
// record inverse dependency
this._inverseDependencies2[] = this._inverseDependencies2[] || [];
if (dependency instanceof PluginDependency) {
var plugin = this._modules2[dependency.pluginId];
if (plugin && plugin.isComplete()) {
this._loadPluginDependency(plugin.exports, dependency);
// Record dependency for when the plugin gets loaded
var inversePluginDeps = this._inversePluginDependencies2.get(dependency.pluginId);
if (!inversePluginDeps) {
inversePluginDeps = [];
this._inversePluginDependencies2.set(dependency.pluginId, inversePluginDeps);
if (module.unresolvedDependenciesCount === 0) {
ModuleManager.prototype._onModuleComplete = function (module) {
var _this = this;
var recorder = this.getRecorder();
if (module.isComplete()) {
// already done
var dependencies = module.dependencies;
var dependenciesValues = [];
for (var i = 0, len = dependencies.length; i < len; i++) {
var dependency = dependencies[i];
if (dependency === RegularDependency.EXPORTS) {
dependenciesValues[i] = module.exports;
if (dependency === RegularDependency.MODULE) {
dependenciesValues[i] = {
id: module.strId,
config: function () {
return _this._config.getConfigForModule(module.strId);
if (dependency === RegularDependency.REQUIRE) {
dependenciesValues[i] = this._createRequire(module.moduleIdResolver);
var dependencyModule = this._modules2[];
if (dependencyModule) {
dependenciesValues[i] = dependencyModule.exports;
dependenciesValues[i] = null;
module.complete(recorder, this._config, dependenciesValues);
// Fetch and clear inverse dependencies
var inverseDeps = this._inverseDependencies2[];
this._inverseDependencies2[] = null;
if (inverseDeps) {
// Resolve one inverse dependency at a time, always
// on the lookout for a completed module.
for (var i = 0, len = inverseDeps.length; i < len; i++) {
var inverseDependencyId = inverseDeps[i];
var inverseDependency = this._modules2[inverseDependencyId];
if (inverseDependency.unresolvedDependenciesCount === 0) {
var inversePluginDeps = this._inversePluginDependencies2.get(;
if (inversePluginDeps) {
// This module is used as a plugin at least once
// Fetch and clear these inverse plugin dependencies
// Resolve plugin dependencies one at a time
for (var i = 0, len = inversePluginDeps.length; i < len; i++) {
this._loadPluginDependency(module.exports, inversePluginDeps[i]);
return ModuleManager;
AMDLoader.ModuleManager = ModuleManager;
})(AMDLoader || (AMDLoader = {}));
var define;
var AMDLoader;
(function (AMDLoader) {
var env = new AMDLoader.Environment();
var moduleManager = null;
var DefineFunc = function (id, dependencies, callback) {
if (typeof id !== 'string') {
callback = dependencies;
dependencies = id;
id = null;
if (typeof dependencies !== 'object' || !Array.isArray(dependencies)) {
callback = dependencies;
dependencies = null;
if (!dependencies) {
dependencies = ['require', 'exports', 'module'];
if (id) {
moduleManager.defineModule(id, dependencies, callback, null, null);
else {
moduleManager.enqueueDefineAnonymousModule(dependencies, callback);
DefineFunc.amd = {
jQuery: true
var _requireFunc_config = function (params, shouldOverwrite) {
if (shouldOverwrite === void 0) { shouldOverwrite = false; }
moduleManager.configure(params, shouldOverwrite);
var RequireFunc = function () {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
if ((arguments[0] instanceof Object) && !Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {
if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string') {
return moduleManager.synchronousRequire(arguments[0]);
if (arguments.length === 2 || arguments.length === 3) {
if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {
moduleManager.defineModule(AMDLoader.Utilities.generateAnonymousModule(), arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], null);
throw new Error('Unrecognized require call');
RequireFunc.config = _requireFunc_config;
RequireFunc.getConfig = function () {
return moduleManager.getConfig().getOptionsLiteral();
RequireFunc.reset = function () {
moduleManager = moduleManager.reset();
RequireFunc.getBuildInfo = function () {
return moduleManager.getBuildInfo();
RequireFunc.getStats = function () {
return moduleManager.getLoaderEvents();
function init() {
if (typeof !== 'undefined' || typeof require !== 'undefined') {
var _nodeRequire_1 = ( || require);
if (typeof _nodeRequire_1 === 'function' && typeof _nodeRequire_1.resolve === 'function') {
// re-expose node's require function
var nodeRequire = function (what) {
moduleManager.getRecorder().record(33 /* NodeBeginNativeRequire */, what);
try {
return _nodeRequire_1(what);
finally {
moduleManager.getRecorder().record(34 /* NodeEndNativeRequire */, what);
}; = nodeRequire;
RequireFunc.nodeRequire = nodeRequire;
RequireFunc.__$__nodeRequire = nodeRequire;
if (env.isNode && !env.isElectronRenderer) {
module.exports = RequireFunc;
require = RequireFunc;
else {
if (!env.isElectronRenderer) { = DefineFunc;
} = RequireFunc;
AMDLoader.init = init;
if (typeof !== 'function' || ! {
moduleManager = new AMDLoader.ModuleManager(env, AMDLoader.createScriptLoader(env), DefineFunc, RequireFunc, AMDLoader.Utilities.getHighPerformanceTimestamp());
// The global variable require can configure the loader
if (typeof !== 'undefined' && typeof !== 'function') {
// This define is for the local closure defined in node in the case that the loader is concatenated
define = function () {
return DefineFunc.apply(null, arguments);
define.amd = DefineFunc.amd;
if (typeof doNotInitLoader === 'undefined') {
})(AMDLoader || (AMDLoader = {}));
define(__m[22/*vs/base/common/diff/diffChange*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/]), function (require, exports) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* Represents information about a specific difference between two sequences.
var DiffChange = /** @class */ (function () {
* Constructs a new DiffChange with the given sequence information
* and content.
function DiffChange(originalStart, originalLength, modifiedStart, modifiedLength) {
//Debug.Assert(originalLength > 0 || modifiedLength > 0, "originalLength and modifiedLength cannot both be <= 0");
this.originalStart = originalStart;
this.originalLength = originalLength;
this.modifiedStart = modifiedStart;
this.modifiedLength = modifiedLength;
* The end point (exclusive) of the change in the original sequence.
DiffChange.prototype.getOriginalEnd = function () {
return this.originalStart + this.originalLength;
* The end point (exclusive) of the change in the modified sequence.
DiffChange.prototype.getModifiedEnd = function () {
return this.modifiedStart + this.modifiedLength;
return DiffChange;
exports.DiffChange = DiffChange;
define(__m[13/*vs/base/common/diff/diff*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,22/*vs/base/common/diff/diffChange*/]), function (require, exports, diffChange_1) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function createStringSequence(a) {
return {
getLength: function () { return a.length; },
getElementHash: function (pos) { return a[pos]; }
function stringDiff(original, modified, pretty) {
return new LcsDiff(createStringSequence(original), createStringSequence(modified)).ComputeDiff(pretty);
exports.stringDiff = stringDiff;
// The code below has been ported from a C# implementation in VS
var Debug = /** @class */ (function () {
function Debug() {
Debug.Assert = function (condition, message) {
if (!condition) {
throw new Error(message);
return Debug;
exports.Debug = Debug;
var MyArray = /** @class */ (function () {
function MyArray() {
* Copies a range of elements from an Array starting at the specified source index and pastes
* them to another Array starting at the specified destination index. The length and the indexes
* are specified as 64-bit integers.
* sourceArray:
* The Array that contains the data to copy.
* sourceIndex:
* A 64-bit integer that represents the index in the sourceArray at which copying begins.
* destinationArray:
* The Array that receives the data.
* destinationIndex:
* A 64-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.
* length:
* A 64-bit integer that represents the number of elements to copy.
MyArray.Copy = function (sourceArray, sourceIndex, destinationArray, destinationIndex, length) {
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
destinationArray[destinationIndex + i] = sourceArray[sourceIndex + i];
return MyArray;
exports.MyArray = MyArray;
// LcsDiff.cs
// An implementation of the difference algorithm described in
// "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and its variations" by Eugene W. Myers
// Copyright (C) 2008 Microsoft Corporation @minifier_do_not_preserve
// Our total memory usage for storing history is (worst-case):
// 2 * [(MaxDifferencesHistory + 1) * (MaxDifferencesHistory + 1) - 1] * sizeof(int)
// 2 * [1448*1448 - 1] * 4 = 16773624 = 16MB
var MaxDifferencesHistory = 1447;
//let MaxDifferencesHistory = 100;
* A utility class which helps to create the set of DiffChanges from
* a difference operation. This class accepts original DiffElements and
* modified DiffElements that are involved in a particular change. The
* MarktNextChange() method can be called to mark the separation between
* distinct changes. At the end, the Changes property can be called to retrieve
* the constructed changes.
var DiffChangeHelper = /** @class */ (function () {
* Constructs a new DiffChangeHelper for the given DiffSequences.
function DiffChangeHelper() {
this.m_changes = [];
this.m_originalStart = Number.MAX_VALUE;
this.m_modifiedStart = Number.MAX_VALUE;
this.m_originalCount = 0;
this.m_modifiedCount = 0;
* Marks the beginning of the next change in the set of differences.
DiffChangeHelper.prototype.MarkNextChange = function () {
// Only add to the list if there is something to add
if (this.m_originalCount > 0 || this.m_modifiedCount > 0) {
// Add the new change to our list
this.m_changes.push(new diffChange_1.DiffChange(this.m_originalStart, this.m_originalCount, this.m_modifiedStart, this.m_modifiedCount));
// Reset for the next change
this.m_originalCount = 0;
this.m_modifiedCount = 0;
this.m_originalStart = Number.MAX_VALUE;
this.m_modifiedStart = Number.MAX_VALUE;
* Adds the original element at the given position to the elements
* affected by the current change. The modified index gives context
* to the change position with respect to the original sequence.
* @param originalIndex The index of the original element to add.
* @param modifiedIndex The index of the modified element that provides corresponding position in the modified sequence.
DiffChangeHelper.prototype.AddOriginalElement = function (originalIndex, modifiedIndex) {
// The 'true' start index is the smallest of the ones we've seen
this.m_originalStart = Math.min(this.m_originalStart, originalIndex);
this.m_modifiedStart = Math.min(this.m_modifiedStart, modifiedIndex);
* Adds the modified element at the given position to the elements
* affected by the current change. The original index gives context
* to the change position with respect to the modified sequence.
* @param originalIndex The index of the original element that provides corresponding position in the original sequence.
* @param modifiedIndex The index of the modified element to add.
DiffChangeHelper.prototype.AddModifiedElement = function (originalIndex, modifiedIndex) {
// The 'true' start index is the smallest of the ones we've seen
this.m_originalStart = Math.min(this.m_originalStart, originalIndex);
this.m_modifiedStart = Math.min(this.m_modifiedStart, modifiedIndex);
* Retrieves all of the changes marked by the class.
DiffChangeHelper.prototype.getChanges = function () {
if (this.m_originalCount > 0 || this.m_modifiedCount > 0) {
// Finish up on whatever is left
return this.m_changes;
* Retrieves all of the changes marked by the class in the reverse order
DiffChangeHelper.prototype.getReverseChanges = function () {
if (this.m_originalCount > 0 || this.m_modifiedCount > 0) {
// Finish up on whatever is left
return this.m_changes;
return DiffChangeHelper;
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
* An implementation of the difference algorithm described in
* "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and its variations" by Eugene W. Myers
var LcsDiff = /** @class */ (function () {
* Constructs the DiffFinder
function LcsDiff(originalSequence, newSequence, continueProcessingPredicate) {
if (continueProcessingPredicate === void 0) { continueProcessingPredicate = null; }
this.OriginalSequence = originalSequence;
this.ModifiedSequence = newSequence;
this.ContinueProcessingPredicate = continueProcessingPredicate;
this.m_originalIds = [];
this.m_modifiedIds = [];
this.m_forwardHistory = [];
this.m_reverseHistory = [];
LcsDiff.prototype.ComputeUniqueIdentifiers = function () {
var originalSequenceLength = this.OriginalSequence.getLength();
var modifiedSequenceLength = this.ModifiedSequence.getLength();
this.m_originalIds = new Array(originalSequenceLength);
this.m_modifiedIds = new Array(modifiedSequenceLength);
// Create a new hash table for unique elements from the original
// sequence.
var hashTable = {};
var currentUniqueId = 1;
var i;
// Fill up the hash table for unique elements
for (i = 0; i < originalSequenceLength; i++) {
var originalElementHash = this.OriginalSequence.getElementHash(i);
if (!, originalElementHash)) {
// No entry in the hashtable so this is a new unique element.
// Assign the element a new unique identifier and add it to the
// hash table
this.m_originalIds[i] = currentUniqueId++;
hashTable[originalElementHash] = this.m_originalIds[i];
else {
this.m_originalIds[i] = hashTable[originalElementHash];
// Now match up modified elements
for (i = 0; i < modifiedSequenceLength; i++) {
var modifiedElementHash = this.ModifiedSequence.getElementHash(i);
if (!, modifiedElementHash)) {
this.m_modifiedIds[i] = currentUniqueId++;
hashTable[modifiedElementHash] = this.m_modifiedIds[i];
else {
this.m_modifiedIds[i] = hashTable[modifiedElementHash];
LcsDiff.prototype.ElementsAreEqual = function (originalIndex, newIndex) {
return this.m_originalIds[originalIndex] === this.m_modifiedIds[newIndex];
LcsDiff.prototype.OriginalElementsAreEqual = function (index1, index2) {
return this.m_originalIds[index1] === this.m_originalIds[index2];
LcsDiff.prototype.ModifiedElementsAreEqual = function (index1, index2) {
return this.m_modifiedIds[index1] === this.m_modifiedIds[index2];
LcsDiff.prototype.ComputeDiff = function (pretty) {
return this._ComputeDiff(0, this.OriginalSequence.getLength() - 1, 0, this.ModifiedSequence.getLength() - 1, pretty);
* Computes the differences between the original and modified input
* sequences on the bounded range.
* @returns An array of the differences between the two input sequences.
LcsDiff.prototype._ComputeDiff = function (originalStart, originalEnd, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd, pretty) {
var quitEarlyArr = [false];
var changes = this.ComputeDiffRecursive(originalStart, originalEnd, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd, quitEarlyArr);
if (pretty) {
// We have to clean up the computed diff to be more intuitive
// but it turns out this cannot be done correctly until the entire set
// of diffs have been computed
return this.ShiftChanges(changes);
return changes;
* Private helper method which computes the differences on the bounded range
* recursively.
* @returns An array of the differences between the two input sequences.
LcsDiff.prototype.ComputeDiffRecursive = function (originalStart, originalEnd, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd, quitEarlyArr) {
quitEarlyArr[0] = false;
// Find the start of the differences
while (originalStart <= originalEnd && modifiedStart <= modifiedEnd && this.ElementsAreEqual(originalStart, modifiedStart)) {
// Find the end of the differences
while (originalEnd >= originalStart && modifiedEnd >= modifiedStart && this.ElementsAreEqual(originalEnd, modifiedEnd)) {
// In the special case where we either have all insertions or all deletions or the sequences are identical
if (originalStart > originalEnd || modifiedStart > modifiedEnd) {
var changes = void 0;
if (modifiedStart <= modifiedEnd) {
Debug.Assert(originalStart === originalEnd + 1, 'originalStart should only be one more than originalEnd');
// All insertions
changes = [
new diffChange_1.DiffChange(originalStart, 0, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd - modifiedStart + 1)
else if (originalStart <= originalEnd) {
Debug.Assert(modifiedStart === modifiedEnd + 1, 'modifiedStart should only be one more than modifiedEnd');
// All deletions
changes = [
new diffChange_1.DiffChange(originalStart, originalEnd - originalStart + 1, modifiedStart, 0)
else {
Debug.Assert(originalStart === originalEnd + 1, 'originalStart should only be one more than originalEnd');
Debug.Assert(modifiedStart === modifiedEnd + 1, 'modifiedStart should only be one more than modifiedEnd');
// Identical sequences - No differences
changes = [];
return changes;
// This problem can be solved using the Divide-And-Conquer technique.
var midOriginalArr = [0], midModifiedArr = [0];
var result = this.ComputeRecursionPoint(originalStart, originalEnd, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd, midOriginalArr, midModifiedArr, quitEarlyArr);
var midOriginal = midOriginalArr[0];
var midModified = midModifiedArr[0];
if (result !== null) {
// Result is not-null when there was enough memory to compute the changes while
// searching for the recursion point
return result;
else if (!quitEarlyArr[0]) {
// We can break the problem down recursively by finding the changes in the
// First Half: (originalStart, modifiedStart) to (midOriginal, midModified)
// Second Half: (midOriginal + 1, minModified + 1) to (originalEnd, modifiedEnd)
// NOTE: ComputeDiff() is inclusive, therefore the second range starts on the next point
var leftChanges = this.ComputeDiffRecursive(originalStart, midOriginal, modifiedStart, midModified, quitEarlyArr);
var rightChanges = [];
if (!quitEarlyArr[0]) {
rightChanges = this.ComputeDiffRecursive(midOriginal + 1, originalEnd, midModified + 1, modifiedEnd, quitEarlyArr);
else {
// We did't have time to finish the first half, so we don't have time to compute this half.
// Consider the entire rest of the sequence different.
rightChanges = [
new diffChange_1.DiffChange(midOriginal + 1, originalEnd - (midOriginal + 1) + 1, midModified + 1, modifiedEnd - (midModified + 1) + 1)
return this.ConcatenateChanges(leftChanges, rightChanges);
// If we hit here, we quit early, and so can't return anything meaningful
return [
new diffChange_1.DiffChange(originalStart, originalEnd - originalStart + 1, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd - modifiedStart + 1)
LcsDiff.prototype.WALKTRACE = function (diagonalForwardBase, diagonalForwardStart, diagonalForwardEnd, diagonalForwardOffset, diagonalReverseBase, diagonalReverseStart, diagonalReverseEnd, diagonalReverseOffset, forwardPoints, reversePoints, originalIndex, originalEnd, midOriginalArr, modifiedIndex, modifiedEnd, midModifiedArr, deltaIsEven, quitEarlyArr) {
var forwardChanges = null, reverseChanges = null;
// First, walk backward through the forward diagonals history
var changeHelper = new DiffChangeHelper();
var diagonalMin = diagonalForwardStart;
var diagonalMax = diagonalForwardEnd;
var diagonalRelative = (midOriginalArr[0] - midModifiedArr[0]) - diagonalForwardOffset;
var lastOriginalIndex = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var historyIndex = this.m_forwardHistory.length - 1;
var diagonal;
do {
// Get the diagonal index from the relative diagonal number
diagonal = diagonalRelative + diagonalForwardBase;
// Figure out where we came from
if (diagonal === diagonalMin || (diagonal < diagonalMax && forwardPoints[diagonal - 1] < forwardPoints[diagonal + 1])) {
// Vertical line (the element is an insert)
originalIndex = forwardPoints[diagonal + 1];
modifiedIndex = originalIndex - diagonalRelative - diagonalForwardOffset;
if (originalIndex < lastOriginalIndex) {
lastOriginalIndex = originalIndex;
changeHelper.AddModifiedElement(originalIndex + 1, modifiedIndex);
diagonalRelative = (diagonal + 1) - diagonalForwardBase; //Setup for the next iteration
else {
// Horizontal line (the element is a deletion)
originalIndex = forwardPoints[diagonal - 1] + 1;
modifiedIndex = originalIndex - diagonalRelative - diagonalForwardOffset;
if (originalIndex < lastOriginalIndex) {
lastOriginalIndex = originalIndex - 1;
changeHelper.AddOriginalElement(originalIndex, modifiedIndex + 1);
diagonalRelative = (diagonal - 1) - diagonalForwardBase; //Setup for the next iteration
if (historyIndex >= 0) {
forwardPoints = this.m_forwardHistory[historyIndex];
diagonalForwardBase = forwardPoints[0]; //We stored this in the first spot
diagonalMin = 1;
diagonalMax = forwardPoints.length - 1;
} while (--historyIndex >= -1);
// Ironically, we get the forward changes as the reverse of the
// order we added them since we technically added them backwards
forwardChanges = changeHelper.getReverseChanges();
if (quitEarlyArr[0]) {
// TODO: Calculate a partial from the reverse diagonals.
// For now, just assume everything after the midOriginal/midModified point is a diff
var originalStartPoint = midOriginalArr[0] + 1;
var modifiedStartPoint = midModifiedArr[0] + 1;
if (forwardChanges !== null && forwardChanges.length > 0) {
var lastForwardChange = forwardChanges[forwardChanges.length - 1];
originalStartPoint = Math.max(originalStartPoint, lastForwardChange.getOriginalEnd());
modifiedStartPoint = Math.max(modifiedStartPoint, lastForwardChange.getModifiedEnd());
reverseChanges = [
new diffChange_1.DiffChange(originalStartPoint, originalEnd - originalStartPoint + 1, modifiedStartPoint, modifiedEnd - modifiedStartPoint + 1)
else {
// Now walk backward through the reverse diagonals history
changeHelper = new DiffChangeHelper();
diagonalMin = diagonalReverseStart;
diagonalMax = diagonalReverseEnd;
diagonalRelative = (midOriginalArr[0] - midModifiedArr[0]) - diagonalReverseOffset;
lastOriginalIndex = Number.MAX_VALUE;
historyIndex = (deltaIsEven) ? this.m_reverseHistory.length - 1 : this.m_reverseHistory.length - 2;
do {
// Get the diagonal index from the relative diagonal number
diagonal = diagonalRelative + diagonalReverseBase;
// Figure out where we came from
if (diagonal === diagonalMin || (diagonal < diagonalMax && reversePoints[diagonal - 1] >= reversePoints[diagonal + 1])) {
// Horizontal line (the element is a deletion))
originalIndex = reversePoints[diagonal + 1] - 1;
modifiedIndex = originalIndex - diagonalRelative - diagonalReverseOffset;
if (originalIndex > lastOriginalIndex) {
lastOriginalIndex = originalIndex + 1;
changeHelper.AddOriginalElement(originalIndex + 1, modifiedIndex + 1);
diagonalRelative = (diagonal + 1) - diagonalReverseBase; //Setup for the next iteration
else {
// Vertical line (the element is an insertion)
originalIndex = reversePoints[diagonal - 1];
modifiedIndex = originalIndex - diagonalRelative - diagonalReverseOffset;
if (originalIndex > lastOriginalIndex) {
lastOriginalIndex = originalIndex;
changeHelper.AddModifiedElement(originalIndex + 1, modifiedIndex + 1);
diagonalRelative = (diagonal - 1) - diagonalReverseBase; //Setup for the next iteration
if (historyIndex >= 0) {
reversePoints = this.m_reverseHistory[historyIndex];
diagonalReverseBase = reversePoints[0]; //We stored this in the first spot
diagonalMin = 1;
diagonalMax = reversePoints.length - 1;
} while (--historyIndex >= -1);
// There are cases where the reverse history will find diffs that
// are correct, but not intuitive, so we need shift them.
reverseChanges = changeHelper.getChanges();
return this.ConcatenateChanges(forwardChanges, reverseChanges);
* Given the range to compute the diff on, this method finds the point:
* (midOriginal, midModified)
* that exists in the middle of the LCS of the two sequences and
* is the point at which the LCS problem may be broken down recursively.
* This method will try to keep the LCS trace in memory. If the LCS recursion
* point is calculated and the full trace is available in memory, then this method
* will return the change list.
* @param originalStart The start bound of the original sequence range
* @param originalEnd The end bound of the original sequence range
* @param modifiedStart The start bound of the modified sequence range
* @param modifiedEnd The end bound of the modified sequence range
* @param midOriginal The middle point of the original sequence range
* @param midModified The middle point of the modified sequence range
* @returns The diff changes, if available, otherwise null
LcsDiff.prototype.ComputeRecursionPoint = function (originalStart, originalEnd, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd, midOriginalArr, midModifiedArr, quitEarlyArr) {
var originalIndex, modifiedIndex;
var diagonalForwardStart = 0, diagonalForwardEnd = 0;
var diagonalReverseStart = 0, diagonalReverseEnd = 0;
var numDifferences;
// To traverse the edit graph and produce the proper LCS, our actual
// start position is just outside the given boundary
// We set these up to make the compiler happy, but they will
// be replaced before we return with the actual recursion point
midOriginalArr[0] = 0;
midModifiedArr[0] = 0;
// Clear out the history
this.m_forwardHistory = [];
this.m_reverseHistory = [];
// Each cell in the two arrays corresponds to a diagonal in the edit graph.
// The integer value in the cell represents the originalIndex of the furthest
// reaching point found so far that ends in that diagonal.
// The modifiedIndex can be computed mathematically from the originalIndex and the diagonal number.
var maxDifferences = (originalEnd - originalStart) + (modifiedEnd - modifiedStart);
var numDiagonals = maxDifferences + 1;
var forwardPoints = new Array(numDiagonals);
var reversePoints = new Array(numDiagonals);
// diagonalForwardBase: Index into forwardPoints of the diagonal which passes through (originalStart, modifiedStart)
// diagonalReverseBase: Index into reversePoints of the diagonal which passes through (originalEnd, modifiedEnd)
var diagonalForwardBase = (modifiedEnd - modifiedStart);
var diagonalReverseBase = (originalEnd - originalStart);
// diagonalForwardOffset: Geometric offset which allows modifiedIndex to be computed from originalIndex and the
// diagonal number (relative to diagonalForwardBase)
// diagonalReverseOffset: Geometric offset which allows modifiedIndex to be computed from originalIndex and the
// diagonal number (relative to diagonalReverseBase)
var diagonalForwardOffset = (originalStart - modifiedStart);
var diagonalReverseOffset = (originalEnd - modifiedEnd);
// delta: The difference between the end diagonal and the start diagonal. This is used to relate diagonal numbers
// relative to the start diagonal with diagonal numbers relative to the end diagonal.
// The Even/Oddn-ness of this delta is important for determining when we should check for overlap
var delta = diagonalReverseBase - diagonalForwardBase;
var deltaIsEven = (delta % 2 === 0);
// Here we set up the start and end points as the furthest points found so far
// in both the forward and reverse directions, respectively
forwardPoints[diagonalForwardBase] = originalStart;
reversePoints[diagonalReverseBase] = originalEnd;
// Remember if we quit early, and thus need to do a best-effort result instead of a real result.
quitEarlyArr[0] = false;
// A couple of points:
// --With this method, we iterate on the number of differences between the two sequences.
// The more differences there actually are, the longer this will take.
// --Also, as the number of differences increases, we have to search on diagonals further
// away from the reference diagonal (which is diagonalForwardBase for forward, diagonalReverseBase for reverse).
// --We extend on even diagonals (relative to the reference diagonal) only when numDifferences
// is even and odd diagonals only when numDifferences is odd.
var diagonal, tempOriginalIndex;
for (numDifferences = 1; numDifferences <= (maxDifferences / 2) + 1; numDifferences++) {
var furthestOriginalIndex = 0;
var furthestModifiedIndex = 0;
// Run the algorithm in the forward direction
diagonalForwardStart = this.ClipDiagonalBound(diagonalForwardBase - numDifferences, numDifferences, diagonalForwardBase, numDiagonals);
diagonalForwardEnd = this.ClipDiagonalBound(diagonalForwardBase + numDifferences, numDifferences, diagonalForwardBase, numDiagonals);
for (diagonal = diagonalForwardStart; diagonal <= diagonalForwardEnd; diagonal += 2) {
// STEP 1: We extend the furthest reaching point in the present diagonal
// by looking at the diagonals above and below and picking the one whose point
// is further away from the start point (originalStart, modifiedStart)
if (diagonal === diagonalForwardStart || (diagonal < diagonalForwardEnd && forwardPoints[diagonal - 1] < forwardPoints[diagonal + 1])) {
originalIndex = forwardPoints[diagonal + 1];
else {
originalIndex = forwardPoints[diagonal - 1] + 1;
modifiedIndex = originalIndex - (diagonal - diagonalForwardBase) - diagonalForwardOffset;
// Save the current originalIndex so we can test for false overlap in step 3
tempOriginalIndex = originalIndex;
// STEP 2: We can continue to extend the furthest reaching point in the present diagonal
// so long as the elements are equal.
while (originalIndex < originalEnd && modifiedIndex < modifiedEnd && this.ElementsAreEqual(originalIndex + 1, modifiedIndex + 1)) {
forwardPoints[diagonal] = originalIndex;
if (originalIndex + modifiedIndex > furthestOriginalIndex + furthestModifiedIndex) {
furthestOriginalIndex = originalIndex;
furthestModifiedIndex = modifiedIndex;
// STEP 3: If delta is odd (overlap first happens on forward when delta is odd)
// and diagonal is in the range of reverse diagonals computed for numDifferences-1
// (the previous iteration; we haven't computed reverse diagonals for numDifferences yet)
// then check for overlap.
if (!deltaIsEven && Math.abs(diagonal - diagonalReverseBase) <= (numDifferences - 1)) {
if (originalIndex >= reversePoints[diagonal]) {
midOriginalArr[0] = originalIndex;
midModifiedArr[0] = modifiedIndex;
if (tempOriginalIndex <= reversePoints[diagonal] && MaxDifferencesHistory > 0 && numDifferences <= (MaxDifferencesHistory + 1)) {
// BINGO! We overlapped, and we have the full trace in memory!
return this.WALKTRACE(diagonalForwardBase, diagonalForwardStart, diagonalForwardEnd, diagonalForwardOffset, diagonalReverseBase, diagonalReverseStart, diagonalReverseEnd, diagonalReverseOffset, forwardPoints, reversePoints, originalIndex, originalEnd, midOriginalArr, modifiedIndex, modifiedEnd, midModifiedArr, deltaIsEven, quitEarlyArr);
else {
// Either false overlap, or we didn't have enough memory for the full trace
// Just return the recursion point
return null;
// Check to see if we should be quitting early, before moving on to the next iteration.
var matchLengthOfLongest = ((furthestOriginalIndex - originalStart) + (furthestModifiedIndex - modifiedStart) - numDifferences) / 2;
if (this.ContinueProcessingPredicate !== null && !this.ContinueProcessingPredicate(furthestOriginalIndex, this.OriginalSequence, matchLengthOfLongest)) {
// We can't finish, so skip ahead to generating a result from what we have.
quitEarlyArr[0] = true;
// Use the furthest distance we got in the forward direction.
midOriginalArr[0] = furthestOriginalIndex;
midModifiedArr[0] = furthestModifiedIndex;
if (matchLengthOfLongest > 0 && MaxDifferencesHistory > 0 && numDifferences <= (MaxDifferencesHistory + 1)) {
// Enough of the history is in memory to walk it backwards
return this.WALKTRACE(diagonalForwardBase, diagonalForwardStart, diagonalForwardEnd, diagonalForwardOffset, diagonalReverseBase, diagonalReverseStart, diagonalReverseEnd, diagonalReverseOffset, forwardPoints, reversePoints, originalIndex, originalEnd, midOriginalArr, modifiedIndex, modifiedEnd, midModifiedArr, deltaIsEven, quitEarlyArr);
else {
// We didn't actually remember enough of the history.
//Since we are quiting the diff early, we need to shift back the originalStart and modified start
//back into the boundary limits since we decremented their value above beyond the boundary limit.
return [
new diffChange_1.DiffChange(originalStart, originalEnd - originalStart + 1, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd - modifiedStart + 1)
// Run the algorithm in the reverse direction
diagonalReverseStart = this.ClipDiagonalBound(diagonalReverseBase - numDifferences, numDifferences, diagonalReverseBase, numDiagonals);
diagonalReverseEnd = this.ClipDiagonalBound(diagonalReverseBase + numDifferences, numDifferences, diagonalReverseBase, numDiagonals);
for (diagonal = diagonalReverseStart; diagonal <= diagonalReverseEnd; diagonal += 2) {
// STEP 1: We extend the furthest reaching point in the present diagonal
// by looking at the diagonals above and below and picking the one whose point
// is further away from the start point (originalEnd, modifiedEnd)
if (diagonal === diagonalReverseStart || (diagonal < diagonalReverseEnd && reversePoints[diagonal - 1] >= reversePoints[diagonal + 1])) {
originalIndex = reversePoints[diagonal + 1] - 1;
else {
originalIndex = reversePoints[diagonal - 1];
modifiedIndex = originalIndex - (diagonal - diagonalReverseBase) - diagonalReverseOffset;
// Save the current originalIndex so we can test for false overlap
tempOriginalIndex = originalIndex;
// STEP 2: We can continue to extend the furthest reaching point in the present diagonal
// as long as the elements are equal.
while (originalIndex > originalStart && modifiedIndex > modifiedStart && this.ElementsAreEqual(originalIndex, modifiedIndex)) {
reversePoints[diagonal] = originalIndex;
// STEP 4: If delta is even (overlap first happens on reverse when delta is even)
// and diagonal is in the range of forward diagonals computed for numDifferences
// then check for overlap.
if (deltaIsEven && Math.abs(diagonal - diagonalForwardBase) <= numDifferences) {
if (originalIndex <= forwardPoints[diagonal]) {
midOriginalArr[0] = originalIndex;
midModifiedArr[0] = modifiedIndex;
if (tempOriginalIndex >= forwardPoints[diagonal] && MaxDifferencesHistory > 0 && numDifferences <= (MaxDifferencesHistory + 1)) {
// BINGO! We overlapped, and we have the full trace in memory!
return this.WALKTRACE(diagonalForwardBase, diagonalForwardStart, diagonalForwardEnd, diagonalForwardOffset, diagonalReverseBase, diagonalReverseStart, diagonalReverseEnd, diagonalReverseOffset, forwardPoints, reversePoints, originalIndex, originalEnd, midOriginalArr, modifiedIndex, modifiedEnd, midModifiedArr, deltaIsEven, quitEarlyArr);
else {
// Either false overlap, or we didn't have enough memory for the full trace
// Just return the recursion point
return null;
// Save current vectors to history before the next iteration
if (numDifferences <= MaxDifferencesHistory) {
// We are allocating space for one extra int, which we fill with
// the index of the diagonal base index
var temp = new Array(diagonalForwardEnd - diagonalForwardStart + 2);
temp[0] = diagonalForwardBase - diagonalForwardStart + 1;
MyArray.Copy(forwardPoints, diagonalForwardStart, temp, 1, diagonalForwardEnd - diagonalForwardStart + 1);
temp = new Array(diagonalReverseEnd - diagonalReverseStart + 2);
temp[0] = diagonalReverseBase - diagonalReverseStart + 1;
MyArray.Copy(reversePoints, diagonalReverseStart, temp, 1, diagonalReverseEnd - diagonalReverseStart + 1);
// If we got here, then we have the full trace in history. We just have to convert it to a change list
// NOTE: This part is a bit messy
return this.WALKTRACE(diagonalForwardBase, diagonalForwardStart, diagonalForwardEnd, diagonalForwardOffset, diagonalReverseBase, diagonalReverseStart, diagonalReverseEnd, diagonalReverseOffset, forwardPoints, reversePoints, originalIndex, originalEnd, midOriginalArr, modifiedIndex, modifiedEnd, midModifiedArr, deltaIsEven, quitEarlyArr);
* Shifts the given changes to provide a more intuitive diff.
* While the first element in a diff matches the first element after the diff,
* we shift the diff down.
* @param changes The list of changes to shift
* @returns The shifted changes
LcsDiff.prototype.ShiftChanges = function (changes) {
var mergedDiffs;
do {
mergedDiffs = false;
// Shift all the changes down first
for (var i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {
var change = changes[i];
var originalStop = (i < changes.length - 1) ? changes[i + 1].originalStart : this.OriginalSequence.getLength();
var modifiedStop = (i < changes.length - 1) ? changes[i + 1].modifiedStart : this.ModifiedSequence.getLength();
var checkOriginal = change.originalLength > 0;
var checkModified = change.modifiedLength > 0;
while (change.originalStart + change.originalLength < originalStop &&
change.modifiedStart + change.modifiedLength < modifiedStop &&
(!checkOriginal || this.OriginalElementsAreEqual(change.originalStart, change.originalStart + change.originalLength)) &&
(!checkModified || this.ModifiedElementsAreEqual(change.modifiedStart, change.modifiedStart + change.modifiedLength))) {
// Build up the new list (we have to build a new list because we
// might have changes we can merge together now)
var result = new Array();
var mergedChangeArr = [null];
for (var i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {
if (i < changes.length - 1 && this.ChangesOverlap(changes[i], changes[i + 1], mergedChangeArr)) {
mergedDiffs = true;
else {
changes = result;
} while (mergedDiffs);
// Shift changes back up until we hit empty or whitespace-only lines
for (var i = changes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var change = changes[i];
var originalStop = 0;
var modifiedStop = 0;
if (i > 0) {
var prevChange = changes[i - 1];
if (prevChange.originalLength > 0) {
originalStop = prevChange.originalStart + prevChange.originalLength;
if (prevChange.modifiedLength > 0) {
modifiedStop = prevChange.modifiedStart + prevChange.modifiedLength;
var checkOriginal = change.originalLength > 0;
var checkModified = change.modifiedLength > 0;
var bestDelta = 0;
var bestScore = this._boundaryScore(change.originalStart, change.originalLength, change.modifiedStart, change.modifiedLength);
for (var delta = 1;; delta++) {
var originalStart = change.originalStart - delta;
var modifiedStart = change.modifiedStart - delta;
if (originalStart < originalStop || modifiedStart < modifiedStop) {
if (checkOriginal && !this.OriginalElementsAreEqual(originalStart, originalStart + change.originalLength)) {
if (checkModified && !this.ModifiedElementsAreEqual(modifiedStart, modifiedStart + change.modifiedLength)) {
var score = this._boundaryScore(originalStart, change.originalLength, modifiedStart, change.modifiedLength);
if (score > bestScore) {
bestScore = score;
bestDelta = delta;
change.originalStart -= bestDelta;
change.modifiedStart -= bestDelta;
return changes;
LcsDiff.prototype._OriginalIsBoundary = function (index) {
if (index <= 0 || index >= this.OriginalSequence.getLength() - 1) {
return true;
return /^\s*$/.test(this.OriginalSequence.getElementHash(index));
LcsDiff.prototype._OriginalRegionIsBoundary = function (originalStart, originalLength) {
if (this._OriginalIsBoundary(originalStart) || this._OriginalIsBoundary(originalStart - 1)) {
return true;
if (originalLength > 0) {
var originalEnd = originalStart + originalLength;
if (this._OriginalIsBoundary(originalEnd - 1) || this._OriginalIsBoundary(originalEnd)) {
return true;
return false;
LcsDiff.prototype._ModifiedIsBoundary = function (index) {
if (index <= 0 || index >= this.ModifiedSequence.getLength() - 1) {
return true;
return /^\s*$/.test(this.ModifiedSequence.getElementHash(index));
LcsDiff.prototype._ModifiedRegionIsBoundary = function (modifiedStart, modifiedLength) {
if (this._ModifiedIsBoundary(modifiedStart) || this._ModifiedIsBoundary(modifiedStart - 1)) {
return true;
if (modifiedLength > 0) {
var modifiedEnd = modifiedStart + modifiedLength;
if (this._ModifiedIsBoundary(modifiedEnd - 1) || this._ModifiedIsBoundary(modifiedEnd)) {
return true;
return false;
LcsDiff.prototype._boundaryScore = function (originalStart, originalLength, modifiedStart, modifiedLength) {
var originalScore = (this._OriginalRegionIsBoundary(originalStart, originalLength) ? 1 : 0);
var modifiedScore = (this._ModifiedRegionIsBoundary(modifiedStart, modifiedLength) ? 1 : 0);
return (originalScore + modifiedScore);
* Concatenates the two input DiffChange lists and returns the resulting
* list.
* @param The left changes
* @param The right changes
* @returns The concatenated list
LcsDiff.prototype.ConcatenateChanges = function (left, right) {
var mergedChangeArr = [];
var result = null;
if (left.length === 0 || right.length === 0) {
return (right.length > 0) ? right : left;
else if (this.ChangesOverlap(left[left.length - 1], right[0], mergedChangeArr)) {
// Since we break the problem down recursively, it is possible that we
// might recurse in the middle of a change thereby splitting it into
// two changes. Here in the combining stage, we detect and fuse those
// changes back together
result = new Array(left.length + right.length - 1);
MyArray.Copy(left, 0, result, 0, left.length - 1);
result[left.length - 1] = mergedChangeArr[0];
MyArray.Copy(right, 1, result, left.length, right.length - 1);
return result;
else {
result = new Array(left.length + right.length);
MyArray.Copy(left, 0, result, 0, left.length);
MyArray.Copy(right, 0, result, left.length, right.length);
return result;
* Returns true if the two changes overlap and can be merged into a single
* change
* @param left The left change
* @param right The right change
* @param mergedChange The merged change if the two overlap, null otherwise
* @returns True if the two changes overlap
LcsDiff.prototype.ChangesOverlap = function (left, right, mergedChangeArr) {
Debug.Assert(left.originalStart <= right.originalStart, 'Left change is not less than or equal to right change');
Debug.Assert(left.modifiedStart <= right.modifiedStart, 'Left change is not less than or equal to right change');
if (left.originalStart + left.originalLength >= right.originalStart || left.modifiedStart + left.modifiedLength >= right.modifiedStart) {
var originalStart = left.originalStart;
var originalLength = left.originalLength;
var modifiedStart = left.modifiedStart;
var modifiedLength = left.modifiedLength;
if (left.originalStart + left.originalLength >= right.originalStart) {
originalLength = right.originalStart + right.originalLength - left.originalStart;
if (left.modifiedStart + left.modifiedLength >= right.modifiedStart) {
modifiedLength = right.modifiedStart + right.modifiedLength - left.modifiedStart;
mergedChangeArr[0] = new diffChange_1.DiffChange(originalStart, originalLength, modifiedStart, modifiedLength);
return true;
else {
mergedChangeArr[0] = null;
return false;
* Helper method used to clip a diagonal index to the range of valid
* diagonals. This also decides whether or not the diagonal index,
* if it exceeds the boundary, should be clipped to the boundary or clipped
* one inside the boundary depending on the Even/Odd status of the boundary
* and numDifferences.
* @param diagonal The index of the diagonal to clip.
* @param numDifferences The current number of differences being iterated upon.
* @param diagonalBaseIndex The base reference diagonal.
* @param numDiagonals The total number of diagonals.
* @returns The clipped diagonal index.
LcsDiff.prototype.ClipDiagonalBound = function (diagonal, numDifferences, diagonalBaseIndex, numDiagonals) {
if (diagonal >= 0 && diagonal < numDiagonals) {
// Nothing to clip, its in range
return diagonal;
// diagonalsBelow: The number of diagonals below the reference diagonal
// diagonalsAbove: The number of diagonals above the reference diagonal
var diagonalsBelow = diagonalBaseIndex;
var diagonalsAbove = numDiagonals - diagonalBaseIndex - 1;
var diffEven = (numDifferences % 2 === 0);
if (diagonal < 0) {
var lowerBoundEven = (diagonalsBelow % 2 === 0);
return (diffEven === lowerBoundEven) ? 0 : 1;
else {
var upperBoundEven = (diagonalsAbove % 2 === 0);
return (diffEven === upperBoundEven) ? numDiagonals - 1 : numDiagonals - 2;
return LcsDiff;
exports.LcsDiff = LcsDiff;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
define(__m[12/*vs/base/common/functional*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/]), function (require, exports) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function once(fn) {
var _this = this;
var didCall = false;
var result;
return function () {
if (didCall) {
return result;
didCall = true;
result = fn.apply(_this, arguments);
return result;
exports.once = once;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
define(__m[19/*vs/base/common/keyCodes*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/]), function (require, exports) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* Virtual Key Codes, the value does not hold any inherent meaning.
* Inspired somewhat from
* But these are "more general", as they should work across browsers & OS`s.
var KeyCode;
(function (KeyCode) {
* Placed first to cover the 0 value of the enum.
KeyCode[KeyCode["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Backspace"] = 1] = "Backspace";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Tab"] = 2] = "Tab";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Enter"] = 3] = "Enter";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Shift"] = 4] = "Shift";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Ctrl"] = 5] = "Ctrl";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Alt"] = 6] = "Alt";
KeyCode[KeyCode["PauseBreak"] = 7] = "PauseBreak";
KeyCode[KeyCode["CapsLock"] = 8] = "CapsLock";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Escape"] = 9] = "Escape";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Space"] = 10] = "Space";
KeyCode[KeyCode["PageUp"] = 11] = "PageUp";
KeyCode[KeyCode["PageDown"] = 12] = "PageDown";
KeyCode[KeyCode["End"] = 13] = "End";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Home"] = 14] = "Home";
KeyCode[KeyCode["LeftArrow"] = 15] = "LeftArrow";
KeyCode[KeyCode["UpArrow"] = 16] = "UpArrow";
KeyCode[KeyCode["RightArrow"] = 17] = "RightArrow";
KeyCode[KeyCode["DownArrow"] = 18] = "DownArrow";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Insert"] = 19] = "Insert";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Delete"] = 20] = "Delete";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_0"] = 21] = "KEY_0";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_1"] = 22] = "KEY_1";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_2"] = 23] = "KEY_2";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_3"] = 24] = "KEY_3";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_4"] = 25] = "KEY_4";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_5"] = 26] = "KEY_5";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_6"] = 27] = "KEY_6";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_7"] = 28] = "KEY_7";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_8"] = 29] = "KEY_8";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_9"] = 30] = "KEY_9";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_A"] = 31] = "KEY_A";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_B"] = 32] = "KEY_B";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_C"] = 33] = "KEY_C";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_D"] = 34] = "KEY_D";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_E"] = 35] = "KEY_E";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_F"] = 36] = "KEY_F";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_G"] = 37] = "KEY_G";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_H"] = 38] = "KEY_H";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_I"] = 39] = "KEY_I";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_J"] = 40] = "KEY_J";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_K"] = 41] = "KEY_K";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_L"] = 42] = "KEY_L";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_M"] = 43] = "KEY_M";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_N"] = 44] = "KEY_N";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_O"] = 45] = "KEY_O";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_P"] = 46] = "KEY_P";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_Q"] = 47] = "KEY_Q";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_R"] = 48] = "KEY_R";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_S"] = 49] = "KEY_S";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_T"] = 50] = "KEY_T";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_U"] = 51] = "KEY_U";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_V"] = 52] = "KEY_V";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_W"] = 53] = "KEY_W";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_X"] = 54] = "KEY_X";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_Y"] = 55] = "KEY_Y";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_Z"] = 56] = "KEY_Z";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Meta"] = 57] = "Meta";
KeyCode[KeyCode["ContextMenu"] = 58] = "ContextMenu";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F1"] = 59] = "F1";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F2"] = 60] = "F2";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F3"] = 61] = "F3";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F4"] = 62] = "F4";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F5"] = 63] = "F5";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F6"] = 64] = "F6";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F7"] = 65] = "F7";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F8"] = 66] = "F8";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F9"] = 67] = "F9";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F10"] = 68] = "F10";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F11"] = 69] = "F11";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F12"] = 70] = "F12";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F13"] = 71] = "F13";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F14"] = 72] = "F14";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F15"] = 73] = "F15";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F16"] = 74] = "F16";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F17"] = 75] = "F17";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F18"] = 76] = "F18";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F19"] = 77] = "F19";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NumLock"] = 78] = "NumLock";
KeyCode[KeyCode["ScrollLock"] = 79] = "ScrollLock";
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
* For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_SEMICOLON"] = 80] = "US_SEMICOLON";
* For any country/region, the '+' key
* For the US standard keyboard, the '=+' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_EQUAL"] = 81] = "US_EQUAL";
* For any country/region, the ',' key
* For the US standard keyboard, the ',<' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_COMMA"] = 82] = "US_COMMA";
* For any country/region, the '-' key
* For the US standard keyboard, the '-_' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_MINUS"] = 83] = "US_MINUS";
* For any country/region, the '.' key
* For the US standard keyboard, the '.>' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_DOT"] = 84] = "US_DOT";
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
* For the US standard keyboard, the '/?' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_SLASH"] = 85] = "US_SLASH";
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
* For the US standard keyboard, the '`~' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_BACKTICK"] = 86] = "US_BACKTICK";
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
* For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
* For the US standard keyboard, the '\|' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_BACKSLASH"] = 88] = "US_BACKSLASH";
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
* For the US standard keyboard, the ']}' key
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
* For the US standard keyboard, the ''"' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_QUOTE"] = 90] = "US_QUOTE";
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
KeyCode[KeyCode["OEM_8"] = 91] = "OEM_8";
* Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard.
KeyCode[KeyCode["OEM_102"] = 92] = "OEM_102";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_0"] = 93] = "NUMPAD_0";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_1"] = 94] = "NUMPAD_1";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_2"] = 95] = "NUMPAD_2";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_3"] = 96] = "NUMPAD_3";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_4"] = 97] = "NUMPAD_4";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_5"] = 98] = "NUMPAD_5";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_6"] = 99] = "NUMPAD_6";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_7"] = 100] = "NUMPAD_7";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_8"] = 101] = "NUMPAD_8";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_9"] = 102] = "NUMPAD_9";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_ADD"] = 104] = "NUMPAD_ADD";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_DECIMAL"] = 107] = "NUMPAD_DECIMAL";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_DIVIDE"] = 108] = "NUMPAD_DIVIDE";
* Cover all key codes when IME is processing input.
KeyCode[KeyCode["ABNT_C1"] = 110] = "ABNT_C1";
KeyCode[KeyCode["ABNT_C2"] = 111] = "ABNT_C2";
* Placed last to cover the length of the enum.
* Please do not depend on this value!
KeyCode[KeyCode["MAX_VALUE"] = 112] = "MAX_VALUE";
})(KeyCode = exports.KeyCode || (exports.KeyCode = {}));
var KeyCodeStrMap = /** @class */ (function () {
function KeyCodeStrMap() {
this._keyCodeToStr = [];
this._strToKeyCode = Object.create(null);
KeyCodeStrMap.prototype.define = function (keyCode, str) {
this._keyCodeToStr[keyCode] = str;
this._strToKeyCode[str.toLowerCase()] = keyCode;
KeyCodeStrMap.prototype.keyCodeToStr = function (keyCode) {
return this._keyCodeToStr[keyCode];
KeyCodeStrMap.prototype.strToKeyCode = function (str) {
return this._strToKeyCode[str.toLowerCase()] || 0 /* Unknown */;
return KeyCodeStrMap;
var uiMap = new KeyCodeStrMap();
var userSettingsUSMap = new KeyCodeStrMap();
var userSettingsGeneralMap = new KeyCodeStrMap();
(function () {
function define(keyCode, uiLabel, usUserSettingsLabel, generalUserSettingsLabel) {
if (usUserSettingsLabel === void 0) { usUserSettingsLabel = uiLabel; }
if (generalUserSettingsLabel === void 0) { generalUserSettingsLabel = usUserSettingsLabel; }
uiMap.define(keyCode, uiLabel);
userSettingsUSMap.define(keyCode, usUserSettingsLabel);
userSettingsGeneralMap.define(keyCode, generalUserSettingsLabel);
define(0 /* Unknown */, 'unknown');
define(1 /* Backspace */, 'Backspace');
define(2 /* Tab */, 'Tab');
define(3 /* Enter */, 'Enter');
define(4 /* Shift */, 'Shift');
define(5 /* Ctrl */, 'Ctrl');
define(6 /* Alt */, 'Alt');
define(7 /* PauseBreak */, 'PauseBreak');
define(8 /* CapsLock */, 'CapsLock');
define(9 /* Escape */, 'Escape');
define(10 /* Space */, 'Space');
define(11 /* PageUp */, 'PageUp');
define(12 /* PageDown */, 'PageDown');
define(13 /* End */, 'End');
define(14 /* Home */, 'Home');
define(15 /* LeftArrow */, 'LeftArrow', 'Left');
define(16 /* UpArrow */, 'UpArrow', 'Up');
define(17 /* RightArrow */, 'RightArrow', 'Right');
define(18 /* DownArrow */, 'DownArrow', 'Down');
define(19 /* Insert */, 'Insert');
define(20 /* Delete */, 'Delete');
define(21 /* KEY_0 */, '0');
define(22 /* KEY_1 */, '1');
define(23 /* KEY_2 */, '2');
define(24 /* KEY_3 */, '3');
define(25 /* KEY_4 */, '4');
define(26 /* KEY_5 */, '5');
define(27 /* KEY_6 */, '6');
define(28 /* KEY_7 */, '7');
define(29 /* KEY_8 */, '8');
define(30 /* KEY_9 */, '9');
define(31 /* KEY_A */, 'A');
define(32 /* KEY_B */, 'B');
define(33 /* KEY_C */, 'C');
define(34 /* KEY_D */, 'D');
define(35 /* KEY_E */, 'E');
define(36 /* KEY_F */, 'F');
define(37 /* KEY_G */, 'G');
define(38 /* KEY_H */, 'H');
define(39 /* KEY_I */, 'I');
define(40 /* KEY_J */, 'J');
define(41 /* KEY_K */, 'K');
define(42 /* KEY_L */, 'L');
define(43 /* KEY_M */, 'M');
define(44 /* KEY_N */, 'N');
define(45 /* KEY_O */, 'O');
define(46 /* KEY_P */, 'P');
define(47 /* KEY_Q */, 'Q');
define(48 /* KEY_R */, 'R');
define(49 /* KEY_S */, 'S');
define(50 /* KEY_T */, 'T');
define(51 /* KEY_U */, 'U');
define(52 /* KEY_V */, 'V');
define(53 /* KEY_W */, 'W');
define(54 /* KEY_X */, 'X');
define(55 /* KEY_Y */, 'Y');
define(56 /* KEY_Z */, 'Z');
define(57 /* Meta */, 'Meta');
define(58 /* ContextMenu */, 'ContextMenu');
define(59 /* F1 */, 'F1');
define(60 /* F2 */, 'F2');
define(61 /* F3 */, 'F3');
define(62 /* F4 */, 'F4');
define(63 /* F5 */, 'F5');
define(64 /* F6 */, 'F6');
define(65 /* F7 */, 'F7');
define(66 /* F8 */, 'F8');
define(67 /* F9 */, 'F9');
define(68 /* F10 */, 'F10');
define(69 /* F11 */, 'F11');
define(70 /* F12 */, 'F12');
define(71 /* F13 */, 'F13');
define(72 /* F14 */, 'F14');
define(73 /* F15 */, 'F15');
define(74 /* F16 */, 'F16');
define(75 /* F17 */, 'F17');
define(76 /* F18 */, 'F18');
define(77 /* F19 */, 'F19');
define(78 /* NumLock */, 'NumLock');
define(79 /* ScrollLock */, 'ScrollLock');
define(80 /* US_SEMICOLON */, ';', ';', 'OEM_1');
define(81 /* US_EQUAL */, '=', '=', 'OEM_PLUS');
define(82 /* US_COMMA */, ',', ',', 'OEM_COMMA');
define(83 /* US_MINUS */, '-', '-', 'OEM_MINUS');
define(84 /* US_DOT */, '.', '.', 'OEM_PERIOD');
define(85 /* US_SLASH */, '/', '/', 'OEM_2');
define(86 /* US_BACKTICK */, '`', '`', 'OEM_3');
define(110 /* ABNT_C1 */, 'ABNT_C1');
define(111 /* ABNT_C2 */, 'ABNT_C2');
define(87 /* US_OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET */, '[', '[', 'OEM_4');
define(88 /* US_BACKSLASH */, '\\', '\\', 'OEM_5');
define(89 /* US_CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET */, ']', ']', 'OEM_6');
define(90 /* US_QUOTE */, '\'', '\'', 'OEM_7');
define(91 /* OEM_8 */, 'OEM_8');
define(92 /* OEM_102 */, 'OEM_102');
define(93 /* NUMPAD_0 */, 'NumPad0');
define(94 /* NUMPAD_1 */, 'NumPad1');
define(95 /* NUMPAD_2 */, 'NumPad2');
define(96 /* NUMPAD_3 */, 'NumPad3');
define(97 /* NUMPAD_4 */, 'NumPad4');
define(98 /* NUMPAD_5 */, 'NumPad5');
define(99 /* NUMPAD_6 */, 'NumPad6');
define(100 /* NUMPAD_7 */, 'NumPad7');
define(101 /* NUMPAD_8 */, 'NumPad8');
define(102 /* NUMPAD_9 */, 'NumPad9');
define(103 /* NUMPAD_MULTIPLY */, 'NumPad_Multiply');
define(104 /* NUMPAD_ADD */, 'NumPad_Add');
define(105 /* NUMPAD_SEPARATOR */, 'NumPad_Separator');
define(106 /* NUMPAD_SUBTRACT */, 'NumPad_Subtract');
define(107 /* NUMPAD_DECIMAL */, 'NumPad_Decimal');
define(108 /* NUMPAD_DIVIDE */, 'NumPad_Divide');
var KeyCodeUtils;
(function (KeyCodeUtils) {
function toString(keyCode) {
return uiMap.keyCodeToStr(keyCode);
KeyCodeUtils.toString = toString;
function fromString(key) {
return uiMap.strToKeyCode(key);
KeyCodeUtils.fromString = fromString;
function toUserSettingsUS(keyCode) {
return userSettingsUSMap.keyCodeToStr(keyCode);
KeyCodeUtils.toUserSettingsUS = toUserSettingsUS;
function toUserSettingsGeneral(keyCode) {
return userSettingsGeneralMap.keyCodeToStr(keyCode);
KeyCodeUtils.toUserSettingsGeneral = toUserSettingsGeneral;
function fromUserSettings(key) {
return userSettingsUSMap.strToKeyCode(key) || userSettingsGeneralMap.strToKeyCode(key);
KeyCodeUtils.fromUserSettings = fromUserSettings;
})(KeyCodeUtils = exports.KeyCodeUtils || (exports.KeyCodeUtils = {}));
* Binary encoding strategy:
* ```
* 1111 11
* 5432 1098 7654 3210
* C = bit 11 = ctrlCmd flag
* S = bit 10 = shift flag
* A = bit 9 = alt flag
* W = bit 8 = winCtrl flag
* K = bits 0-7 = key code
* ```
var BinaryKeybindingsMask;
(function (BinaryKeybindingsMask) {
BinaryKeybindingsMask[BinaryKeybindingsMask["CtrlCmd"] = 2048] = "CtrlCmd";
BinaryKeybindingsMask[BinaryKeybindingsMask["Shift"] = 1024] = "Shift";
BinaryKeybindingsMask[BinaryKeybindingsMask["Alt"] = 512] = "Alt";
BinaryKeybindingsMask[BinaryKeybindingsMask["WinCtrl"] = 256] = "WinCtrl";
BinaryKeybindingsMask[BinaryKeybindingsMask["KeyCode"] = 255] = "KeyCode";
})(BinaryKeybindingsMask || (BinaryKeybindingsMask = {}));
var KeyMod;
(function (KeyMod) {
KeyMod[KeyMod["CtrlCmd"] = 2048] = "CtrlCmd";
KeyMod[KeyMod["Shift"] = 1024] = "Shift";
KeyMod[KeyMod["Alt"] = 512] = "Alt";
KeyMod[KeyMod["WinCtrl"] = 256] = "WinCtrl";
})(KeyMod = exports.KeyMod || (exports.KeyMod = {}));
function KeyChord(firstPart, secondPart) {
var chordPart = ((secondPart & 0x0000ffff) << 16) >>> 0;
return (firstPart | chordPart) >>> 0;
exports.KeyChord = KeyChord;
function createKeybinding(keybinding, OS) {
if (keybinding === 0) {
return null;
var firstPart = (keybinding & 0x0000ffff) >>> 0;
var chordPart = (keybinding & 0xffff0000) >>> 16;
if (chordPart !== 0) {
return new ChordKeybinding(createSimpleKeybinding(firstPart, OS), createSimpleKeybinding(chordPart, OS));
return createSimpleKeybinding(firstPart, OS);
exports.createKeybinding = createKeybinding;
function createSimpleKeybinding(keybinding, OS) {
var ctrlCmd = (keybinding & 2048 /* CtrlCmd */ ? true : false);
var winCtrl = (keybinding & 256 /* WinCtrl */ ? true : false);
var ctrlKey = (OS === 2 /* Macintosh */ ? winCtrl : ctrlCmd);
var shiftKey = (keybinding & 1024 /* Shift */ ? true : false);
var altKey = (keybinding & 512 /* Alt */ ? true : false);
var metaKey = (OS === 2 /* Macintosh */ ? ctrlCmd : winCtrl);
var keyCode = (keybinding & 255 /* KeyCode */);
return new SimpleKeybinding(ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey, keyCode);
exports.createSimpleKeybinding = createSimpleKeybinding;
var KeybindingType;
(function (KeybindingType) {
KeybindingType[KeybindingType["Simple"] = 1] = "Simple";
KeybindingType[KeybindingType["Chord"] = 2] = "Chord";
})(KeybindingType = exports.KeybindingType || (exports.KeybindingType = {}));
var SimpleKeybinding = /** @class */ (function () {
function SimpleKeybinding(ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey, keyCode) {
this.type = 1 /* Simple */;
this.ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
this.shiftKey = shiftKey;
this.altKey = altKey;
this.metaKey = metaKey;
this.keyCode = keyCode;
SimpleKeybinding.prototype.equals = function (other) {
if (other.type !== 1 /* Simple */) {
return false;
return (this.ctrlKey === other.ctrlKey
&& this.shiftKey === other.shiftKey
&& this.altKey === other.altKey
&& this.metaKey === other.metaKey
&& this.keyCode === other.keyCode);
SimpleKeybinding.prototype.getHashCode = function () {
var ctrl = this.ctrlKey ? '1' : '0';
var shift = this.shiftKey ? '1' : '0';
var alt = this.altKey ? '1' : '0';
var meta = this.metaKey ? '1' : '0';
return "" + ctrl + shift + alt + meta + this.keyCode;
SimpleKeybinding.prototype.isModifierKey = function () {
return (this.keyCode === 0 /* Unknown */
|| this.keyCode === 5 /* Ctrl */
|| this.keyCode === 57 /* Meta */
|| this.keyCode === 6 /* Alt */
|| this.keyCode === 4 /* Shift */);
* Does this keybinding refer to the key code of a modifier and it also has the modifier flag?
SimpleKeybinding.prototype.isDuplicateModifierCase = function () {
return ((this.ctrlKey && this.keyCode === 5 /* Ctrl */)
|| (this.shiftKey && this.keyCode === 4 /* Shift */)
|| (this.altKey && this.keyCode === 6 /* Alt */)
|| (this.metaKey && this.keyCode === 57 /* Meta */));
return SimpleKeybinding;
exports.SimpleKeybinding = SimpleKeybinding;
var ChordKeybinding = /** @class */ (function () {
function ChordKeybinding(firstPart, chordPart) {
this.type = 2 /* Chord */;
this.firstPart = firstPart;
this.chordPart = chordPart;
ChordKeybinding.prototype.getHashCode = function () {
return this.firstPart.getHashCode() + ";" + this.chordPart.getHashCode();
return ChordKeybinding;
exports.ChordKeybinding = ChordKeybinding;
var ResolvedKeybindingPart = /** @class */ (function () {
function ResolvedKeybindingPart(ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey, kbLabel, kbAriaLabel) {
this.ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
this.shiftKey = shiftKey;
this.altKey = altKey;
this.metaKey = metaKey;
this.keyLabel = kbLabel;
this.keyAriaLabel = kbAriaLabel;
return ResolvedKeybindingPart;
exports.ResolvedKeybindingPart = ResolvedKeybindingPart;
* A resolved keybinding. Can be a simple keybinding or a chord keybinding.
var ResolvedKeybinding = /** @class */ (function () {
function ResolvedKeybinding() {
return ResolvedKeybinding;
exports.ResolvedKeybinding = ResolvedKeybinding;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
define(__m[10/*vs/base/common/lifecycle*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,12/*vs/base/common/functional*/]), function (require, exports, functional_1) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.empty = Object.freeze({
dispose: function () { }
function isDisposable(thing) {
return typeof thing.dispose === 'function'
&& thing.dispose.length === 0;
exports.isDisposable = isDisposable;
function dispose(first) {
var rest = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
if (Array.isArray(first)) {
first.forEach(function (d) { return d && d.dispose(); });
return [];
else if (rest.length === 0) {
if (first) {
return first;
return undefined;
else {
return [];
exports.dispose = dispose;
function combinedDisposable(disposables) {
return { dispose: function () { return dispose(disposables); } };
exports.combinedDisposable = combinedDisposable;
function toDisposable() {
var fns = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
fns[_i] = arguments[_i];
return {
dispose: function () {
for (var _i = 0, fns_1 = fns; _i < fns_1.length; _i++) {
var fn = fns_1[_i];
exports.toDisposable = toDisposable;
var Disposable = /** @class */ (function () {
function Disposable() {
this._toDispose = [];
Disposable.prototype.dispose = function () {
this._toDispose = dispose(this._toDispose);
Disposable.prototype._register = function (t) {
return t;
return Disposable;
exports.Disposable = Disposable;
var ReferenceCollection = /** @class */ (function () {
function ReferenceCollection() {
this.references = Object.create(null);
ReferenceCollection.prototype.acquire = function (key) {
var _this = this;
var reference = this.references[key];
if (!reference) {
reference = this.references[key] = { counter: 0, object: this.createReferencedObject(key) };
var object = reference.object;
var dispose = functional_1.once(function () {
if (--reference.counter === 0) {
delete _this.references[key];
return { object: object, dispose: dispose };
return ReferenceCollection;
exports.ReferenceCollection = ReferenceCollection;
var ImmortalReference = /** @class */ (function () {
function ImmortalReference(object) {
this.object = object;
ImmortalReference.prototype.dispose = function () { };
return ImmortalReference;
exports.ImmortalReference = ImmortalReference;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
define(__m[18/*vs/base/common/linkedList*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/]), function (require, exports) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Node = /** @class */ (function () {
function Node(element) {
this.element = element;
return Node;
var LinkedList = /** @class */ (function () {
function LinkedList() {
LinkedList.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
return !this._first;
LinkedList.prototype.clear = function () {
this._first = undefined;
this._last = undefined;
LinkedList.prototype.unshift = function (element) {
return this.insert(element, false);
LinkedList.prototype.push = function (element) {
return this.insert(element, true);
LinkedList.prototype.insert = function (element, atTheEnd) {
var _this = this;
var newNode = new Node(element);
if (!this._first) {
this._first = newNode;
this._last = newNode;
else if (atTheEnd) {
// push
var oldLast = this._last;
this._last = newNode;
newNode.prev = oldLast; = newNode;
else {
// unshift
var oldFirst = this._first;
this._first = newNode; = oldFirst;
oldFirst.prev = newNode;
return function () {
for (var candidate = _this._first; candidate instanceof Node; candidate = {
if (candidate !== newNode) {
if (candidate.prev && {
// middle
var anchor = candidate.prev; =; = anchor;
else if (!candidate.prev && ! {
// only node
_this._first = undefined;
_this._last = undefined;
else if (! {
// last
_this._last = _this._last.prev; = undefined;
else if (!candidate.prev) {
// first
_this._first =;
_this._first.prev = undefined;
// done
LinkedList.prototype.iterator = function () {
var element = {
done: undefined,
value: undefined,
var node = this._first;
return {
next: function () {
if (!node) {
element.done = true;
element.value = undefined;
else {
element.done = false;
element.value = node.element;
node =;
return element;
LinkedList.prototype.toArray = function () {
var result = [];
for (var node = this._first; node instanceof Node; node = {
return result;
return LinkedList;
exports.LinkedList = LinkedList;
define(__m[5/*vs/base/common/platform*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/]), function (require, exports) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var _isWindows = false;
var _isMacintosh = false;
var _isLinux = false;
var _isNative = false;
var _isWeb = false;
var _locale = undefined;
var _language = undefined;
var _translationsConfigFile = undefined;
exports.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT = 'en';
// OS detection
if (typeof process === 'object' && typeof process.nextTick === 'function' && typeof process.platform === 'string') {
_isWindows = (process.platform === 'win32');
_isMacintosh = (process.platform === 'darwin');
_isLinux = (process.platform === 'linux');
var rawNlsConfig = process.env['VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG'];
if (rawNlsConfig) {
try {
var nlsConfig = JSON.parse(rawNlsConfig);
var resolved = nlsConfig.availableLanguages['*'];
_locale = nlsConfig.locale;
// VSCode's default language is 'en'
_language = resolved ? resolved : exports.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT;
_translationsConfigFile = nlsConfig._translationsConfigFile;
catch (e) {
_isNative = true;
else if (typeof navigator === 'object') {
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
_isWindows = userAgent.indexOf('Windows') >= 0;
_isMacintosh = userAgent.indexOf('Macintosh') >= 0;
_isLinux = userAgent.indexOf('Linux') >= 0;
_isWeb = true;
_locale = navigator.language;
_language = _locale;
var Platform;
(function (Platform) {
Platform[Platform["Web"] = 0] = "Web";
Platform[Platform["Mac"] = 1] = "Mac";
Platform[Platform["Linux"] = 2] = "Linux";
Platform[Platform["Windows"] = 3] = "Windows";
})(Platform = exports.Platform || (exports.Platform = {}));
var _platform = Platform.Web;
if (_isNative) {
if (_isMacintosh) {
_platform = Platform.Mac;
else if (_isWindows) {
_platform = Platform.Windows;
else if (_isLinux) {
_platform = Platform.Linux;
exports.isWindows = _isWindows;
exports.isMacintosh = _isMacintosh;
exports.isLinux = _isLinux;
exports.isNative = _isNative;
exports.isWeb = _isWeb;
exports.platform = _platform;
function isRootUser() {
return _isNative && !_isWindows && (process.getuid() === 0);
exports.isRootUser = isRootUser;
* The language used for the user interface. The format of
* the string is all lower case (e.g. zh-tw for Traditional
* Chinese)
exports.language = _language;
* The OS locale or the locale specified by --locale. The format of
* the string is all lower case (e.g. zh-tw for Traditional
* Chinese). The UI is not necessarily shown in the provided locale.
exports.locale = _locale;
* The translatios that are available through language packs.
exports.translationsConfigFile = _translationsConfigFile;
var _globals = (typeof self === 'object' ? self : typeof global === 'object' ? global : {});
exports.globals = _globals;
var _setImmediate = null;
function setImmediate(callback) {
if (_setImmediate === null) {
if (exports.globals.setImmediate) {
_setImmediate = exports.globals.setImmediate.bind(exports.globals);
else if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.nextTick === 'function') {
_setImmediate = process.nextTick.bind(process);
else {
_setImmediate = exports.globals.setTimeout.bind(exports.globals);
return _setImmediate(callback);
exports.setImmediate = setImmediate;
var OperatingSystem;
(function (OperatingSystem) {
OperatingSystem[OperatingSystem["Windows"] = 1] = "Windows";
OperatingSystem[OperatingSystem["Macintosh"] = 2] = "Macintosh";
OperatingSystem[OperatingSystem["Linux"] = 3] = "Linux";
})(OperatingSystem = exports.OperatingSystem || (exports.OperatingSystem = {}));
exports.OS = (_isMacintosh ? 2 /* Macintosh */ : (_isWindows ? 1 /* Windows */ : 3 /* Linux */));
var AccessibilitySupport;
(function (AccessibilitySupport) {
* This should be the browser case where it is not known if a screen reader is attached or no.
AccessibilitySupport[AccessibilitySupport["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown";
AccessibilitySupport[AccessibilitySupport["Disabled"] = 1] = "Disabled";
AccessibilitySupport[AccessibilitySupport["Enabled"] = 2] = "Enabled";
})(AccessibilitySupport = exports.AccessibilitySupport || (exports.AccessibilitySupport = {}));
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
define(__m[6/*vs/base/common/uri*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,5/*vs/base/common/platform*/]), function (require, exports, platform) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function _encode(ch) {
return '%' + ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();
// see
function encodeURIComponent2(str) {
return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/[!'()*]/g, _encode);
function encodeNoop(str) {
return str.replace(/[#?]/, _encode);
var _schemePattern = /^\w[\w\d+.-]*$/;
var _singleSlashStart = /^\//;
var _doubleSlashStart = /^\/\//;
function _validateUri(ret) {
// scheme,
// ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
if (ret.scheme && !_schemePattern.test(ret.scheme)) {
throw new Error('[UriError]: Scheme contains illegal characters.');
// path,
// If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component
// must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character. If a URI
// does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin
// with two slash characters ("//").
if (ret.path) {
if (ret.authority) {
if (!_singleSlashStart.test(ret.path)) {
throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character');
else {
if (_doubleSlashStart.test(ret.path)) {
throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin with two slash characters ("//")');
var _empty = '';
var _slash = '/';
var _regexp = /^(([^:/?#]+?):)?(\/\/([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/;
var _driveLetterPath = /^\/[a-zA-Z]:/;
var _upperCaseDrive = /^(\/)?([A-Z]:)/;
var _driveLetter = /^[a-zA-Z]:/;
* Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
* This class is a simple parser which creates the basic component paths
* ( with minimal validation
* and encoding.
* foo://
* \_/ \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
* | | | | |
* scheme authority path query fragment
* | _____________________|__
* / \ / \
* urn:example:animal:ferret:nose
var URI = /** @class */ (function () {
* @internal
function URI(schemeOrData, authority, path, query, fragment) {
if (typeof schemeOrData === 'object') {
this.scheme = schemeOrData.scheme || _empty;
this.authority = schemeOrData.authority || _empty;
this.path = schemeOrData.path || _empty;
this.query = schemeOrData.query || _empty;
this.fragment = schemeOrData.fragment || _empty;
// no validation because it's this URI
// that creates uri components.
// _validateUri(this);
else {
this.scheme = schemeOrData || _empty;
this.authority = authority || _empty;
this.path = path || _empty;
this.query = query || _empty;
this.fragment = fragment || _empty;
URI.isUri = function (thing) {
if (thing instanceof URI) {
return true;
if (!thing) {
return false;
return typeof thing.authority === 'string'
&& typeof thing.fragment === 'string'
&& typeof thing.path === 'string'
&& typeof thing.query === 'string'
&& typeof thing.scheme === 'string';
Object.defineProperty(URI.prototype, "fsPath", {
// ---- filesystem path -----------------------
* Returns a string representing the corresponding file system path of this URI.
* Will handle UNC paths and normalize windows drive letters to lower-case. Also
* uses the platform specific path separator. Will *not* validate the path for
* invalid characters and semantics. Will *not* look at the scheme of this URI.
get: function () {
return _makeFsPath(this);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
// ---- modify to new -------------------------
URI.prototype.with = function (change) {
if (!change) {
return this;
var scheme = change.scheme, authority = change.authority, path = change.path, query = change.query, fragment = change.fragment;
if (scheme === void 0) {
scheme = this.scheme;
else if (scheme === null) {
scheme = _empty;
if (authority === void 0) {
authority = this.authority;
else if (authority === null) {
authority = _empty;
if (path === void 0) {
path = this.path;
else if (path === null) {
path = _empty;
if (query === void 0) {
query = this.query;
else if (query === null) {
query = _empty;
if (fragment === void 0) {
fragment = this.fragment;
else if (fragment === null) {
fragment = _empty;
if (scheme === this.scheme
&& authority === this.authority
&& path === this.path
&& query === this.query
&& fragment === this.fragment) {
return this;
return new _URI(scheme, authority, path, query, fragment);
// ---- parse & validate ------------------------
URI.parse = function (value) {
var match = _regexp.exec(value);
if (!match) {
return new _URI(_empty, _empty, _empty, _empty, _empty);
return new _URI(match[2] || _empty, decodeURIComponent(match[4] || _empty), decodeURIComponent(match[5] || _empty), decodeURIComponent(match[7] || _empty), decodeURIComponent(match[9] || _empty));
URI.file = function (path) {
var authority = _empty;
// normalize to fwd-slashes on windows,
// on other systems bwd-slashes are valid
// filename character, eg /f\oo/ba\r.txt
if (platform.isWindows) {
path = path.replace(/\\/g, _slash);
// check for authority as used in UNC shares
// or use the path as given
if (path[0] === _slash && path[1] === _slash) {
var idx = path.indexOf(_slash, 2);
if (idx === -1) {
authority = path.substring(2);
path = _slash;
else {
authority = path.substring(2, idx);
path = path.substring(idx) || _slash;
// Ensure that path starts with a slash
// or that it is at least a slash
if (_driveLetter.test(path)) {
path = _slash + path;
else if (path[0] !== _slash) {
// tricky -> makes invalid paths
// but otherwise we have to stop
// allowing relative paths...
path = _slash + path;
return new _URI('file', authority, path, _empty, _empty);
URI.from = function (components) {
return new _URI(components.scheme, components.authority, components.path, components.query, components.fragment);
// ---- printing/externalize ---------------------------
* @param skipEncoding Do not encode the result, default is `false`
URI.prototype.toString = function (skipEncoding) {
if (skipEncoding === void 0) { skipEncoding = false; }
return _asFormatted(this, skipEncoding);
URI.prototype.toJSON = function () {
var res = {
$mid: 1,
fsPath: this.fsPath,
external: this.toString(),
if (this.path) {
res.path = this.path;
if (this.scheme) {
res.scheme = this.scheme;
if (this.authority) {
res.authority = this.authority;
if (this.query) {
res.query = this.query;
if (this.fragment) {
res.fragment = this.fragment;
return res;
URI.revive = function (data) {
if (!data) {
return data;
else if (data instanceof URI) {
return data;
else {
var result = new _URI(data);
result._fsPath = data.fsPath;
result._formatted = data.external;
return result;
return URI;
exports.default = URI;
// tslint:disable-next-line:class-name
var _URI = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(_URI, _super);
function _URI() {
var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
_this._formatted = null;
_this._fsPath = null;
return _this;
Object.defineProperty(_URI.prototype, "fsPath", {
get: function () {
if (!this._fsPath) {
this._fsPath = _makeFsPath(this);
return this._fsPath;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
_URI.prototype.toString = function (skipEncoding) {
if (skipEncoding === void 0) { skipEncoding = false; }
if (!skipEncoding) {
if (!this._formatted) {
this._formatted = _asFormatted(this, false);
return this._formatted;
else {
// we don't cache that
return _asFormatted(this, true);
return _URI;
* Compute `fsPath` for the given uri
* @param uri
function _makeFsPath(uri) {
var value;
if (uri.authority && uri.path && uri.scheme === 'file') {
// unc path: file://shares/c$/far/boo
value = "//" + uri.authority + uri.path;
else if (_driveLetterPath.test(uri.path)) {
// windows drive letter: file:///c:/far/boo
value = uri.path[1].toLowerCase() + uri.path.substr(2);
else {
// other path
value = uri.path;
if (platform.isWindows) {
value = value.replace(/\//g, '\\');
return value;
* Create the external version of a uri
function _asFormatted(uri, skipEncoding) {
var encoder = !skipEncoding
? encodeURIComponent2
: encodeNoop;
var parts = [];
var scheme = uri.scheme, authority = uri.authority, path = uri.path, query = uri.query, fragment = uri.fragment;
if (scheme) {
parts.push(scheme, ':');
if (authority || scheme === 'file') {
if (authority) {
var idx = authority.indexOf('@');
if (idx !== -1) {
var userinfo = authority.substr(0, idx);
authority = authority.substr(idx + 1);
idx = userinfo.indexOf(':');
if (idx === -1) {
else {
parts.push(encoder(userinfo.substr(0, idx)), ':', encoder(userinfo.substr(idx + 1)));
authority = authority.toLowerCase();
idx = authority.indexOf(':');
if (idx === -1) {
else {
parts.push(encoder(authority.substr(0, idx)), authority.substr(idx));
if (path) {
// lower-case windows drive letters in /C:/fff or C:/fff
var m = _upperCaseDrive.exec(path);
if (m) {
if (m[1]) {
path = '/' + m[2].toLowerCase() + path.substr(3); // "/c:".length === 3
else {
path = m[2].toLowerCase() + path.substr(2); // // "c:".length === 2
// encode every segement but not slashes
// make sure that # and ? are always encoded
// when occurring in paths - otherwise the result
// cannot be parsed back again
var lastIdx = 0;
while (true) {
var idx = path.indexOf(_slash, lastIdx);
if (idx === -1) {
parts.push(encoder(path.substring(lastIdx, idx)), _slash);
lastIdx = idx + 1;
if (query) {
parts.push('?', encoder(query));
if (fragment) {
parts.push('#', encoder(fragment));
return parts.join(_empty);
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
define(__m[15/*vs/base/common/map*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,6/*vs/base/common/uri*/]), function (require, exports, uri_1) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function values(forEachable) {
var result = [];
forEachable.forEach(function (value) { return result.push(value); });
return result;
exports.values = values;
function keys(map) {
var result = [];
map.forEach(function (value, key) { return result.push(key); });
return result;
exports.keys = keys;
function getOrSet(map, key, value) {
var result = map.get(key);
if (result === void 0) {
result = value;
map.set(key, result);
return result;
exports.getOrSet = getOrSet;
var StringIterator = /** @class */ (function () {
function StringIterator() {
this._value = '';
this._pos = 0;
StringIterator.prototype.reset = function (key) {
this._value = key;
this._pos = 0;
return this;
}; = function () {
this._pos += 1;
return this;
StringIterator.prototype.join = function (parts) {
return parts.join('');
StringIterator.prototype.hasNext = function () {
return this._pos < this._value.length - 1;
StringIterator.prototype.cmp = function (a) {
var aCode = a.charCodeAt(0);
var thisCode = this._value.charCodeAt(this._pos);
return aCode - thisCode;
StringIterator.prototype.value = function () {
return this._value[this._pos];
return StringIterator;
exports.StringIterator = StringIterator;
var PathIterator = /** @class */ (function () {
function PathIterator() {
PathIterator.prototype.reset = function (key) {
this._value = key.replace(/\\$|\/$/, '');
this._from = 0;
this._to = 0;
PathIterator.prototype.hasNext = function () {
return this._to < this._value.length;
PathIterator.prototype.join = function (parts) {
return parts.join('/');
}; = function () {
// this._data = key.split(/[\\/]/).filter(s => !!s);
this._from = this._to;
var justSeps = true;
for (; this._to < this._value.length; this._to++) {
var ch = this._value.charCodeAt(this._to);
if (ch === PathIterator._fwd || ch === PathIterator._bwd) {
if (justSeps) {
else {
else {
justSeps = false;
return this;
PathIterator.prototype.cmp = function (a) {
var aPos = 0;
var aLen = a.length;
var thisPos = this._from;
while (aPos < aLen && thisPos < this._to) {
var cmp = a.charCodeAt(aPos) - this._value.charCodeAt(thisPos);
if (cmp !== 0) {
return cmp;
aPos += 1;
thisPos += 1;
if (aLen === this._to - this._from) {
return 0;
else if (aPos < aLen) {
return -1;
else {
return 1;
PathIterator.prototype.value = function () {
return this._value.substring(this._from, this._to);
PathIterator._fwd = '/'.charCodeAt(0);
PathIterator._bwd = '\\'.charCodeAt(0);
return PathIterator;
exports.PathIterator = PathIterator;
var TernarySearchTreeNode = /** @class */ (function () {
function TernarySearchTreeNode() {
TernarySearchTreeNode.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
return !this.left && !this.mid && !this.right && !this.element;
return TernarySearchTreeNode;
var TernarySearchTree = /** @class */ (function () {
function TernarySearchTree(segments) {
this._iter = segments;
TernarySearchTree.forPaths = function () {
return new TernarySearchTree(new PathIterator());
TernarySearchTree.forStrings = function () {
return new TernarySearchTree(new StringIterator());
TernarySearchTree.prototype.clear = function () {
this._root = undefined;
TernarySearchTree.prototype.set = function (key, element) {
var iter = this._iter.reset(key);
var node;
if (!this._root) {
this._root = new TernarySearchTreeNode();
this._root.str = iter.value();
node = this._root;
while (true) {
var val = iter.cmp(node.str);
if (val > 0) {
// left
if (!node.left) {
node.left = new TernarySearchTreeNode();
node.left.str = iter.value();
node = node.left;
else if (val < 0) {
// right
if (!node.right) {
node.right = new TernarySearchTreeNode();
node.right.str = iter.value();
node = node.right;
else if (iter.hasNext()) {
// mid;
if (!node.mid) {
node.mid = new TernarySearchTreeNode();
node.mid.str = iter.value();
node = node.mid;
else {
var oldElement = node.element;
node.element = element;
return oldElement;
TernarySearchTree.prototype.get = function (key) {
var iter = this._iter.reset(key);
var node = this._root;
while (node) {
var val = iter.cmp(node.str);
if (val > 0) {
// left
node = node.left;
else if (val < 0) {
// right
node = node.right;
else if (iter.hasNext()) {
// mid;
node = node.mid;
else {
return node ? node.element : undefined;
TernarySearchTree.prototype.delete = function (key) {
var iter = this._iter.reset(key);
var stack = [];
var node = this._root;
// find and unset node
while (node) {
var val = iter.cmp(node.str);
if (val > 0) {
// left
stack.push([1, node]);
node = node.left;
else if (val < 0) {
// right
stack.push([-1, node]);
node = node.right;
else if (iter.hasNext()) {
// mid;
stack.push([0, node]);
node = node.mid;
else {
// remove element
node.element = undefined;
// clean up empty nodes
while (stack.length > 0 && node.isEmpty()) {
var _a = stack.pop(), dir = _a[0], parent_1 = _a[1];
switch (dir) {
case 1:
parent_1.left = undefined;
case 0:
parent_1.mid = undefined;
case -1:
parent_1.right = undefined;
node = parent_1;
TernarySearchTree.prototype.findSubstr = function (key) {
var iter = this._iter.reset(key);
var node = this._root;
var candidate;
while (node) {
var val = iter.cmp(node.str);
if (val > 0) {
// left
node = node.left;
else if (val < 0) {
// right
node = node.right;
else if (iter.hasNext()) {
// mid;
candidate = node.element || candidate;
node = node.mid;
else {
return node && node.element || candidate;
TernarySearchTree.prototype.findSuperstr = function (key) {
var iter = this._iter.reset(key);
var node = this._root;
while (node) {
var val = iter.cmp(node.str);
if (val > 0) {
// left
node = node.left;
else if (val < 0) {
// right
node = node.right;
else if (iter.hasNext()) {
// mid;
node = node.mid;
else {
// collect
if (!node.mid) {
return undefined;
var ret = new TernarySearchTree(this._iter);
ret._root = node.mid;
return ret;
return undefined;
TernarySearchTree.prototype.forEach = function (callback) {
this._forEach(this._root, [], callback);
TernarySearchTree.prototype._forEach = function (node, parts, callback) {
if (node) {
// left
this._forEach(node.left, parts, callback);
// node
if (node.element) {
callback(node.element, this._iter.join(parts));
// mid
this._forEach(node.mid, parts, callback);
// right
this._forEach(node.right, parts, callback);
return TernarySearchTree;
exports.TernarySearchTree = TernarySearchTree;
var ResourceMap = /** @class */ (function () {
function ResourceMap() { = new Map();
this.ignoreCase = false; // in the future this should be an uri-comparator
ResourceMap.prototype.set = function (resource, value) {, value);
ResourceMap.prototype.get = function (resource) {
ResourceMap.prototype.has = function (resource) {
Object.defineProperty(ResourceMap.prototype, "size", {
get: function () {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
ResourceMap.prototype.clear = function () {;
ResourceMap.prototype.delete = function (resource) {
ResourceMap.prototype.forEach = function (clb) {;
ResourceMap.prototype.values = function () {
return values(;
ResourceMap.prototype.toKey = function (resource) {
var key = resource.toString();
if (this.ignoreCase) {
key = key.toLowerCase();
return key;
ResourceMap.prototype.keys = function () {
return keys(;
return ResourceMap;
exports.ResourceMap = ResourceMap;
var Touch;
(function (Touch) {
Touch[Touch["None"] = 0] = "None";
Touch[Touch["AsOld"] = 1] = "AsOld";
Touch[Touch["AsNew"] = 2] = "AsNew";
})(Touch = exports.Touch || (exports.Touch = {}));
var LinkedMap = /** @class */ (function () {
function LinkedMap() {
this._map = new Map();
this._head = undefined;
this._tail = undefined;
this._size = 0;
LinkedMap.prototype.clear = function () {
this._head = undefined;
this._tail = undefined;
this._size = 0;
LinkedMap.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
return !this._head && !this._tail;
Object.defineProperty(LinkedMap.prototype, "size", {
get: function () {
return this._size;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
LinkedMap.prototype.has = function (key) {
return this._map.has(key);
LinkedMap.prototype.get = function (key, touch) {
if (touch === void 0) { touch = Touch.None; }
var item = this._map.get(key);
if (!item) {
return undefined;
if (touch !== Touch.None) {
this.touch(item, touch);
return item.value;
LinkedMap.prototype.set = function (key, value, touch) {
if (touch === void 0) { touch = Touch.None; }
var item = this._map.get(key);
if (item) {
item.value = value;
if (touch !== Touch.None) {
this.touch(item, touch);
else {
item = { key: key, value: value, next: undefined, previous: undefined };
switch (touch) {
case Touch.None:
case Touch.AsOld:
case Touch.AsNew:
this._map.set(key, item);
LinkedMap.prototype.delete = function (key) {
return !!this.remove(key);
LinkedMap.prototype.remove = function (key) {
var item = this._map.get(key);
if (!item) {
return undefined;
return item.value;
LinkedMap.prototype.shift = function () {
if (!this._head && !this._tail) {
return undefined;
if (!this._head || !this._tail) {
throw new Error('Invalid list');
var item = this._head;
return item.value;
LinkedMap.prototype.forEach = function (callbackfn, thisArg) {
var current = this._head;
while (current) {
if (thisArg) {
callbackfn.bind(thisArg)(current.value, current.key, this);
else {
callbackfn(current.value, current.key, this);
current =;
LinkedMap.prototype.values = function () {
var result = [];
var current = this._head;
while (current) {
current =;
return result;
LinkedMap.prototype.keys = function () {
var result = [];
var current = this._head;
while (current) {
current =;
return result;
/* VS Code / Monaco editor runs on es5 which has no Symbol.iterator
public keys(): IterableIterator<K> {
let current = this._head;
let iterator: IterableIterator<K> = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return iterator;
next():IteratorResult<K> {
if (current) {
let result = { value: current.key, done: false };
current =;
return result;
} else {
return { value: undefined, done: true };
return iterator;
public values(): IterableIterator<V> {
let current = this._head;
let iterator: IterableIterator<V> = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return iterator;
next():IteratorResult<V> {
if (current) {
let result = { value: current.value, done: false };
current =;
return result;
} else {
return { value: undefined, done: true };
return iterator;
LinkedMap.prototype.trimOld = function (newSize) {
if (newSize >= this.size) {
if (newSize === 0) {
var current = this._head;
var currentSize = this.size;
while (current && currentSize > newSize) {
current =;
this._head = current;
this._size = currentSize;
current.previous = void 0;
LinkedMap.prototype.addItemFirst = function (item) {
// First time Insert
if (!this._head && !this._tail) {
this._tail = item;
else if (!this._head) {
throw new Error('Invalid list');
else { = this._head;
this._head.previous = item;
this._head = item;
LinkedMap.prototype.addItemLast = function (item) {
// First time Insert
if (!this._head && !this._tail) {
this._head = item;
else if (!this._tail) {
throw new Error('Invalid list');
else {
item.previous = this._tail; = item;
this._tail = item;
LinkedMap.prototype.removeItem = function (item) {
if (item === this._head && item === this._tail) {
this._head = void 0;
this._tail = void 0;
else if (item === this._head) {
this._head =;
else if (item === this._tail) {
this._tail = item.previous;
else {
var next =;
var previous = item.previous;
if (!next || !previous) {
throw new Error('Invalid list');
next.previous = previous; = next;
LinkedMap.prototype.touch = function (item, touch) {
if (!this._head || !this._tail) {
throw new Error('Invalid list');
if ((touch !== Touch.AsOld && touch !== Touch.AsNew)) {
if (touch === Touch.AsOld) {
if (item === this._head) {
var next =;
var previous = item.previous;
// Unlink the item
if (item === this._tail) {
// previous must be defined since item was not head but is tail
// So there are more than on item in the map = void 0;
this._tail = previous;
else {
// Both next and previous are not undefined since item was neither head nor tail.
next.previous = previous; = next;
// Insert the node at head
item.previous = void 0; = this._head;
this._head.previous = item;
this._head = item;
else if (touch === Touch.AsNew) {
if (item === this._tail) {
var next =;
var previous = item.previous;
// Unlink the item.
if (item === this._head) {
// next must be defined since item was not tail but is head
// So there are more than on item in the map
next.previous = void 0;
this._head = next;
else {
// Both next and previous are not undefined since item was neither head nor tail.
next.previous = previous; = next;
} = void 0;
item.previous = this._tail; = item;
this._tail = item;
LinkedMap.prototype.toJSON = function () {
var data = [];
this.forEach(function (value, key) {
data.push([key, value]);
return data;
LinkedMap.prototype.fromJSON = function (data) {
for (var _i = 0, data_1 = data; _i < data_1.length; _i++) {
var _a = data_1[_i], key = _a[0], value = _a[1];
this.set(key, value);
return LinkedMap;
exports.LinkedMap = LinkedMap;
var LRUCache = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(LRUCache, _super);
function LRUCache(limit, ratio) {
if (ratio === void 0) { ratio = 1; }
var _this = || this;
_this._limit = limit;
_this._ratio = Math.min(Math.max(0, ratio), 1);
return _this;
Object.defineProperty(LRUCache.prototype, "limit", {
get: function () {
return this._limit;
set: function (limit) {
this._limit = limit;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(LRUCache.prototype, "ratio", {
get: function () {
return this._ratio;
set: function (ratio) {
this._ratio = Math.min(Math.max(0, ratio), 1);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
LRUCache.prototype.get = function (key) {
return, key, Touch.AsNew);
LRUCache.prototype.peek = function (key) {
return, key, Touch.None);
LRUCache.prototype.set = function (key, value) {, key, value, Touch.AsNew);
LRUCache.prototype.checkTrim = function () {
if (this.size > this._limit) {
this.trimOld(Math.round(this._limit * this._ratio));
return LRUCache;
exports.LRUCache = LRUCache;
define(__m[16/*vs/base/common/strings*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,15/*vs/base/common/map*/]), function (require, exports, map_1) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* The empty string.
exports.empty = '';
function isFalsyOrWhitespace(str) {
if (!str || typeof str !== 'string') {
return true;
return str.trim().length === 0;
exports.isFalsyOrWhitespace = isFalsyOrWhitespace;
* @returns the provided number with the given number of preceding zeros.
function pad(n, l, char) {
if (char === void 0) { char = '0'; }
var str = '' + n;
var r = [str];
for (var i = str.length; i < l; i++) {
return r.reverse().join('');
exports.pad = pad;
var _formatRegexp = /{(\d+)}/g;
* Helper to produce a string with a variable number of arguments. Insert variable segments
* into the string using the {n} notation where N is the index of the argument following the string.
* @param value string to which formatting is applied
* @param args replacements for {n}-entries
function format(value) {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
if (args.length === 0) {
return value;
return value.replace(_formatRegexp, function (match, group) {
var idx = parseInt(group, 10);
return isNaN(idx) || idx < 0 || idx >= args.length ?
match :
exports.format = format;
* Converts HTML characters inside the string to use entities instead. Makes the string safe from
* being used e.g. in HTMLElement.innerHTML.
function escape(html) {
return html.replace(/[<|>|&]/g, function (match) {
switch (match) {
case '<': return '&lt;';
case '>': return '&gt;';
case '&': return '&amp;';
default: return match;
exports.escape = escape;
* Escapes regular expression characters in a given string
function escapeRegExpCharacters(value) {
return value.replace(/[\-\\\{\}\*\+\?\|\^\$\.\[\]\(\)\#]/g, '\\$&');
exports.escapeRegExpCharacters = escapeRegExpCharacters;
* Removes all occurrences of needle from the beginning and end of haystack.
* @param haystack string to trim
* @param needle the thing to trim (default is a blank)
function trim(haystack, needle) {
if (needle === void 0) { needle = ' '; }
var trimmed = ltrim(haystack, needle);
return rtrim(trimmed, needle);
exports.trim = trim;
* Removes all occurrences of needle from the beginning of haystack.
* @param haystack string to trim
* @param needle the thing to trim
function ltrim(haystack, needle) {
if (!haystack || !needle) {
return haystack;
var needleLen = needle.length;
if (needleLen === 0 || haystack.length === 0) {
return haystack;
var offset = 0, idx = -1;
while ((idx = haystack.indexOf(needle, offset)) === offset) {
offset = offset + needleLen;
return haystack.substring(offset);
exports.ltrim = ltrim;
* Removes all occurrences of needle from the end of haystack.
* @param haystack string to trim
* @param needle the thing to trim
function rtrim(haystack, needle) {
if (!haystack || !needle) {
return haystack;
var needleLen = needle.length, haystackLen = haystack.length;
if (needleLen === 0 || haystackLen === 0) {
return haystack;
var offset = haystackLen, idx = -1;
while (true) {
idx = haystack.lastIndexOf(needle, offset - 1);
if (idx === -1 || idx + needleLen !== offset) {
if (idx === 0) {
return '';
offset = idx;
return haystack.substring(0, offset);
exports.rtrim = rtrim;
function convertSimple2RegExpPattern(pattern) {
return pattern.replace(/[\-\\\{\}\+\?\|\^\$\.\,\[\]\(\)\#\s]/g, '\\$&').replace(/[\*]/g, '.*');
exports.convertSimple2RegExpPattern = convertSimple2RegExpPattern;
function stripWildcards(pattern) {
return pattern.replace(/\*/g, '');
exports.stripWildcards = stripWildcards;
* Determines if haystack starts with needle.
function startsWith(haystack, needle) {
if (haystack.length < needle.length) {
return false;
if (haystack === needle) {
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < needle.length; i++) {
if (haystack[i] !== needle[i]) {
return false;
return true;
exports.startsWith = startsWith;
* Determines if haystack ends with needle.
function endsWith(haystack, needle) {
var diff = haystack.length - needle.length;
if (diff > 0) {
return haystack.indexOf(needle, diff) === diff;
else if (diff === 0) {
return haystack === needle;
else {
return false;
exports.endsWith = endsWith;
function createRegExp(searchString, isRegex, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
if (!searchString) {
throw new Error('Cannot create regex from empty string');
if (!isRegex) {
searchString = escapeRegExpCharacters(searchString);
if (options.wholeWord) {
if (!/\B/.test(searchString.charAt(0))) {
searchString = '\\b' + searchString;
if (!/\B/.test(searchString.charAt(searchString.length - 1))) {
searchString = searchString + '\\b';
var modifiers = '';
if ( {
modifiers += 'g';
if (!options.matchCase) {
modifiers += 'i';
if (options.multiline) {
modifiers += 'm';
return new RegExp(searchString, modifiers);
exports.createRegExp = createRegExp;
function regExpLeadsToEndlessLoop(regexp) {
// Exit early if it's one of these special cases which are meant to match
// against an empty string
if (regexp.source === '^' || regexp.source === '^$' || regexp.source === '$' || regexp.source === '^\\s*$') {
return false;
// We check against an empty string. If the regular expression doesn't advance
// (e.g. ends in an endless loop) it will match an empty string.
var match = regexp.exec('');
return (match && regexp.lastIndex === 0);
exports.regExpLeadsToEndlessLoop = regExpLeadsToEndlessLoop;
function regExpContainsBackreference(regexpValue) {
return !!regexpValue.match(/([^\\]|^)(\\\\)*\\\d+/);
exports.regExpContainsBackreference = regExpContainsBackreference;
* The normalize() method returns the Unicode Normalization Form of a given string. The form will be
* the Normalization Form Canonical Composition.
* @see {@link}
exports.canNormalize = typeof (''.normalize) === 'function';
var nfcCache = new map_1.LRUCache(10000); // bounded to 10000 elements
function normalizeNFC(str) {
return normalize(str, 'NFC', nfcCache);
exports.normalizeNFC = normalizeNFC;
var nfdCache = new map_1.LRUCache(10000); // bounded to 10000 elements
function normalizeNFD(str) {
return normalize(str, 'NFD', nfdCache);
exports.normalizeNFD = normalizeNFD;
var nonAsciiCharactersPattern = /[^\u0000-\u0080]/;
function normalize(str, form, normalizedCache) {
if (!exports.canNormalize || !str) {
return str;
var cached = normalizedCache.get(str);
if (cached) {
return cached;
var res;
if (nonAsciiCharactersPattern.test(str)) {
res = str.normalize(form);
else {
res = str;
// Use the cache for fast lookup
normalizedCache.set(str, res);
return res;
* Returns first index of the string that is not whitespace.
* If string is empty or contains only whitespaces, returns -1
function firstNonWhitespaceIndex(str) {
for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) {
var chCode = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (chCode !== 32 /* Space */ && chCode !== 9 /* Tab */) {
return i;
return -1;
exports.firstNonWhitespaceIndex = firstNonWhitespaceIndex;
* Returns the leading whitespace of the string.
* If the string contains only whitespaces, returns entire string
function getLeadingWhitespace(str, start, end) {
if (start === void 0) { start = 0; }
if (end === void 0) { end = str.length; }
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
var chCode = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (chCode !== 32 /* Space */ && chCode !== 9 /* Tab */) {
return str.substring(start, i);
return str.substring(start, end);
exports.getLeadingWhitespace = getLeadingWhitespace;
* Returns last index of the string that is not whitespace.
* If string is empty or contains only whitespaces, returns -1
function lastNonWhitespaceIndex(str, startIndex) {
if (startIndex === void 0) { startIndex = str.length - 1; }
for (var i = startIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
var chCode = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (chCode !== 32 /* Space */ && chCode !== 9 /* Tab */) {
return i;
return -1;
exports.lastNonWhitespaceIndex = lastNonWhitespaceIndex;
function compare(a, b) {
if (a < b) {
return -1;
else if (a > b) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
} = compare;
function compareIgnoreCase(a, b) {
var len = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var codeA = a.charCodeAt(i);
var codeB = b.charCodeAt(i);
if (codeA === codeB) {
// equal
if (isUpperAsciiLetter(codeA)) {
codeA += 32;
if (isUpperAsciiLetter(codeB)) {
codeB += 32;
var diff = codeA - codeB;
if (diff === 0) {
// equal -> ignoreCase
else if (isLowerAsciiLetter(codeA) && isLowerAsciiLetter(codeB)) {
return diff;
else {
return compare(a.toLowerCase(), b.toLowerCase());
if (a.length < b.length) {
return -1;
else if (a.length > b.length) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
exports.compareIgnoreCase = compareIgnoreCase;
function isLowerAsciiLetter(code) {
return code >= 97 /* a */ && code <= 122 /* z */;
function isUpperAsciiLetter(code) {
return code >= 65 /* A */ && code <= 90 /* Z */;
function isAsciiLetter(code) {
return isLowerAsciiLetter(code) || isUpperAsciiLetter(code);
function equalsIgnoreCase(a, b) {
var len1 = a ? a.length : 0;
var len2 = b ? b.length : 0;
if (len1 !== len2) {
return false;
return doEqualsIgnoreCase(a, b);
exports.equalsIgnoreCase = equalsIgnoreCase;
function doEqualsIgnoreCase(a, b, stopAt) {
if (stopAt === void 0) { stopAt = a.length; }
if (typeof a !== 'string' || typeof b !== 'string') {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < stopAt; i++) {
var codeA = a.charCodeAt(i);
var codeB = b.charCodeAt(i);
if (codeA === codeB) {
// a-z A-Z
if (isAsciiLetter(codeA) && isAsciiLetter(codeB)) {
var diff = Math.abs(codeA - codeB);
if (diff !== 0 && diff !== 32) {
return false;
// Any other charcode
else {
if (String.fromCharCode(codeA).toLowerCase() !== String.fromCharCode(codeB).toLowerCase()) {
return false;
return true;
function startsWithIgnoreCase(str, candidate) {
var candidateLength = candidate.length;
if (candidate.length > str.length) {
return false;
return doEqualsIgnoreCase(str, candidate, candidateLength);
exports.startsWithIgnoreCase = startsWithIgnoreCase;
* @returns the length of the common prefix of the two strings.
function commonPrefixLength(a, b) {
var i, len = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (a.charCodeAt(i) !== b.charCodeAt(i)) {
return i;
return len;
exports.commonPrefixLength = commonPrefixLength;
* @returns the length of the common suffix of the two strings.
function commonSuffixLength(a, b) {
var i, len = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
var aLastIndex = a.length - 1;
var bLastIndex = b.length - 1;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (a.charCodeAt(aLastIndex - i) !== b.charCodeAt(bLastIndex - i)) {
return i;
return len;
exports.commonSuffixLength = commonSuffixLength;
function substrEquals(a, aStart, aEnd, b, bStart, bEnd) {
while (aStart < aEnd && bStart < bEnd) {
if (a[aStart] !== b[bStart]) {
return false;
aStart += 1;
bStart += 1;
return true;
* Return the overlap between the suffix of `a` and the prefix of `b`.
* For instance `overlap("foobar", "arr, I'm a pirate") === 2`.
function overlap(a, b) {
var aEnd = a.length;
var bEnd = b.length;
var aStart = aEnd - bEnd;
if (aStart === 0) {
return a === b ? aEnd : 0;
else if (aStart < 0) {
bEnd += aStart;
aStart = 0;
while (aStart < aEnd && bEnd > 0) {
if (substrEquals(a, aStart, aEnd, b, 0, bEnd)) {
return bEnd;
bEnd -= 1;
aStart += 1;
return 0;
exports.overlap = overlap;
// --- unicode
// Returns the code point starting at a specified index in a string
// Code points U+0000 to U+D7FF and U+E000 to U+FFFF are represented on a single character
// Code points U+10000 to U+10FFFF are represented on two consecutive characters
//export function getUnicodePoint(str:string, index:number, len:number):number {
// let chrCode = str.charCodeAt(index);
// if (0xD800 <= chrCode && chrCode <= 0xDBFF && index + 1 < len) {
// let nextChrCode = str.charCodeAt(index + 1);
// if (0xDC00 <= nextChrCode && nextChrCode <= 0xDFFF) {
// return (chrCode - 0xD800) << 10 + (nextChrCode - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;
// }
// }
// return chrCode;
function isHighSurrogate(charCode) {
return (0xD800 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xDBFF);
exports.isHighSurrogate = isHighSurrogate;
function isLowSurrogate(charCode) {
return (0xDC00 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xDFFF);
exports.isLowSurrogate = isLowSurrogate;
* Generated using
var CONTAINS_RTL = /(?:[\u05BE\u05C0\u05C3\u05C6\u05D0-\u05F4\u0608\u060B\u060D\u061B-\u064A\u066D-\u066F\u0671-\u06D5\u06E5\u06E6\u06EE\u06EF\u06FA-\u0710\u0712-\u072F\u074D-\u07A5\u07B1-\u07EA\u07F4\u07F5\u07FA-\u0815\u081A\u0824\u0828\u0830-\u0858\u085E-\u08BD\u200F\uFB1D\uFB1F-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFDFC\uFE70-\uFEFC]|\uD802[\uDC00-\uDD1B\uDD20-\uDE00\uDE10-\uDE33\uDE40-\uDEE4\uDEEB-\uDF35\uDF40-\uDFFF]|\uD803[\uDC00-\uDCFF]|\uD83A[\uDC00-\uDCCF\uDD00-\uDD43\uDD50-\uDFFF]|\uD83B[\uDC00-\uDEBB])/;
* Returns true if `str` contains any Unicode character that is classified as "R" or "AL".
function containsRTL(str) {
return CONTAINS_RTL.test(str);
exports.containsRTL = containsRTL;
* Generated using
var CONTAINS_EMOJI = /(?:[\u231A\u231B\u23F0\u23F3\u2600-\u27BF\u2B50\u2B55]|\uD83C[\uDDE6-\uDDFF\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDE4F\uDE80-\uDEF8]|\uD83E[\uDD00-\uDDE6])/;
function containsEmoji(str) {
return CONTAINS_EMOJI.test(str);
exports.containsEmoji = containsEmoji;
var IS_BASIC_ASCII = /^[\t\n\r\x20-\x7E]*$/;
* Returns true if `str` contains only basic ASCII characters in the range 32 - 126 (including 32 and 126) or \n, \r, \t
function isBasicASCII(str) {
return IS_BASIC_ASCII.test(str);
exports.isBasicASCII = isBasicASCII;
function containsFullWidthCharacter(str) {
for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) {
if (isFullWidthCharacter(str.charCodeAt(i))) {
return true;
return false;
exports.containsFullWidthCharacter = containsFullWidthCharacter;
function isFullWidthCharacter(charCode) {
// Do a cheap trick to better support wrapping of wide characters, treat them as 2 columns
// 2E80 — 2EFF CJK Radicals Supplement
// 2F00 — 2FDF Kangxi Radicals
// 2FF0 — 2FFF Ideographic Description Characters
// 3000 — 303F CJK Symbols and Punctuation
// 3040 — 309F Hiragana
// 30A0 — 30FF Katakana
// 3100 — 312F Bopomofo
// 3130 — 318F Hangul Compatibility Jamo
// 3190 — 319F Kanbun
// 31A0 — 31BF Bopomofo Extended
// 31F0 — 31FF Katakana Phonetic Extensions
// 3200 — 32FF Enclosed CJK Letters and Months
// 3300 — 33FF CJK Compatibility
// 3400 — 4DBF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
// 4DC0 — 4DFF Yijing Hexagram Symbols
// 4E00 — 9FFF CJK Unified Ideographs
// A000 — A48F Yi Syllables
// A490 — A4CF Yi Radicals
// AC00 — D7AF Hangul Syllables
// [IGNORE] D800 — DB7F High Surrogates
// [IGNORE] DB80 — DBFF High Private Use Surrogates
// [IGNORE] DC00 — DFFF Low Surrogates
// [IGNORE] E000 — F8FF Private Use Area
// F900 — FAFF CJK Compatibility Ideographs
// [IGNORE] FB00 — FB4F Alphabetic Presentation Forms
// [IGNORE] FB50 — FDFF Arabic Presentation Forms-A
// [IGNORE] FE00 — FE0F Variation Selectors
// [IGNORE] FE20 — FE2F Combining Half Marks
// [IGNORE] FE30 — FE4F CJK Compatibility Forms
// [IGNORE] FE50 — FE6F Small Form Variants
// [IGNORE] FE70 — FEFF Arabic Presentation Forms-B
// FF00 — FFEF Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
// []
// of which FF01 - FF5E fullwidth ASCII of 21 to 7E
// [IGNORE] and FF65 - FFDC halfwidth of Katakana and Hangul
// [IGNORE] FFF0 — FFFF Specials
charCode = +charCode; // @perf
return ((charCode >= 0x2E80 && charCode <= 0xD7AF)
|| (charCode >= 0xF900 && charCode <= 0xFAFF)
|| (charCode >= 0xFF01 && charCode <= 0xFF5E));
exports.isFullWidthCharacter = isFullWidthCharacter;
* Given a string and a max length returns a shorted version. Shorting
* happens at favorable positions - such as whitespace or punctuation characters.
function lcut(text, n) {
if (text.length < n) {
return text;
var re = /\b/g;
var i = 0;
while (re.test(text)) {
if (text.length - re.lastIndex < n) {
i = re.lastIndex;
re.lastIndex += 1;
return text.substring(i).replace(/^\s/, exports.empty);
exports.lcut = lcut;
// Escape codes
var EL = /\x1B\x5B[12]?K/g; // Erase in line
var COLOR_START = /\x1b\[\d+m/g; // Color
var COLOR_END = /\x1b\[0?m/g; // Color
function removeAnsiEscapeCodes(str) {
if (str) {
str = str.replace(EL, '');
str = str.replace(COLOR_START, '');
str = str.replace(COLOR_END, '');
return str;
exports.removeAnsiEscapeCodes = removeAnsiEscapeCodes;
// -- UTF-8 BOM
exports.UTF8_BOM_CHARACTER = String.fromCharCode(65279 /* UTF8_BOM */);
function startsWithUTF8BOM(str) {
return (str && str.length > 0 && str.charCodeAt(0) === 65279 /* UTF8_BOM */);
exports.startsWithUTF8BOM = startsWithUTF8BOM;
function stripUTF8BOM(str) {
return startsWithUTF8BOM(str) ? str.substr(1) : str;
exports.stripUTF8BOM = stripUTF8BOM;
function safeBtoa(str) {
return btoa(encodeURIComponent(str)); // we use encodeURIComponent because btoa fails for non Latin 1 values
exports.safeBtoa = safeBtoa;
function repeat(s, count) {
var result = '';
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
result += s;
return result;
exports.repeat = repeat;
* Checks if the characters of the provided query string are included in the
* target string. The characters do not have to be contiguous within the string.
function fuzzyContains(target, query) {
if (!target || !query) {
return false; // return early if target or query are undefined
if (target.length < query.length) {
return false; // impossible for query to be contained in target
var queryLen = query.length;
var targetLower = target.toLowerCase();
var index = 0;
var lastIndexOf = -1;
while (index < queryLen) {
var indexOf = targetLower.indexOf(query[index], lastIndexOf + 1);
if (indexOf < 0) {
return false;
lastIndexOf = indexOf;
return true;
exports.fuzzyContains = fuzzyContains;
function containsUppercaseCharacter(target, ignoreEscapedChars) {
if (ignoreEscapedChars === void 0) { ignoreEscapedChars = false; }
if (!target) {
return false;
if (ignoreEscapedChars) {
target = target.replace(/\\./g, '');
return target.toLowerCase() !== target;
exports.containsUppercaseCharacter = containsUppercaseCharacter;
* Extracted from
* Version: 4.4.0(ec3258a9f3a36805a187848984e3bb938044178d)
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License.
var __winjs_exports;
(function() {
var _modules = Object.create(null);//{};
_modules["WinJS/Core/_WinJS"] = {};
var _winjs = function(moduleId, deps, factory) {
var exports = {};
var exportsPassedIn = false;
var depsValues = {
if (dep === 'exports') {
exportsPassedIn = true;
return exports;
return _modules[dep];
var result = factory.apply({}, depsValues);
_modules[moduleId] = exportsPassedIn ? exports : result;
_winjs("WinJS/Core/_Global", [], function () {
"use strict";
// Appease jshint
/* global window, self, global */
var globalObject =
typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window :
typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self :
typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global :
return globalObject;
_winjs("WinJS/Core/_BaseCoreUtils", ["WinJS/Core/_Global"], function baseCoreUtilsInit(_Global) {
"use strict";
var hasWinRT = !!_Global.Windows;
function markSupportedForProcessing(func) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Utilities.markSupportedForProcessing">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Utilities.markSupportedForProcessing">
/// Marks a function as being compatible with declarative processing, such as WinJS.UI.processAll
/// or WinJS.Binding.processAll.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func" type="Function" locid="WinJS.Utilities.markSupportedForProcessing_p:func">
/// The function to be marked as compatible with declarative processing.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="Function" locid="WinJS.Utilities.markSupportedForProcessing_returnValue">
/// The input function.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
func.supportedForProcessing = true;
return func;
var actualSetImmediate = null;
return {
hasWinRT: hasWinRT,
markSupportedForProcessing: markSupportedForProcessing,
_setImmediate: function (callback) {
// BEGIN monaco change
if (actualSetImmediate === null) {
if (_Global.setImmediate) {
actualSetImmediate = _Global.setImmediate.bind(_Global);
} else if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.nextTick === 'function') {
actualSetImmediate = process.nextTick.bind(process);
} else {
actualSetImmediate = _Global.setTimeout.bind(_Global);
// END monaco change
_winjs("WinJS/Core/_WriteProfilerMark", ["WinJS/Core/_Global"], function profilerInit(_Global) {
"use strict";
return _Global.msWriteProfilerMark || function () { };
_winjs("WinJS/Core/_Base", ["WinJS/Core/_WinJS","WinJS/Core/_Global","WinJS/Core/_BaseCoreUtils","WinJS/Core/_WriteProfilerMark"], function baseInit(_WinJS, _Global, _BaseCoreUtils, _WriteProfilerMark) {
"use strict";
function initializeProperties(target, members, prefix) {
var keys = Object.keys(members);
var isArray = Array.isArray(target);
var properties;
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
var enumerable = key.charCodeAt(0) !== /*_*/95;
var member = members[key];
if (member && typeof member === 'object') {
if (member.value !== undefined || typeof member.get === 'function' || typeof member.set === 'function') {
if (member.enumerable === undefined) {
member.enumerable = enumerable;
if (prefix && member.setName && typeof member.setName === 'function') {
member.setName(prefix + "." + key);
properties = properties || {};
properties[key] = member;
if (!enumerable) {
properties = properties || {};
properties[key] = { value: member, enumerable: enumerable, configurable: true, writable: true };
if (isArray) {
target.forEach(function (target) {
target[key] = member;
} else {
target[key] = member;
if (properties) {
if (isArray) {
target.forEach(function (target) {
Object.defineProperties(target, properties);
} else {
Object.defineProperties(target, properties);
(function () {
var _rootNamespace = _WinJS;
if (!_rootNamespace.Namespace) {
_rootNamespace.Namespace = Object.create(Object.prototype);
function createNamespace(parentNamespace, name) {
var currentNamespace = parentNamespace || {};
if (name) {
var namespaceFragments = name.split(".");
if (currentNamespace === _Global && namespaceFragments[0] === "WinJS") {
currentNamespace = _WinJS;
namespaceFragments.splice(0, 1);
for (var i = 0, len = namespaceFragments.length; i < len; i++) {
var namespaceName = namespaceFragments[i];
if (!currentNamespace[namespaceName]) {
Object.defineProperty(currentNamespace, namespaceName,
{ value: {}, writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: true }
currentNamespace = currentNamespace[namespaceName];
return currentNamespace;
function defineWithParent(parentNamespace, name, members) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Namespace.defineWithParent">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Namespace.defineWithParent">
/// Defines a new namespace with the specified name under the specified parent namespace.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parentNamespace" type="Object" locid="WinJS.Namespace.defineWithParent_p:parentNamespace">
/// The parent namespace.
/// </param>
/// <param name="name" type="String" locid="WinJS.Namespace.defineWithParent_p:name">
/// The name of the new namespace.
/// </param>
/// <param name="members" type="Object" locid="WinJS.Namespace.defineWithParent_p:members">
/// The members of the new namespace.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="Object" locid="WinJS.Namespace.defineWithParent_returnValue">
/// The newly-defined namespace.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var currentNamespace = createNamespace(parentNamespace, name);
if (members) {
initializeProperties(currentNamespace, members, name || "<ANONYMOUS>");
return currentNamespace;
function define(name, members) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Namespace.define">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Namespace.define">
/// Defines a new namespace with the specified name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name" type="String" locid="WinJS.Namespace.define_p:name">
/// The name of the namespace. This could be a dot-separated name for nested namespaces.
/// </param>
/// <param name="members" type="Object" locid="WinJS.Namespace.define_p:members">
/// The members of the new namespace.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="Object" locid="WinJS.Namespace.define_returnValue">
/// The newly-defined namespace.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return defineWithParent(_Global, name, members);
var LazyStates = {
uninitialized: 1,
working: 2,
initialized: 3,
function lazy(f) {
var name;
var state = LazyStates.uninitialized;
var result;
return {
setName: function (value) {
name = value;
get: function () {
switch (state) {
case LazyStates.initialized:
return result;
case LazyStates.uninitialized:
state = LazyStates.working;
try {
_WriteProfilerMark("WinJS.Namespace._lazy:" + name + ",StartTM");
result = f();
} finally {
_WriteProfilerMark("WinJS.Namespace._lazy:" + name + ",StopTM");
state = LazyStates.uninitialized;
f = null;
state = LazyStates.initialized;
return result;
case LazyStates.working:
throw "Illegal: reentrancy on initialization";
throw "Illegal";
set: function (value) {
switch (state) {
case LazyStates.working:
throw "Illegal: reentrancy on initialization";
state = LazyStates.initialized;
result = value;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
// helper for defining AMD module members
function moduleDefine(exports, name, members) {
var target = [exports];
var publicNS = null;
if (name) {
publicNS = createNamespace(_Global, name);
initializeProperties(target, members, name || "<ANONYMOUS>");
return publicNS;
// Establish members of the "WinJS.Namespace" namespace
Object.defineProperties(_rootNamespace.Namespace, {
defineWithParent: { value: defineWithParent, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true },
define: { value: define, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true },
_lazy: { value: lazy, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true },
_moduleDefine: { value: moduleDefine, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }
(function () {
function define(constructor, instanceMembers, staticMembers) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Class.define">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Class.define">
/// Defines a class using the given constructor and the specified instance members.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="constructor" type="Function" locid="WinJS.Class.define_p:constructor">
/// A constructor function that is used to instantiate this class.
/// </param>
/// <param name="instanceMembers" type="Object" locid="WinJS.Class.define_p:instanceMembers">
/// The set of instance fields, properties, and methods made available on the class.
/// </param>
/// <param name="staticMembers" type="Object" locid="WinJS.Class.define_p:staticMembers">
/// The set of static fields, properties, and methods made available on the class.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="Function" locid="WinJS.Class.define_returnValue">
/// The newly-defined class.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
constructor = constructor || function () { };
if (instanceMembers) {
initializeProperties(constructor.prototype, instanceMembers);
if (staticMembers) {
initializeProperties(constructor, staticMembers);
return constructor;
function derive(baseClass, constructor, instanceMembers, staticMembers) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Class.derive">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Class.derive">
/// Creates a sub-class based on the supplied baseClass parameter, using prototypal inheritance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="baseClass" type="Function" locid="WinJS.Class.derive_p:baseClass">
/// The class to inherit from.
/// </param>
/// <param name="constructor" type="Function" locid="WinJS.Class.derive_p:constructor">
/// A constructor function that is used to instantiate this class.
/// </param>
/// <param name="instanceMembers" type="Object" locid="WinJS.Class.derive_p:instanceMembers">
/// The set of instance fields, properties, and methods to be made available on the class.
/// </param>
/// <param name="staticMembers" type="Object" locid="WinJS.Class.derive_p:staticMembers">
/// The set of static fields, properties, and methods to be made available on the class.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="Function" locid="WinJS.Class.derive_returnValue">
/// The newly-defined class.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
if (baseClass) {
constructor = constructor || function () { };
var basePrototype = baseClass.prototype;
constructor.prototype = Object.create(basePrototype);
Object.defineProperty(constructor.prototype, "constructor", { value: constructor, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true });
if (instanceMembers) {
initializeProperties(constructor.prototype, instanceMembers);
if (staticMembers) {
initializeProperties(constructor, staticMembers);
return constructor;
} else {
return define(constructor, instanceMembers, staticMembers);
function mix(constructor) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Class.mix">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Class.mix">
/// Defines a class using the given constructor and the union of the set of instance members
/// specified by all the mixin objects. The mixin parameter list is of variable length.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="constructor" locid="WinJS.Class.mix_p:constructor">
/// A constructor function that is used to instantiate this class.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="Function" locid="WinJS.Class.mix_returnValue">
/// The newly-defined class.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
constructor = constructor || function () { };
var i, len;
for (i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
initializeProperties(constructor.prototype, arguments[i]);
return constructor;
// Establish members of "WinJS.Class" namespace
_WinJS.Namespace.define("WinJS.Class", {
define: define,
derive: derive,
mix: mix
return {
Namespace: _WinJS.Namespace,
Class: _WinJS.Class
_winjs("WinJS/Core/_ErrorFromName", ["WinJS/Core/_Base"], function errorsInit(_Base) {
"use strict";
var ErrorFromName = _Base.Class.derive(Error, function (name, message) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.ErrorFromName">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.ErrorFromName">
/// Creates an Error object with the specified name and message properties.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name" type="String" locid="WinJS.ErrorFromName_p:name">The name of this error. The name is meant to be consumed programmatically and should not be localized.</param>
/// <param name="message" type="String" optional="true" locid="WinJS.ErrorFromName_p:message">The message for this error. The message is meant to be consumed by humans and should be localized.</param>
/// <returns type="Error" locid="WinJS.ErrorFromName_returnValue">Error instance with .name and .message properties populated</returns>
/// </signature> = name;
this.message = message || name;
}, {
/* empty */
}, {
supportedForProcessing: false,
_Base.Namespace.define("WinJS", {
// ErrorFromName establishes a simple pattern for returning error codes.
ErrorFromName: ErrorFromName
return ErrorFromName;
_winjs("WinJS/Core/_Events", ["exports","WinJS/Core/_Base"], function eventsInit(exports, _Base) {
"use strict";
function createEventProperty(name) {
var eventPropStateName = "_on" + name + "state";
return {
get: function () {
var state = this[eventPropStateName];
return state && state.userHandler;
set: function (handler) {
var state = this[eventPropStateName];
if (handler) {
if (!state) {
state = { wrapper: function (evt) { return state.userHandler(evt); }, userHandler: handler };
Object.defineProperty(this, eventPropStateName, { value: state, enumerable: false, writable:true, configurable: true });
this.addEventListener(name, state.wrapper, false);
state.userHandler = handler;
} else if (state) {
this.removeEventListener(name, state.wrapper, false);
this[eventPropStateName] = null;
enumerable: true
function createEventProperties() {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Utilities.createEventProperties">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Utilities.createEventProperties">
/// Creates an object that has one property for each name passed to the function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="events" locid="WinJS.Utilities.createEventProperties_p:events">
/// A variable list of property names.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="Object" locid="WinJS.Utilities.createEventProperties_returnValue">
/// The object with the specified properties. The names of the properties are prefixed with 'on'.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var props = {};
for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
var name = arguments[i];
props["on" + name] = createEventProperty(name);
return props;
var EventMixinEvent = _Base.Class.define(
function EventMixinEvent_ctor(type, detail, target) {
this.detail = detail; = target;
this.timeStamp =;
this.type = type;
bubbles: { value: false, writable: false },
cancelable: { value: false, writable: false },
currentTarget: {
get: function () { return; }
defaultPrevented: {
get: function () { return this._preventDefaultCalled; }
trusted: { value: false, writable: false },
eventPhase: { value: 0, writable: false },
target: null,
timeStamp: null,
type: null,
preventDefault: function () {
this._preventDefaultCalled = true;
stopImmediatePropagation: function () {
this._stopImmediatePropagationCalled = true;
stopPropagation: function () {
}, {
supportedForProcessing: false,
var eventMixin = {
_listeners: null,
addEventListener: function (type, listener, useCapture) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin.addEventListener">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin.addEventListener">
/// Adds an event listener to the control.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type" locid="WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin.addEventListener_p:type">
/// The type (name) of the event.
/// </param>
/// <param name="listener" locid="WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin.addEventListener_p:listener">
/// The listener to invoke when the event is raised.
/// </param>
/// <param name="useCapture" locid="WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin.addEventListener_p:useCapture">
/// if true initiates capture, otherwise false.
/// </param>
/// </signature>
useCapture = useCapture || false;
this._listeners = this._listeners || {};
var eventListeners = (this._listeners[type] = this._listeners[type] || []);
for (var i = 0, len = eventListeners.length; i < len; i++) {
var l = eventListeners[i];
if (l.useCapture === useCapture && l.listener === listener) {
eventListeners.push({ listener: listener, useCapture: useCapture });
dispatchEvent: function (type, details) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin.dispatchEvent">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin.dispatchEvent">
/// Raises an event of the specified type and with the specified additional properties.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type" locid="WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin.dispatchEvent_p:type">
/// The type (name) of the event.
/// </param>
/// <param name="details" locid="WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin.dispatchEvent_p:details">
/// The set of additional properties to be attached to the event object when the event is raised.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="Boolean" locid="WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin.dispatchEvent_returnValue">
/// true if preventDefault was called on the event.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var listeners = this._listeners && this._listeners[type];
if (listeners) {
var eventValue = new EventMixinEvent(type, details, this);
// Need to copy the array to protect against people unregistering while we are dispatching
listeners = listeners.slice(0, listeners.length);
for (var i = 0, len = listeners.length; i < len && !eventValue._stopImmediatePropagationCalled; i++) {
return eventValue.defaultPrevented || false;
return false;
removeEventListener: function (type, listener, useCapture) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin.removeEventListener">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin.removeEventListener">
/// Removes an event listener from the control.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type" locid="WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin.removeEventListener_p:type">
/// The type (name) of the event.
/// </param>
/// <param name="listener" locid="WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin.removeEventListener_p:listener">
/// The listener to remove.
/// </param>
/// <param name="useCapture" locid="WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin.removeEventListener_p:useCapture">
/// Specifies whether to initiate capture.
/// </param>
/// </signature>
useCapture = useCapture || false;
var listeners = this._listeners && this._listeners[type];
if (listeners) {
for (var i = 0, len = listeners.length; i < len; i++) {
var l = listeners[i];
if (l.listener === listener && l.useCapture === useCapture) {
listeners.splice(i, 1);
if (listeners.length === 0) {
delete this._listeners[type];
// Only want to remove one element for each call to removeEventListener
_Base.Namespace._moduleDefine(exports, "WinJS.Utilities", {
_createEventProperty: createEventProperty,
createEventProperties: createEventProperties,
eventMixin: eventMixin
_winjs("WinJS/Core/_Trace", ["WinJS/Core/_Global"], function traceInit(_Global) {
"use strict";
function nop(v) {
return v;
return {
_traceAsyncOperationStarting: (_Global.Debug && _Global.Debug.msTraceAsyncOperationStarting && _Global.Debug.msTraceAsyncOperationStarting.bind(_Global.Debug)) || nop,
_traceAsyncOperationCompleted: (_Global.Debug && _Global.Debug.msTraceAsyncOperationCompleted && _Global.Debug.msTraceAsyncOperationCompleted.bind(_Global.Debug)) || nop,
_traceAsyncCallbackStarting: (_Global.Debug && _Global.Debug.msTraceAsyncCallbackStarting && _Global.Debug.msTraceAsyncCallbackStarting.bind(_Global.Debug)) || nop,
_traceAsyncCallbackCompleted: (_Global.Debug && _Global.Debug.msTraceAsyncCallbackCompleted && _Global.Debug.msTraceAsyncCallbackCompleted.bind(_Global.Debug)) || nop
_winjs("WinJS/Promise/_StateMachine", ["WinJS/Core/_Global","WinJS/Core/_BaseCoreUtils","WinJS/Core/_Base","WinJS/Core/_ErrorFromName","WinJS/Core/_Events","WinJS/Core/_Trace"], function promiseStateMachineInit(_Global, _BaseCoreUtils, _Base, _ErrorFromName, _Events, _Trace) {
"use strict";
_Global.Debug && (_Global.Debug.setNonUserCodeExceptions = true);
var ListenerType = _Base.Class.mix(_Base.Class.define(null, { /*empty*/ }, { supportedForProcessing: false }), _Events.eventMixin);
var promiseEventListeners = new ListenerType();
// make sure there is a listeners collection so that we can do a more trivial check below
promiseEventListeners._listeners = {};
var errorET = "error";
var canceledName = "Canceled";
var tagWithStack = false;
var tag = {
promise: 0x01,
thenPromise: 0x02,
errorPromise: 0x04,
exceptionPromise: 0x08,
completePromise: 0x10,
tag.all = tag.promise | tag.thenPromise | tag.errorPromise | tag.exceptionPromise | tag.completePromise;
// Global error counter, for each error which enters the system we increment this once and then
// the error number travels with the error as it traverses the tree of potential handlers.
// When someone has registered to be told about errors (WinJS.Promise.callonerror) promises
// which are in error will get tagged with a ._errorId field. This tagged field is the
// contract by which nested promises with errors will be identified as chaining for the
// purposes of the callonerror semantics. If a nested promise in error is encountered without
// a ._errorId it will be assumed to be foreign and treated as an interop boundary and
// a new error id will be minted.
var error_number = 1;
// The state machine has a interesting hiccup in it with regards to notification, in order
// to flatten out notification and avoid recursion for synchronous completion we have an
// explicit set of *_notify states which are responsible for notifying their entire tree
// of children. They can do this because they know that immediate children are always
// ThenPromise instances and we can therefore reach into their state to access the
// _listeners collection.
// So, what happens is that a Promise will be fulfilled through the _completed or _error
// messages at which point it will enter a *_notify state and be responsible for to move
// its children into an (as appropriate) success or error state and also notify that child's
// listeners of the state transition, until leaf notes are reached.
var state_created, // -> working
state_working, // -> error | error_notify | success | success_notify | canceled | waiting
state_waiting, // -> error | error_notify | success | success_notify | waiting_canceled
state_waiting_canceled, // -> error | error_notify | success | success_notify | canceling
state_canceled, // -> error | error_notify | success | success_notify | canceling
state_canceling, // -> error_notify
state_success_notify, // -> success
state_success, // -> .
state_error_notify, // -> error
state_error; // -> .
// Noop function, used in the various states to indicate that they don't support a given
// message. Named with the somewhat cute name '_' because it reads really well in the states.
function _() { }
// Initial state
state_created = {
name: "created",
enter: function (promise) {
cancel: _,
done: _,
then: _,
_completed: _,
_error: _,
_notify: _,
_progress: _,
_setCompleteValue: _,
_setErrorValue: _
// Ready state, waiting for a message (completed/error/progress), able to be canceled
state_working = {
name: "working",
enter: _,
cancel: function (promise) {
done: done,
then: then,
_completed: completed,
_error: error,
_notify: _,
_progress: progress,
_setCompleteValue: setCompleteValue,
_setErrorValue: setErrorValue
// Waiting state, if a promise is completed with a value which is itself a promise
// (has a then() method) it signs up to be informed when that child promise is
// fulfilled at which point it will be fulfilled with that value.
state_waiting = {
name: "waiting",
enter: function (promise) {
var waitedUpon = promise._value;
// We can special case our own intermediate promises which are not in a
// terminal state by just pushing this promise as a listener without
// having to create new indirection functions
if (waitedUpon instanceof ThenPromise &&
waitedUpon._state !== state_error &&
waitedUpon._state !== state_success) {
pushListener(waitedUpon, { promise: promise });
} else {
var error = function (value) {
if (waitedUpon._errorId) {
promise._chainedError(value, waitedUpon);
} else {
// Because this is an interop boundary we want to indicate that this
// error has been handled by the promise infrastructure before we
// begin a new handling chain.
callonerror(promise, value, detailsForHandledError, waitedUpon, error);
error.handlesOnError = true;
cancel: function (promise) {
done: done,
then: then,
_completed: completed,
_error: error,
_notify: _,
_progress: progress,
_setCompleteValue: setCompleteValue,
_setErrorValue: setErrorValue
// Waiting canceled state, when a promise has been in a waiting state and receives a
// request to cancel its pending work it will forward that request to the child promise
// and then waits to be informed of the result. This promise moves itself into the
// canceling state but understands that the child promise may instead push it to a
// different state.
state_waiting_canceled = {
name: "waiting_canceled",
enter: function (promise) {
// Initiate a transition to canceling. Triggering a cancel on the promise
// that we are waiting upon may result in a different state transition
// before the state machine pump runs again.
var waitedUpon = promise._value;
if (waitedUpon.cancel) {
cancel: _,
done: done,
then: then,
_completed: completed,
_error: error,
_notify: _,
_progress: progress,
_setCompleteValue: setCompleteValue,
_setErrorValue: setErrorValue
// Canceled state, moves to the canceling state and then tells the promise to do
// whatever it might need to do on cancelation.
state_canceled = {
name: "canceled",
enter: function (promise) {
// Initiate a transition to canceling. The _cancelAction may change the state
// before the state machine pump runs again.
cancel: _,
done: done,
then: then,
_completed: completed,
_error: error,
_notify: _,
_progress: progress,
_setCompleteValue: setCompleteValue,
_setErrorValue: setErrorValue
// Canceling state, commits to the promise moving to an error state with an error
// object whose 'name' and 'message' properties contain the string "Canceled"
state_canceling = {
name: "canceling",
enter: function (promise) {
var error = new Error(canceledName); = error.message;
promise._value = error;
cancel: _,
done: _,
then: _,
_completed: _,
_error: _,
_notify: _,
_progress: _,
_setCompleteValue: _,
_setErrorValue: _
// Success notify state, moves a promise to the success state and notifies all children
state_success_notify = {
name: "complete_notify",
enter: function (promise) {
promise.done = CompletePromise.prototype.done;
promise.then = CompletePromise.prototype.then;
if (promise._listeners) {
var queue = [promise];
var p;
while (queue.length) {
p = queue.shift();
p._state._notify(p, queue);
cancel: _,
done: null, /*error to get here */
then: null, /*error to get here */
_completed: _,
_error: _,
_notify: notifySuccess,
_progress: _,
_setCompleteValue: _,
_setErrorValue: _
// Success state, moves a promise to the success state and does NOT notify any children.
// Some upstream promise is owning the notification pass.
state_success = {
name: "success",
enter: function (promise) {
promise.done = CompletePromise.prototype.done;
promise.then = CompletePromise.prototype.then;
cancel: _,
done: null, /*error to get here */
then: null, /*error to get here */
_completed: _,
_error: _,
_notify: notifySuccess,
_progress: _,
_setCompleteValue: _,
_setErrorValue: _
// Error notify state, moves a promise to the error state and notifies all children
state_error_notify = {
name: "error_notify",
enter: function (promise) {
promise.done = ErrorPromise.prototype.done;
promise.then = ErrorPromise.prototype.then;
if (promise._listeners) {
var queue = [promise];
var p;
while (queue.length) {
p = queue.shift();
p._state._notify(p, queue);
cancel: _,
done: null, /*error to get here*/
then: null, /*error to get here*/
_completed: _,
_error: _,
_notify: notifyError,
_progress: _,
_setCompleteValue: _,
_setErrorValue: _
// Error state, moves a promise to the error state and does NOT notify any children.
// Some upstream promise is owning the notification pass.
state_error = {
name: "error",
enter: function (promise) {
promise.done = ErrorPromise.prototype.done;
promise.then = ErrorPromise.prototype.then;
cancel: _,
done: null, /*error to get here*/
then: null, /*error to get here*/
_completed: _,
_error: _,
_notify: notifyError,
_progress: _,
_setCompleteValue: _,
_setErrorValue: _
// The statemachine implementation follows a very particular pattern, the states are specified
// as static stateless bags of functions which are then indirected through the state machine
// instance (a Promise). As such all of the functions on each state have the promise instance
// passed to them explicitly as a parameter and the Promise instance members do a little
// dance where they indirect through the state and insert themselves in the argument list.
// We could instead call directly through the promise states however then every caller
// would have to remember to do things like pumping the state machine to catch state transitions.
var PromiseStateMachine = _Base.Class.define(null, {
_listeners: null,
_nextState: null,
_state: null,
_value: null,
cancel: function () {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.cancel">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.cancel">
/// Attempts to cancel the fulfillment of a promised value. If the promise hasn't
/// already been fulfilled and cancellation is supported, the promise enters
/// the error state with a value of Error("Canceled").
/// </summary>
/// </signature>
done: function Promise_done(onComplete, onError, onProgress) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.done">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.done">
/// Allows you to specify the work to be done on the fulfillment of the promised value,
/// the error handling to be performed if the promise fails to fulfill
/// a value, and the handling of progress notifications along the way.
/// After the handlers have finished executing, this function throws any error that would have been returned
/// from then() as a promise in the error state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='onComplete' type='Function' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.done_p:onComplete">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled successfully with a value.
/// The fulfilled value is passed as the single argument. If the value is null,
/// the fulfilled value is returned. The value returned
/// from the function becomes the fulfilled value of the promise returned by
/// then(). If an exception is thrown while executing the function, the promise returned
/// by then() moves into the error state.
/// </param>
/// <param name='onError' type='Function' optional='true' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.done_p:onError">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled with an error. The error
/// is passed as the single argument. If it is null, the error is forwarded.
/// The value returned from the function is the fulfilled value of the promise returned by then().
/// </param>
/// <param name='onProgress' type='Function' optional='true' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.done_p:onProgress">
/// the function to be called if the promise reports progress. Data about the progress
/// is passed as the single argument. Promises are not required to support
/// progress.
/// </param>
/// </signature>
this._state.done(this, onComplete, onError, onProgress);
then: function Promise_then(onComplete, onError, onProgress) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then">
/// Allows you to specify the work to be done on the fulfillment of the promised value,
/// the error handling to be performed if the promise fails to fulfill
/// a value, and the handling of progress notifications along the way.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='onComplete' type='Function' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then_p:onComplete">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled successfully with a value.
/// The value is passed as the single argument. If the value is null, the value is returned.
/// The value returned from the function becomes the fulfilled value of the promise returned by
/// then(). If an exception is thrown while this function is being executed, the promise returned
/// by then() moves into the error state.
/// </param>
/// <param name='onError' type='Function' optional='true' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then_p:onError">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled with an error. The error
/// is passed as the single argument. If it is null, the error is forwarded.
/// The value returned from the function becomes the fulfilled value of the promise returned by then().
/// </param>
/// <param name='onProgress' type='Function' optional='true' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then_p:onProgress">
/// The function to be called if the promise reports progress. Data about the progress
/// is passed as the single argument. Promises are not required to support
/// progress.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then_returnValue">
/// The promise whose value is the result of executing the complete or
/// error function.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return this._state.then(this, onComplete, onError, onProgress);
_chainedError: function (value, context) {
var result = this._state._error(this, value, detailsForChainedError, context);
return result;
_completed: function (value) {
var result = this._state._completed(this, value);
return result;
_error: function (value) {
var result = this._state._error(this, value, detailsForError);
return result;
_progress: function (value) {
this._state._progress(this, value);
_setState: function (state) {
this._nextState = state;
_setCompleteValue: function (value) {
this._state._setCompleteValue(this, value);
_setChainedErrorValue: function (value, context) {
var result = this._state._setErrorValue(this, value, detailsForChainedError, context);
return result;
_setExceptionValue: function (value) {
var result = this._state._setErrorValue(this, value, detailsForException);
return result;
_run: function () {
while (this._nextState) {
this._state = this._nextState;
this._nextState = null;
}, {
supportedForProcessing: false
// Implementations of shared state machine code.
function completed(promise, value) {
var targetState;
if (value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.then === "function") {
targetState = state_waiting;
} else {
targetState = state_success_notify;
promise._value = value;
function createErrorDetails(exception, error, promise, id, parent, handler) {
return {
exception: exception,
error: error,
promise: promise,
handler: handler,
id: id,
parent: parent
function detailsForHandledError(promise, errorValue, context, handler) {
var exception = context._isException;
var errorId = context._errorId;
return createErrorDetails(
exception ? errorValue : null,
exception ? null : errorValue,
function detailsForChainedError(promise, errorValue, context) {
var exception = context._isException;
var errorId = context._errorId;
setErrorInfo(promise, errorId, exception);
return createErrorDetails(
exception ? errorValue : null,
exception ? null : errorValue,
function detailsForError(promise, errorValue) {
var errorId = ++error_number;
setErrorInfo(promise, errorId);
return createErrorDetails(
function detailsForException(promise, exceptionValue) {
var errorId = ++error_number;
setErrorInfo(promise, errorId, true);
return createErrorDetails(
function done(promise, onComplete, onError, onProgress) {
var asyncOpID = _Trace._traceAsyncOperationStarting("WinJS.Promise.done");
pushListener(promise, { c: onComplete, e: onError, p: onProgress, asyncOpID: asyncOpID });
function error(promise, value, onerrorDetails, context) {
promise._value = value;
callonerror(promise, value, onerrorDetails, context);
function notifySuccess(promise, queue) {
var value = promise._value;
var listeners = promise._listeners;
if (!listeners) {
promise._listeners = null;
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = Array.isArray(listeners) ? listeners.length : 1; i < len; i++) {
var listener = len === 1 ? listeners : listeners[i];
var onComplete = listener.c;
var target = listener.promise;
_Trace._traceAsyncOperationCompleted(listener.asyncOpID, _Global.Debug && _Global.Debug.MS_ASYNC_OP_STATUS_SUCCESS);
if (target) {
try {
target._setCompleteValue(onComplete ? onComplete(value) : value);
} catch (ex) {
} finally {
if (target._state !== state_waiting && target._listeners) {
} else {, onComplete);
function notifyError(promise, queue) {
var value = promise._value;
var listeners = promise._listeners;
if (!listeners) {
promise._listeners = null;
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = Array.isArray(listeners) ? listeners.length : 1; i < len; i++) {
var listener = len === 1 ? listeners : listeners[i];
var onError = listener.e;
var target = listener.promise;
var errorID = _Global.Debug && (value && === canceledName ? _Global.Debug.MS_ASYNC_OP_STATUS_CANCELED : _Global.Debug.MS_ASYNC_OP_STATUS_ERROR);
_Trace._traceAsyncOperationCompleted(listener.asyncOpID, errorID);
if (target) {
var asyncCallbackStarted = false;
try {
if (onError) {
asyncCallbackStarted = true;
if (!onError.handlesOnError) {
callonerror(target, value, detailsForHandledError, promise, onError);
} else {
target._setChainedErrorValue(value, promise);
} catch (ex) {
} finally {
if (asyncCallbackStarted) {
if (target._state !== state_waiting && target._listeners) {
} else {, null, onError);
function callonerror(promise, value, onerrorDetailsGenerator, context, handler) {
if (promiseEventListeners._listeners[errorET]) {
if (value instanceof Error && value.message === canceledName) {
promiseEventListeners.dispatchEvent(errorET, onerrorDetailsGenerator(promise, value, context, handler));
function progress(promise, value) {
var listeners = promise._listeners;
if (listeners) {
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = Array.isArray(listeners) ? listeners.length : 1; i < len; i++) {
var listener = len === 1 ? listeners : listeners[i];
var onProgress = listener.p;
if (onProgress) {
try { onProgress(value); } catch (ex) { }
if (!(listener.c || listener.e) && listener.promise) {
function pushListener(promise, listener) {
var listeners = promise._listeners;
if (listeners) {
// We may have either a single listener (which will never be wrapped in an array)
// or 2+ listeners (which will be wrapped). Since we are now adding one more listener
// we may have to wrap the single listener before adding the second.
listeners = Array.isArray(listeners) ? listeners : [listeners];
} else {
listeners = listener;
promise._listeners = listeners;
// The difference beween setCompleteValue()/setErrorValue() and complete()/error() is that setXXXValue() moves
// a promise directly to the success/error state without starting another notification pass (because one
// is already ongoing).
function setErrorInfo(promise, errorId, isException) {
promise._isException = isException || false;
promise._errorId = errorId;
function setErrorValue(promise, value, onerrorDetails, context) {
promise._value = value;
callonerror(promise, value, onerrorDetails, context);
function setCompleteValue(promise, value) {
var targetState;
if (value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.then === "function") {
targetState = state_waiting;
} else {
targetState = state_success;
promise._value = value;
function then(promise, onComplete, onError, onProgress) {
var result = new ThenPromise(promise);
var asyncOpID = _Trace._traceAsyncOperationStarting("WinJS.Promise.then");
pushListener(promise, { promise: result, c: onComplete, e: onError, p: onProgress, asyncOpID: asyncOpID });
return result;
// Internal implementation detail promise, ThenPromise is created when a promise needs
// to be returned from a then() method.
var ThenPromise = _Base.Class.derive(PromiseStateMachine,
function (creator) {
if (tagWithStack && (tagWithStack === true || (tagWithStack & tag.thenPromise))) {
this._stack = Promise._getStack();
this._creator = creator;
}, {
_creator: null,
_cancelAction: function () { if (this._creator) { this._creator.cancel(); } },
_cleanupAction: function () { this._creator = null; }
}, {
supportedForProcessing: false
// Slim promise implementations for already completed promises, these are created
// under the hood on synchronous completion paths as well as by WinJS.Promise.wrap
// and WinJS.Promise.wrapError.
var ErrorPromise = _Base.Class.define(
function ErrorPromise_ctor(value) {
if (tagWithStack && (tagWithStack === true || (tagWithStack & tag.errorPromise))) {
this._stack = Promise._getStack();
this._value = value;
callonerror(this, value, detailsForError);
}, {
cancel: function () {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.cancel">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.cancel">
/// Attempts to cancel the fulfillment of a promised value. If the promise hasn't
/// already been fulfilled and cancellation is supported, the promise enters
/// the error state with a value of Error("Canceled").
/// </summary>
/// </signature>
done: function ErrorPromise_done(unused, onError) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.done">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.done">
/// Allows you to specify the work to be done on the fulfillment of the promised value,
/// the error handling to be performed if the promise fails to fulfill
/// a value, and the handling of progress notifications along the way.
/// After the handlers have finished executing, this function throws any error that would have been returned
/// from then() as a promise in the error state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='onComplete' type='Function' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.done_p:onComplete">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled successfully with a value.
/// The fulfilled value is passed as the single argument. If the value is null,
/// the fulfilled value is returned. The value returned
/// from the function becomes the fulfilled value of the promise returned by
/// then(). If an exception is thrown while executing the function, the promise returned
/// by then() moves into the error state.
/// </param>
/// <param name='onError' type='Function' optional='true' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.done_p:onError">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled with an error. The error
/// is passed as the single argument. If it is null, the error is forwarded.
/// The value returned from the function is the fulfilled value of the promise returned by then().
/// </param>
/// <param name='onProgress' type='Function' optional='true' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.done_p:onProgress">
/// the function to be called if the promise reports progress. Data about the progress
/// is passed as the single argument. Promises are not required to support
/// progress.
/// </param>
/// </signature>
var value = this._value;
if (onError) {
try {
if (!onError.handlesOnError) {
callonerror(null, value, detailsForHandledError, this, onError);
var result = onError(value);
if (result && typeof result === "object" && typeof result.done === "function") {
// If a promise is returned we need to wait on it.
} catch (ex) {
value = ex;
if (value instanceof Error && value.message === canceledName) {
// suppress cancel
// force the exception to be thrown asyncronously to avoid any try/catch blocks
then: function ErrorPromise_then(unused, onError) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then">
/// Allows you to specify the work to be done on the fulfillment of the promised value,
/// the error handling to be performed if the promise fails to fulfill
/// a value, and the handling of progress notifications along the way.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='onComplete' type='Function' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then_p:onComplete">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled successfully with a value.
/// The value is passed as the single argument. If the value is null, the value is returned.
/// The value returned from the function becomes the fulfilled value of the promise returned by
/// then(). If an exception is thrown while this function is being executed, the promise returned
/// by then() moves into the error state.
/// </param>
/// <param name='onError' type='Function' optional='true' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then_p:onError">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled with an error. The error
/// is passed as the single argument. If it is null, the error is forwarded.
/// The value returned from the function becomes the fulfilled value of the promise returned by then().
/// </param>
/// <param name='onProgress' type='Function' optional='true' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then_p:onProgress">
/// The function to be called if the promise reports progress. Data about the progress
/// is passed as the single argument. Promises are not required to support
/// progress.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then_returnValue">
/// The promise whose value is the result of executing the complete or
/// error function.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
// If the promise is already in a error state and no error handler is provided
// we optimize by simply returning the promise instead of creating a new one.
if (!onError) { return this; }
var result;
var value = this._value;
try {
if (!onError.handlesOnError) {
callonerror(null, value, detailsForHandledError, this, onError);
result = new CompletePromise(onError(value));
} catch (ex) {
// If the value throw from the error handler is the same as the value
// provided to the error handler then there is no need for a new promise.
if (ex === value) {
result = this;
} else {
result = new ExceptionPromise(ex);
return result;
}, {
supportedForProcessing: false
var ExceptionPromise = _Base.Class.derive(ErrorPromise,
function ExceptionPromise_ctor(value) {
if (tagWithStack && (tagWithStack === true || (tagWithStack & tag.exceptionPromise))) {
this._stack = Promise._getStack();
this._value = value;
callonerror(this, value, detailsForException);
}, {
/* empty */
}, {
supportedForProcessing: false
var CompletePromise = _Base.Class.define(
function CompletePromise_ctor(value) {
if (tagWithStack && (tagWithStack === true || (tagWithStack & tag.completePromise))) {
this._stack = Promise._getStack();
if (value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.then === "function") {
var result = new ThenPromise(null);
return result;
this._value = value;
}, {
cancel: function () {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.cancel">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.cancel">
/// Attempts to cancel the fulfillment of a promised value. If the promise hasn't
/// already been fulfilled and cancellation is supported, the promise enters
/// the error state with a value of Error("Canceled").
/// </summary>
/// </signature>
done: function CompletePromise_done(onComplete) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.done">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.done">
/// Allows you to specify the work to be done on the fulfillment of the promised value,
/// the error handling to be performed if the promise fails to fulfill
/// a value, and the handling of progress notifications along the way.
/// After the handlers have finished executing, this function throws any error that would have been returned
/// from then() as a promise in the error state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='onComplete' type='Function' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.done_p:onComplete">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled successfully with a value.
/// The fulfilled value is passed as the single argument. If the value is null,
/// the fulfilled value is returned. The value returned
/// from the function becomes the fulfilled value of the promise returned by
/// then(). If an exception is thrown while executing the function, the promise returned
/// by then() moves into the error state.
/// </param>
/// <param name='onError' type='Function' optional='true' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.done_p:onError">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled with an error. The error
/// is passed as the single argument. If it is null, the error is forwarded.
/// The value returned from the function is the fulfilled value of the promise returned by then().
/// </param>
/// <param name='onProgress' type='Function' optional='true' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.done_p:onProgress">
/// the function to be called if the promise reports progress. Data about the progress
/// is passed as the single argument. Promises are not required to support
/// progress.
/// </param>
/// </signature>
if (!onComplete) { return; }
try {
var result = onComplete(this._value);
if (result && typeof result === "object" && typeof result.done === "function") {
} catch (ex) {
// force the exception to be thrown asynchronously to avoid any try/catch blocks
then: function CompletePromise_then(onComplete) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then">
/// Allows you to specify the work to be done on the fulfillment of the promised value,
/// the error handling to be performed if the promise fails to fulfill
/// a value, and the handling of progress notifications along the way.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='onComplete' type='Function' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then_p:onComplete">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled successfully with a value.
/// The value is passed as the single argument. If the value is null, the value is returned.
/// The value returned from the function becomes the fulfilled value of the promise returned by
/// then(). If an exception is thrown while this function is being executed, the promise returned
/// by then() moves into the error state.
/// </param>
/// <param name='onError' type='Function' optional='true' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then_p:onError">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled with an error. The error
/// is passed as the single argument. If it is null, the error is forwarded.
/// The value returned from the function becomes the fulfilled value of the promise returned by then().
/// </param>
/// <param name='onProgress' type='Function' optional='true' locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then_p:onProgress">
/// The function to be called if the promise reports progress. Data about the progress
/// is passed as the single argument. Promises are not required to support
/// progress.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.PromiseStateMachine.then_returnValue">
/// The promise whose value is the result of executing the complete or
/// error function.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
try {
// If the value returned from the completion handler is the same as the value
// provided to the completion handler then there is no need for a new promise.
var newValue = onComplete ? onComplete(this._value) : this._value;
return newValue === this._value ? this : new CompletePromise(newValue);
} catch (ex) {
return new ExceptionPromise(ex);
}, {
supportedForProcessing: false
// Promise is the user-creatable WinJS.Promise object.
function timeout(timeoutMS) {
var id;
return new Promise(
function (c) {
if (timeoutMS) {
id = _Global.setTimeout(c, timeoutMS);
} else {
function () {
if (id) {
function timeoutWithPromise(timeout, promise) {
var cancelPromise = function () { promise.cancel(); };
var cancelTimeout = function () { timeout.cancel(); };
promise.then(cancelTimeout, cancelTimeout);
return promise;
var staticCanceledPromise;
var Promise = _Base.Class.derive(PromiseStateMachine,
function Promise_ctor(init, oncancel) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Promise">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Promise">
/// A promise provides a mechanism to schedule work to be done on a value that
/// has not yet been computed. It is a convenient abstraction for managing
/// interactions with asynchronous APIs.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="init" type="Function" locid="WinJS.Promise_p:init">
/// The function that is called during construction of the promise. The function
/// is given three arguments (complete, error, progress). Inside this function
/// you should add event listeners for the notifications supported by this value.
/// </param>
/// <param name="oncancel" optional="true" locid="WinJS.Promise_p:oncancel">
/// The function to call if a consumer of this promise wants
/// to cancel its undone work. Promises are not required to
/// support cancellation.
/// </param>
/// </signature>
if (tagWithStack && (tagWithStack === true || (tagWithStack & tag.promise))) {
this._stack = Promise._getStack();
this._oncancel = oncancel;
try {
var complete = this._completed.bind(this);
var error = this._error.bind(this);
var progress = this._progress.bind(this);
init(complete, error, progress);
} catch (ex) {
}, {
_oncancel: null,
_cancelAction: function () {
// BEGIN monaco change
try {
if (this._oncancel) {
} else {
throw new Error('Promise did not implement oncancel');
} catch (ex) {
// Access fields to get them created
var msg = ex.message;
var stack = ex.stack;
promiseEventListeners.dispatchEvent('error', ex);
// END monaco change
_cleanupAction: function () { this._oncancel = null; }
}, {
addEventListener: function Promise_addEventListener(eventType, listener, capture) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Promise.addEventListener">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Promise.addEventListener">
/// Adds an event listener to the control.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="eventType" locid="WinJS.Promise.addEventListener_p:eventType">
/// The type (name) of the event.
/// </param>
/// <param name="listener" locid="WinJS.Promise.addEventListener_p:listener">
/// The listener to invoke when the event is raised.
/// </param>
/// <param name="capture" locid="WinJS.Promise.addEventListener_p:capture">
/// Specifies whether or not to initiate capture.
/// </param>
/// </signature>
promiseEventListeners.addEventListener(eventType, listener, capture);
any: function Promise_any(values) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Promise.any">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Promise.any">
/// Returns a promise that is fulfilled when one of the input promises
/// has been fulfilled.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="values" type="Array" locid="WinJS.Promise.any_p:values">
/// An array that contains promise objects or objects whose property
/// values include promise objects.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.Promise.any_returnValue">
/// A promise that on fulfillment yields the value of the input (complete or error).
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return new Promise(
function (complete, error) {
var keys = Object.keys(values);
if (keys.length === 0) {
var canceled = 0;
keys.forEach(function (key) {[key]).then(
function () { complete({ key: key, value: values[key] }); },
function (e) {
if (e instanceof Error && === canceledName) {
if ((++canceled) === keys.length) {
error({ key: key, value: values[key] });
function () {
var keys = Object.keys(values);
keys.forEach(function (key) {
var promise =[key]);
if (typeof promise.cancel === "function") {
as: function Promise_as(value) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="">
/// <summary locid="">
/// Returns a promise. If the object is already a promise it is returned;
/// otherwise the object is wrapped in a promise.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value" locid="WinJS.Promise.as_p:value">
/// The value to be treated as a promise.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.Promise.as_returnValue">
/// A promise.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
if (value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.then === "function") {
return value;
return new CompletePromise(value);
/// <field type="WinJS.Promise" helpKeyword="WinJS.Promise.cancel" locid="WinJS.Promise.cancel">
/// Canceled promise value, can be returned from a promise completion handler
/// to indicate cancelation of the promise chain.
/// </field>
cancel: {
get: function () {
return (staticCanceledPromise = staticCanceledPromise || new ErrorPromise(new _ErrorFromName(canceledName)));
dispatchEvent: function Promise_dispatchEvent(eventType, details) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Promise.dispatchEvent">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Promise.dispatchEvent">
/// Raises an event of the specified type and properties.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="eventType" locid="WinJS.Promise.dispatchEvent_p:eventType">
/// The type (name) of the event.
/// </param>
/// <param name="details" locid="WinJS.Promise.dispatchEvent_p:details">
/// The set of additional properties to be attached to the event object.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="Boolean" locid="WinJS.Promise.dispatchEvent_returnValue">
/// Specifies whether preventDefault was called on the event.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return promiseEventListeners.dispatchEvent(eventType, details);
is: function Promise_is(value) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="">
/// <summary locid="">
/// Determines whether a value fulfills the promise contract.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value" locid="WinJS.Promise.is_p:value">
/// A value that may be a promise.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="Boolean" locid="WinJS.Promise.is_returnValue">
/// true if the specified value is a promise, otherwise false.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.then === "function";
join: function Promise_join(values) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Promise.join">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Promise.join">
/// Creates a promise that is fulfilled when all the values are fulfilled.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="values" type="Object" locid="WinJS.Promise.join_p:values">
/// An object whose fields contain values, some of which may be promises.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.Promise.join_returnValue">
/// A promise whose value is an object with the same field names as those of the object in the values parameter, where
/// each field value is the fulfilled value of a promise.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return new Promise(
function (complete, error, progress) {
var keys = Object.keys(values);
var errors = Array.isArray(values) ? [] : {};
var results = Array.isArray(values) ? [] : {};
var undefineds = 0;
var pending = keys.length;
var argDone = function (key) {
if ((--pending) === 0) {
var errorCount = Object.keys(errors).length;
if (errorCount === 0) {
} else {
var canceledCount = 0;
keys.forEach(function (key) {
var e = errors[key];
if (e instanceof Error && === canceledName) {
if (canceledCount === errorCount) {
} else {
} else {
progress({ Key: key, Done: true });
keys.forEach(function (key) {
var value = values[key];
if (value === undefined) {
} else {
function (value) { results[key] = value; argDone(key); },
function (value) { errors[key] = value; argDone(key); }
pending -= undefineds;
if (pending === 0) {
function () {
Object.keys(values).forEach(function (key) {
var promise =[key]);
if (typeof promise.cancel === "function") {
removeEventListener: function Promise_removeEventListener(eventType, listener, capture) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Promise.removeEventListener">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Promise.removeEventListener">
/// Removes an event listener from the control.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='eventType' locid="WinJS.Promise.removeEventListener_eventType">
/// The type (name) of the event.
/// </param>
/// <param name='listener' locid="WinJS.Promise.removeEventListener_listener">
/// The listener to remove.
/// </param>
/// <param name='capture' locid="WinJS.Promise.removeEventListener_capture">
/// Specifies whether or not to initiate capture.
/// </param>
/// </signature>
promiseEventListeners.removeEventListener(eventType, listener, capture);
supportedForProcessing: false,
then: function Promise_then(value, onComplete, onError, onProgress) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Promise.then">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Promise.then">
/// A static version of the promise instance method then().
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value" locid="WinJS.Promise.then_p:value">
/// the value to be treated as a promise.
/// </param>
/// <param name="onComplete" type="Function" locid="WinJS.Promise.then_p:complete">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled with a value.
/// If it is null, the promise simply
/// returns the value. The value is passed as the single argument.
/// </param>
/// <param name="onError" type="Function" optional="true" locid="WinJS.Promise.then_p:error">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled with an error. The error
/// is passed as the single argument.
/// </param>
/// <param name="onProgress" type="Function" optional="true" locid="WinJS.Promise.then_p:progress">
/// The function to be called if the promise reports progress. Data about the progress
/// is passed as the single argument. Promises are not required to support
/// progress.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.Promise.then_returnValue">
/// A promise whose value is the result of executing the provided complete function.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return, onError, onProgress);
thenEach: function Promise_thenEach(values, onComplete, onError, onProgress) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Promise.thenEach">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Promise.thenEach">
/// Performs an operation on all the input promises and returns a promise
/// that has the shape of the input and contains the result of the operation
/// that has been performed on each input.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="values" locid="WinJS.Promise.thenEach_p:values">
/// A set of values (which could be either an array or an object) of which some or all are promises.
/// </param>
/// <param name="onComplete" type="Function" locid="WinJS.Promise.thenEach_p:complete">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled with a value.
/// If the value is null, the promise returns the value.
/// The value is passed as the single argument.
/// </param>
/// <param name="onError" type="Function" optional="true" locid="WinJS.Promise.thenEach_p:error">
/// The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled with an error. The error
/// is passed as the single argument.
/// </param>
/// <param name="onProgress" type="Function" optional="true" locid="WinJS.Promise.thenEach_p:progress">
/// The function to be called if the promise reports progress. Data about the progress
/// is passed as the single argument. Promises are not required to support
/// progress.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.Promise.thenEach_returnValue">
/// A promise that is the result of calling Promise.join on the values parameter.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var result = Array.isArray(values) ? [] : {};
Object.keys(values).forEach(function (key) {
result[key] =[key]).then(onComplete, onError, onProgress);
return Promise.join(result);
timeout: function Promise_timeout(time, promise) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Promise.timeout">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Promise.timeout">
/// Creates a promise that is fulfilled after a timeout.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="timeout" type="Number" optional="true" locid="WinJS.Promise.timeout_p:timeout">
/// The timeout period in milliseconds. If this value is zero or not specified
/// setImmediate is called, otherwise setTimeout is called.
/// </param>
/// <param name="promise" type="Promise" optional="true" locid="WinJS.Promise.timeout_p:promise">
/// A promise that will be canceled if it doesn't complete before the
/// timeout has expired.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.Promise.timeout_returnValue">
/// A promise that is completed asynchronously after the specified timeout.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var to = timeout(time);
return promise ? timeoutWithPromise(to, promise) : to;
wrap: function Promise_wrap(value) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Promise.wrap">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Promise.wrap">
/// Wraps a non-promise value in a promise. You can use this function if you need
/// to pass a value to a function that requires a promise.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value" locid="WinJS.Promise.wrap_p:value">
/// Some non-promise value to be wrapped in a promise.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.Promise.wrap_returnValue">
/// A promise that is successfully fulfilled with the specified value
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return new CompletePromise(value);
wrapError: function Promise_wrapError(error) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.Promise.wrapError">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.Promise.wrapError">
/// Wraps a non-promise error value in a promise. You can use this function if you need
/// to pass an error to a function that requires a promise.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="error" locid="WinJS.Promise.wrapError_p:error">
/// A non-promise error value to be wrapped in a promise.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.Promise.wrapError_returnValue">
/// A promise that is in an error state with the specified value.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return new ErrorPromise(error);
_veryExpensiveTagWithStack: {
get: function () { return tagWithStack; },
set: function (value) { tagWithStack = value; }
_veryExpensiveTagWithStack_tag: tag,
_getStack: function () {
if (_Global.Debug && _Global.Debug.debuggerEnabled) {
try { throw new Error(); } catch (e) { return e.stack; }
_cancelBlocker: function Promise__cancelBlocker(input, oncancel) {
// Returns a promise which on cancelation will still result in downstream cancelation while
// protecting the promise 'input' from being canceled which has the effect of allowing
// 'input' to be shared amoung various consumers.
if (! {
return Promise.wrap(input);
var complete;
var error;
var output = new Promise(
function (c, e) {
complete = c;
error = e;
function () {
complete = null;
error = null;
oncancel && oncancel();
function (v) { complete && complete(v); },
function (e) { error && error(e); }
return output;
Object.defineProperties(Promise, _Events.createEventProperties(errorET));
Promise._doneHandler = function (value) {
_BaseCoreUtils._setImmediate(function Promise_done_rethrow() {
throw value;
return {
PromiseStateMachine: PromiseStateMachine,
Promise: Promise,
state_created: state_created
_winjs("WinJS/Promise", ["WinJS/Core/_Base","WinJS/Promise/_StateMachine"], function promiseInit( _Base, _StateMachine) {
"use strict";
_Base.Namespace.define("WinJS", {
Promise: _StateMachine.Promise
return _StateMachine.Promise;
__winjs_exports = _modules["WinJS/Core/_WinJS"];
__winjs_exports.TPromise = __winjs_exports.Promise;
__winjs_exports.PPromise = __winjs_exports.Promise;
// ESM-comment-begin
if (typeof exports === 'undefined' && typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define("vs/base/common/winjs.base", [], __winjs_exports);
} else {
module.exports = __winjs_exports;
// ESM-comment-end
// ESM-uncomment-begin
// export var Promise = __winjs_exports.Promise;
// export var TPromise = __winjs_exports.TPromise;
// export var PPromise = __winjs_exports.PPromise;
// ESM-uncomment-end
define(__m[4/*vs/base/common/errors*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,3/*vs/base/common/winjs.base*/]), function (require, exports, winjs_base_1) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
// ------ BEGIN Hook up error listeners to winjs promises
var outstandingPromiseErrors = {};
function promiseErrorHandler(e) {
// e.detail looks like: { exception, error, promise, handler, id, parent }
var details = e.detail;
var id =;
// If the error has a parent promise then this is not the origination of the
// error so we check if it has a handler, and if so we mark that the error
// was handled by removing it from outstandingPromiseErrors
if (details.parent) {
if (details.handler && outstandingPromiseErrors) {
delete outstandingPromiseErrors[id];
// Indicate that this error was originated and needs to be handled
outstandingPromiseErrors[id] = details;
// The first time the queue fills up this iteration, schedule a timeout to
// check if any errors are still unhandled.
if (Object.keys(outstandingPromiseErrors).length === 1) {
setTimeout(function () {
var errors = outstandingPromiseErrors;
outstandingPromiseErrors = {};
Object.keys(errors).forEach(function (errorId) {
var error = errors[errorId];
if (error.exception) {
else if (error.error) {
console.log('WARNING: Promise with no error callback:' +;
if (error.exception) {
}, 0);
winjs_base_1.TPromise.addEventListener('error', promiseErrorHandler);
// Avoid circular dependency on EventEmitter by implementing a subset of the interface.
var ErrorHandler = /** @class */ (function () {
function ErrorHandler() {
this.listeners = [];
this.unexpectedErrorHandler = function (e) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (e.stack) {
throw new Error(e.message + '\n\n' + e.stack);
throw e;
}, 0);
ErrorHandler.prototype.addListener = function (listener) {
var _this = this;
return function () {
ErrorHandler.prototype.emit = function (e) {
this.listeners.forEach(function (listener) {
ErrorHandler.prototype._removeListener = function (listener) {
this.listeners.splice(this.listeners.indexOf(listener), 1);
ErrorHandler.prototype.setUnexpectedErrorHandler = function (newUnexpectedErrorHandler) {
this.unexpectedErrorHandler = newUnexpectedErrorHandler;
ErrorHandler.prototype.getUnexpectedErrorHandler = function () {
return this.unexpectedErrorHandler;
ErrorHandler.prototype.onUnexpectedError = function (e) {
// For external errors, we don't want the listeners to be called
ErrorHandler.prototype.onUnexpectedExternalError = function (e) {
return ErrorHandler;
exports.ErrorHandler = ErrorHandler;
exports.errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();
function setUnexpectedErrorHandler(newUnexpectedErrorHandler) {
exports.setUnexpectedErrorHandler = setUnexpectedErrorHandler;
function onUnexpectedError(e) {
// ignore errors from cancelled promises
if (!isPromiseCanceledError(e)) {
return undefined;
exports.onUnexpectedError = onUnexpectedError;
function onUnexpectedExternalError(e) {
// ignore errors from cancelled promises
if (!isPromiseCanceledError(e)) {
return undefined;
exports.onUnexpectedExternalError = onUnexpectedExternalError;
function transformErrorForSerialization(error) {
if (error instanceof Error) {
var name_1 =, message = error.message;
var stack = error.stacktrace || error.stack;
return {
$isError: true,
name: name_1,
message: message,
stack: stack
// return as is
return error;
exports.transformErrorForSerialization = transformErrorForSerialization;
var canceledName = 'Canceled';
* Checks if the given error is a promise in canceled state
function isPromiseCanceledError(error) {
return error instanceof Error && === canceledName && error.message === canceledName;
exports.isPromiseCanceledError = isPromiseCanceledError;
* Returns an error that signals cancellation.
function canceled() {
var error = new Error(canceledName); = error.message;
return error;
exports.canceled = canceled;
function illegalArgument(name) {
if (name) {
return new Error("Illegal argument: " + name);
else {
return new Error('Illegal argument');
exports.illegalArgument = illegalArgument;
function illegalState(name) {
if (name) {
return new Error("Illegal state: " + name);
else {
return new Error('Illegal state');
exports.illegalState = illegalState;
function readonly(name) {
return name
? new Error("readonly property '" + name + " cannot be changed'")
: new Error('readonly property cannot be changed');
exports.readonly = readonly;
function disposed(what) {
var result = new Error(what + " has been disposed"); = 'DISPOSED';
return result;
exports.disposed = disposed;
function isErrorWithActions(obj) {
return obj instanceof Error && Array.isArray(obj.actions);
exports.isErrorWithActions = isErrorWithActions;
function create(message, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = Object.create(null); }
var result = new Error(message);
if (options.actions) {
result.actions = options.actions;
return result;
exports.create = create;
function getErrorMessage(err) {
if (!err) {
return 'Error';
if (err.message) {
return err.message;
if (err.stack) {
return err.stack.split('\n')[0];
return String(err);
exports.getErrorMessage = getErrorMessage;
define(__m[9/*vs/base/common/event*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,10/*vs/base/common/lifecycle*/,3/*vs/base/common/winjs.base*/,12/*vs/base/common/functional*/,4/*vs/base/common/errors*/,18/*vs/base/common/linkedList*/]), function (require, exports, lifecycle_1, winjs_base_1, functional_1, errors_1, linkedList_1) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Event;
(function (Event) {
var _disposable = { dispose: function () { } };
Event.None = function () { return _disposable; };
})(Event = exports.Event || (exports.Event = {}));
* The Emitter can be used to expose an Event to the public
* to fire it from the insides.
* Sample:
class Document {
private _onDidChange = new Emitter<(value:string)=>any>();
public onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event;
// getter-style
// get onDidChange(): Event<(value:string)=>any> {
// return this._onDidChange.event;
// }
private _doIt() {
var Emitter = /** @class */ (function () {
function Emitter(_options) {
this._options = _options;
Object.defineProperty(Emitter.prototype, "event", {
* For the public to allow to subscribe
* to events from this Emitter
get: function () {
var _this = this;
if (!this._event) {
this._event = function (listener, thisArgs, disposables) {
if (!_this._listeners) {
_this._listeners = new linkedList_1.LinkedList();
var firstListener = _this._listeners.isEmpty();
if (firstListener && _this._options && _this._options.onFirstListenerAdd) {
var remove = _this._listeners.push(!thisArgs ? listener : [listener, thisArgs]);
if (firstListener && _this._options && _this._options.onFirstListenerDidAdd) {
if (_this._options && _this._options.onListenerDidAdd) {
_this._options.onListenerDidAdd(_this, listener, thisArgs);
var result;
result = {
dispose: function () {
result.dispose = Emitter._noop;
if (!_this._disposed) {
if (_this._options && _this._options.onLastListenerRemove && _this._listeners.isEmpty()) {
if (Array.isArray(disposables)) {
return result;
return this._event;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
* To be kept private to fire an event to
* subscribers
*/ = function (event) {
if (this._listeners) {
// put all [listener,event]-pairs into delivery queue
// then emit all event. an inner/nested event might be
// the driver of this
if (!this._deliveryQueue) {
this._deliveryQueue = [];
for (var iter = this._listeners.iterator(), e =; !e.done; e = {
this._deliveryQueue.push([e.value, event]);
while (this._deliveryQueue.length > 0) {
var _a = this._deliveryQueue.shift(), listener = _a[0], event_1 = _a[1];
try {
if (typeof listener === 'function') {, event_1);
else {
listener[0].call(listener[1], event_1);
catch (e) {
Emitter.prototype.dispose = function () {
if (this._listeners) {
this._listeners = undefined;
if (this._deliveryQueue) {
this._deliveryQueue.length = 0;
this._disposed = true;
Emitter._noop = function () { };
return Emitter;
exports.Emitter = Emitter;
var EventMultiplexer = /** @class */ (function () {
function EventMultiplexer() {
var _this = this;
this.hasListeners = false; = [];
this.emitter = new Emitter({
onFirstListenerAdd: function () { return _this.onFirstListenerAdd(); },
onLastListenerRemove: function () { return _this.onLastListenerRemove(); }
Object.defineProperty(EventMultiplexer.prototype, "event", {
get: function () {
return this.emitter.event;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
EventMultiplexer.prototype.add = function (event) {
var _this = this;
var e = { event: event, listener: null };;
if (this.hasListeners) {
var dispose = function () {
if (_this.hasListeners) {
var idx =;, 1);
return lifecycle_1.toDisposable(functional_1.once(dispose));
EventMultiplexer.prototype.onFirstListenerAdd = function () {
var _this = this;
this.hasListeners = true; (e) { return _this.hook(e); });
EventMultiplexer.prototype.onLastListenerRemove = function () {
var _this = this;
this.hasListeners = false; (e) { return _this.unhook(e); });
EventMultiplexer.prototype.hook = function (e) {
var _this = this;
e.listener = e.event(function (r) { return; });
EventMultiplexer.prototype.unhook = function (e) {
e.listener = null;
EventMultiplexer.prototype.dispose = function () {
return EventMultiplexer;
exports.EventMultiplexer = EventMultiplexer;
function fromCallback(fn) {
var listener;
var emitter = new Emitter({
onFirstListenerAdd: function () { return listener = fn(function (e) { return; }); },
onLastListenerRemove: function () { return listener.dispose(); }
return emitter.event;
exports.fromCallback = fromCallback;
function fromPromise(promise) {
var emitter = new Emitter();
var shouldEmit = false;
.then(null, function () { return null; })
.then(function () {
if (!shouldEmit) {
setTimeout(function () { return; }, 0);
else {;
shouldEmit = true;
return emitter.event;
exports.fromPromise = fromPromise;
function toPromise(event) {
return new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (complete) {
var sub = event(function (e) {
exports.toPromise = toPromise;
function once(event) {
return function (listener, thisArgs, disposables) {
if (thisArgs === void 0) { thisArgs = null; }
var result = event(function (e) {
return, e);
}, null, disposables);
return result;
exports.once = once;
function anyEvent() {
var events = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
events[_i] = arguments[_i];
return function (listener, thisArgs, disposables) {
if (thisArgs === void 0) { thisArgs = null; }
return lifecycle_1.combinedDisposable( (event) { return event(function (e) { return, e); }, null, disposables); }));
exports.anyEvent = anyEvent;
function debounceEvent(event, merger, delay, leading) {
if (delay === void 0) { delay = 100; }
if (leading === void 0) { leading = false; }
var subscription;
var output = undefined;
var handle = undefined;
var numDebouncedCalls = 0;
var emitter = new Emitter({
onFirstListenerAdd: function () {
subscription = event(function (cur) {
output = merger(output, cur);
if (leading && !handle) {;
handle = setTimeout(function () {
var _output = output;
output = undefined;
handle = undefined;
if (!leading || numDebouncedCalls > 1) {;
numDebouncedCalls = 0;
}, delay);
onLastListenerRemove: function () {
return emitter.event;
exports.debounceEvent = debounceEvent;
* The EventDelayer is useful in situations in which you want
* to delay firing your events during some code.
* You can wrap that code and be sure that the event will not
* be fired during that wrap.
* ```
* const emitter: Emitter;
* const delayer = new EventDelayer();
* const delayedEvent = delayer.wrapEvent(emitter.event);
* delayedEvent(console.log);
* delayer.bufferEvents(() => {
*; // event will not be fired yet
* });
* // event will only be fired at this point
* ```
var EventBufferer = /** @class */ (function () {
function EventBufferer() {
this.buffers = [];
EventBufferer.prototype.wrapEvent = function (event) {
var _this = this;
return function (listener, thisArgs, disposables) {
return event(function (i) {
var buffer = _this.buffers[_this.buffers.length - 1];
if (buffer) {
buffer.push(function () { return, i); });
else {, i);
}, void 0, disposables);
EventBufferer.prototype.bufferEvents = function (fn) {
var buffer = [];
buffer.forEach(function (flush) { return flush(); });
return EventBufferer;
exports.EventBufferer = EventBufferer;
function mapEvent(event, map) {
return function (listener, thisArgs, disposables) {
if (thisArgs === void 0) { thisArgs = null; }
return event(function (i) { return, map(i)); }, null, disposables);
exports.mapEvent = mapEvent;
function forEach(event, each) {
return function (listener, thisArgs, disposables) {
if (thisArgs === void 0) { thisArgs = null; }
return event(function (i) { each(i);, i); }, null, disposables);
exports.forEach = forEach;
function filterEvent(event, filter) {
return function (listener, thisArgs, disposables) {
if (thisArgs === void 0) { thisArgs = null; }
return event(function (e) { return filter(e) &&, e); }, null, disposables);
exports.filterEvent = filterEvent;
var ChainableEvent = /** @class */ (function () {
function ChainableEvent(_event) {
this._event = _event;
Object.defineProperty(ChainableEvent.prototype, "event", {
get: function () { return this._event; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
}); = function (fn) {
return new ChainableEvent(mapEvent(this._event, fn));
ChainableEvent.prototype.forEach = function (fn) {
return new ChainableEvent(forEach(this._event, fn));
ChainableEvent.prototype.filter = function (fn) {
return new ChainableEvent(filterEvent(this._event, fn));
ChainableEvent.prototype.latch = function () {
return new ChainableEvent(latch(this._event));
ChainableEvent.prototype.on = function (listener, thisArgs, disposables) {
return this._event(listener, thisArgs, disposables);
return ChainableEvent;
function chain(event) {
return new ChainableEvent(event);
exports.chain = chain;
function stopwatch(event) {
var start = new Date().getTime();
return mapEvent(once(event), function (_) { return new Date().getTime() - start; });
exports.stopwatch = stopwatch;
* Buffers the provided event until a first listener comes
* along, at which point fire all the events at once and
* pipe the event from then on.
* ```typescript
* const emitter = new Emitter<number>();
* const event = emitter.event;
* const bufferedEvent = buffer(event);
* // nothing...
* const listener = bufferedEvent(num => console.log(num));
* // 1, 2, 3
* // 4
* ```
function buffer(event, nextTick, buffer) {
if (nextTick === void 0) { nextTick = false; }
if (buffer === void 0) { buffer = []; }
buffer = buffer.slice();
var listener = event(function (e) {
if (buffer) {
else {;
var flush = function () {
buffer.forEach(function (e) { return; });
buffer = null;
var emitter = new Emitter({
onFirstListenerAdd: function () {
if (!listener) {
listener = event(function (e) { return; });
onFirstListenerDidAdd: function () {
if (buffer) {
if (nextTick) {
else {
onLastListenerRemove: function () {
listener = null;
return emitter.event;
exports.buffer = buffer;
* Similar to `buffer` but it buffers indefinitely and repeats
* the buffered events to every new listener.
function echo(event, nextTick, buffer) {
if (nextTick === void 0) { nextTick = false; }
if (buffer === void 0) { buffer = []; }
buffer = buffer.slice();
event(function (e) {
var flush = function (listener, thisArgs) { return buffer.forEach(function (e) { return, e); }); };
var emitter = new Emitter({
onListenerDidAdd: function (emitter, listener, thisArgs) {
if (nextTick) {
setTimeout(function () { return flush(listener, thisArgs); });
else {
flush(listener, thisArgs);
return emitter.event;
exports.echo = echo;
var Relay = /** @class */ (function () {
function Relay() {
this.emitter = new Emitter();
this.event = this.emitter.event;
this.disposable = lifecycle_1.empty;
Object.defineProperty(Relay.prototype, "input", {
set: function (event) {
this.disposable = event(, this.emitter);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Relay.prototype.dispose = function () {
return Relay;
exports.Relay = Relay;
function fromNodeEventEmitter(emitter, eventName, map) {
if (map === void 0) { map = function (id) { return id; }; }
var fn = function () {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i] = arguments[_i];
return 0, args));
var onFirstListenerAdd = function () { return emitter.on(eventName, fn); };
var onLastListenerRemove = function () { return emitter.removeListener(eventName, fn); };
var result = new Emitter({ onFirstListenerAdd: onFirstListenerAdd, onLastListenerRemove: onLastListenerRemove });
return result.event;
exports.fromNodeEventEmitter = fromNodeEventEmitter;
function latch(event) {
var firstCall = true;
var cache;
return filterEvent(event, function (value) {
var shouldEmit = firstCall || value !== cache;
firstCall = false;
cache = value;
return shouldEmit;
exports.latch = latch;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
define(__m[11/*vs/base/common/cancellation*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,9/*vs/base/common/event*/]), function (require, exports, event_1) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var shortcutEvent = Object.freeze(function (callback, context) {
var handle = setTimeout(callback.bind(context), 0);
return { dispose: function () { clearTimeout(handle); } };
var CancellationToken;
(function (CancellationToken) {
CancellationToken.None = Object.freeze({
isCancellationRequested: false,
onCancellationRequested: event_1.Event.None
CancellationToken.Cancelled = Object.freeze({
isCancellationRequested: true,
onCancellationRequested: shortcutEvent
})(CancellationToken = exports.CancellationToken || (exports.CancellationToken = {}));
var MutableToken = /** @class */ (function () {
function MutableToken() {
this._isCancelled = false;
MutableToken.prototype.cancel = function () {
if (!this._isCancelled) {
this._isCancelled = true;
if (this._emitter) {;
Object.defineProperty(MutableToken.prototype, "isCancellationRequested", {
get: function () {
return this._isCancelled;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(MutableToken.prototype, "onCancellationRequested", {
get: function () {
if (this._isCancelled) {
return shortcutEvent;
if (!this._emitter) {
this._emitter = new event_1.Emitter();
return this._emitter.event;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
MutableToken.prototype.dispose = function () {
if (this._emitter) {
this._emitter = undefined;
return MutableToken;
var CancellationTokenSource = /** @class */ (function () {
function CancellationTokenSource() {
Object.defineProperty(CancellationTokenSource.prototype, "token", {
get: function () {
if (!this._token) {
// be lazy and create the token only when
// actually needed
this._token = new MutableToken();
return this._token;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
CancellationTokenSource.prototype.cancel = function () {
if (!this._token) {
// save an object by returning the default
// cancelled token when cancellation happens
// before someone asks for the token
this._token = CancellationToken.Cancelled;
else if (this._token instanceof MutableToken) {
// actually cancel
CancellationTokenSource.prototype.dispose = function () {
if (!this._token) {
// ensure to initialize with an empty token if we had none
this._token = CancellationToken.None;
else if (this._token instanceof MutableToken) {
// actually dispose
return CancellationTokenSource;
exports.CancellationTokenSource = CancellationTokenSource;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
define(__m[14/*vs/base/common/async*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,4/*vs/base/common/errors*/,3/*vs/base/common/winjs.base*/,11/*vs/base/common/cancellation*/,10/*vs/base/common/lifecycle*/,9/*vs/base/common/event*/]), function (require, exports, errors, winjs_base_1, cancellation_1, lifecycle_1, event_1) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function isThenable(obj) {
return obj && typeof obj.then === 'function';
exports.isThenable = isThenable;
function toThenable(arg) {
if (isThenable(arg)) {
return arg;
else {
exports.toThenable = toThenable;
function asWinJsPromise(callback) {
var source = new cancellation_1.CancellationTokenSource();
return new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (resolve, reject, progress) {
var item = callback(source.token);
if (item instanceof winjs_base_1.TPromise) {
item.then(function (result) {
}, function (err) {
}, progress);
else if (isThenable(item)) {
item.then(function (result) {
}, function (err) {
else {
}, function () {
exports.asWinJsPromise = asWinJsPromise;
* Hook a cancellation token to a WinJS Promise
function wireCancellationToken(token, promise, resolveAsUndefinedWhenCancelled) {
var subscription = token.onCancellationRequested(function () { return promise.cancel(); });
if (resolveAsUndefinedWhenCancelled) {
promise = promise.then(undefined, function (err) {
if (!errors.isPromiseCanceledError(err)) {
return winjs_base_1.TPromise.wrapError(err);
return undefined;
return always(promise, function () { return subscription.dispose(); });
exports.wireCancellationToken = wireCancellationToken;
* A helper to prevent accumulation of sequential async tasks.
* Imagine a mail man with the sole task of delivering letters. As soon as
* a letter submitted for delivery, he drives to the destination, delivers it
* and returns to his base. Imagine that during the trip, N more letters were submitted.
* When the mail man returns, he picks those N letters and delivers them all in a
* single trip. Even though N+1 submissions occurred, only 2 deliveries were made.
* The throttler implements this via the queue() method, by providing it a task
* factory. Following the example:
* const throttler = new Throttler();
* const letters = [];
* function deliver() {
* const lettersToDeliver = letters;
* letters = [];
* return makeTheTrip(lettersToDeliver);
* }
* function onLetterReceived(l) {
* letters.push(l);
* throttler.queue(deliver);
* }
var Throttler = /** @class */ (function () {
function Throttler() {
this.activePromise = null;
this.queuedPromise = null;
this.queuedPromiseFactory = null;
Throttler.prototype.queue = function (promiseFactory) {
var _this = this;
if (this.activePromise) {
this.queuedPromiseFactory = promiseFactory;
if (!this.queuedPromise) {
var onComplete_1 = function () {
_this.queuedPromise = null;
var result = _this.queue(_this.queuedPromiseFactory);
_this.queuedPromiseFactory = null;
return result;
this.queuedPromise = new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (c, e, p) {
_this.activePromise.then(onComplete_1, onComplete_1, p).done(c);
}, function () {
return new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (c, e, p) {
_this.queuedPromise.then(c, e, p);
}, function () {
// no-op
this.activePromise = promiseFactory();
return new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (c, e, p) {
_this.activePromise.done(function (result) {
_this.activePromise = null;
}, function (err) {
_this.activePromise = null;
}, p);
}, function () {
return Throttler;
exports.Throttler = Throttler;
// TODO@Joao: can the previous throttler be replaced with this?
var SimpleThrottler = /** @class */ (function () {
function SimpleThrottler() {
this.current = winjs_base_1.TPromise.wrap(null);
SimpleThrottler.prototype.queue = function (promiseTask) {
return this.current = this.current.then(function () { return promiseTask(); });
return SimpleThrottler;
exports.SimpleThrottler = SimpleThrottler;
* A helper to delay execution of a task that is being requested often.
* Following the throttler, now imagine the mail man wants to optimize the number of
* trips proactively. The trip itself can be long, so the he decides not to make the trip
* as soon as a letter is submitted. Instead he waits a while, in case more
* letters are submitted. After said waiting period, if no letters were submitted, he
* decides to make the trip. Imagine that N more letters were submitted after the first
* one, all within a short period of time between each other. Even though N+1
* submissions occurred, only 1 delivery was made.
* The delayer offers this behavior via the trigger() method, into which both the task
* to be executed and the waiting period (delay) must be passed in as arguments. Following
* the example:
* const delayer = new Delayer(WAITING_PERIOD);
* const letters = [];
* function letterReceived(l) {
* letters.push(l);
* delayer.trigger(() => { return makeTheTrip(); });
* }
var Delayer = /** @class */ (function () {
function Delayer(defaultDelay) {
this.defaultDelay = defaultDelay;
this.timeout = null;
this.completionPromise = null;
this.onSuccess = null;
this.task = null;
Delayer.prototype.trigger = function (task, delay) {
var _this = this;
if (delay === void 0) { delay = this.defaultDelay; }
this.task = task;
if (!this.completionPromise) {
this.completionPromise = new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (c) {
_this.onSuccess = c;
}, function () {
// no-op
}).then(function () {
_this.completionPromise = null;
_this.onSuccess = null;
var task = _this.task;
_this.task = null;
return task();
this.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
_this.timeout = null;
}, delay);
return this.completionPromise;
Delayer.prototype.isTriggered = function () {
return this.timeout !== null;
Delayer.prototype.cancel = function () {
if (this.completionPromise) {
this.completionPromise = null;
Delayer.prototype.cancelTimeout = function () {
if (this.timeout !== null) {
this.timeout = null;
return Delayer;
exports.Delayer = Delayer;
* A helper to delay execution of a task that is being requested often, while
* preventing accumulation of consecutive executions, while the task runs.
* Simply combine the two mail man strategies from the Throttler and Delayer
* helpers, for an analogy.
var ThrottledDelayer = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ThrottledDelayer, _super);
function ThrottledDelayer(defaultDelay) {
var _this =, defaultDelay) || this;
_this.throttler = new Throttler();
return _this;
ThrottledDelayer.prototype.trigger = function (promiseFactory, delay) {
var _this = this;
return, function () { return _this.throttler.queue(promiseFactory); }, delay);
return ThrottledDelayer;
exports.ThrottledDelayer = ThrottledDelayer;
* A barrier that is initially closed and then becomes opened permanently.
var Barrier = /** @class */ (function () {
function Barrier() {
var _this = this;
this._isOpen = false;
this._promise = new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (c, e, p) {
_this._completePromise = c;
}, function () {
console.warn('You should really not try to cancel this ready promise!');
Barrier.prototype.isOpen = function () {
return this._isOpen;
}; = function () {
this._isOpen = true;
Barrier.prototype.wait = function () {
return this._promise;
return Barrier;
exports.Barrier = Barrier;
var ShallowCancelThenPromise = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ShallowCancelThenPromise, _super);
function ShallowCancelThenPromise(outer) {
var _this = this;
var completeCallback, errorCallback, progressCallback;
_this =, function (c, e, p) {
completeCallback = c;
errorCallback = e;
progressCallback = p;
}, function () {
// cancel this promise but not the
// outer promise
}) || this;
outer.then(completeCallback, errorCallback, progressCallback);
return _this;
return ShallowCancelThenPromise;
exports.ShallowCancelThenPromise = ShallowCancelThenPromise;
* Replacement for `WinJS.Promise.timeout`.
function timeout(n) {
return new winjs_base_1.Promise(function (resolve) { return setTimeout(resolve, n); });
exports.timeout = timeout;
function isWinJSPromise(candidate) {
return && typeof candidate.done === 'function';
function always(winjsPromiseOrThenable, f) {
if (isWinJSPromise(winjsPromiseOrThenable)) {
return new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (c, e, p) {
winjsPromiseOrThenable.done(function (result) {
try {
catch (e1) {
}, function (err) {
try {
catch (e1) {
}, function (progress) {
}, function () {
else {
// simple
winjsPromiseOrThenable.then(function (_) { return f(); }, function (_) { return f(); });
return winjsPromiseOrThenable;
exports.always = always;
* Runs the provided list of promise factories in sequential order. The returned
* promise will complete to an array of results from each promise.
function sequence(promiseFactories) {
var results = [];
// reverse since we start with last element using pop()
promiseFactories = promiseFactories.reverse();
function next() {
if (promiseFactories.length) {
return promiseFactories.pop()();
return null;
function thenHandler(result) {
if (result !== undefined && result !== null) {
var n = next();
if (n) {
return n.then(thenHandler);
exports.sequence = sequence;
function first(promiseFactories, shouldStop) {
if (shouldStop === void 0) { shouldStop = function (t) { return !!t; }; }
promiseFactories = promiseFactories.reverse().slice();
var loop = function () {
if (promiseFactories.length === 0) {
var factory = promiseFactories.pop();
var promise = factory();
return promise.then(function (result) {
if (shouldStop(result)) {
return loop();
return loop();
exports.first = first;
* A helper to queue N promises and run them all with a max degree of parallelism. The helper
* ensures that at any time no more than M promises are running at the same time.
var Limiter = /** @class */ (function () {
function Limiter(maxDegreeOfParalellism) {
this.maxDegreeOfParalellism = maxDegreeOfParalellism;
this.outstandingPromises = [];
this.runningPromises = 0;
this._onFinished = new event_1.Emitter();
Object.defineProperty(Limiter.prototype, "onFinished", {
get: function () {
return this._onFinished.event;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Limiter.prototype, "size", {
get: function () {
return this.runningPromises + this.outstandingPromises.length;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Limiter.prototype.queue = function (promiseFactory) {
var _this = this;
return new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (c, e, p) {
factory: promiseFactory,
c: c,
e: e,
p: p
Limiter.prototype.consume = function () {
var _this = this;
while (this.outstandingPromises.length && this.runningPromises < this.maxDegreeOfParalellism) {
var iLimitedTask = this.outstandingPromises.shift();
var promise = iLimitedTask.factory();
promise.done(iLimitedTask.c, iLimitedTask.e, iLimitedTask.p);
promise.done(function () { return _this.consumed(); }, function () { return _this.consumed(); });
Limiter.prototype.consumed = function () {
if (this.outstandingPromises.length > 0) {
else {;
Limiter.prototype.dispose = function () {
return Limiter;
exports.Limiter = Limiter;
* A queue is handles one promise at a time and guarantees that at any time only one promise is executing.
var Queue = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(Queue, _super);
function Queue() {
return, 1) || this;
return Queue;
exports.Queue = Queue;
* A helper to organize queues per resource. The ResourceQueue makes sure to manage queues per resource
* by disposing them once the queue is empty.
var ResourceQueue = /** @class */ (function () {
function ResourceQueue() {
this.queues = Object.create(null);
ResourceQueue.prototype.queueFor = function (resource) {
var _this = this;
var key = resource.toString();
if (!this.queues[key]) {
var queue_1 = new Queue();
queue_1.onFinished(function () {
delete _this.queues[key];
this.queues[key] = queue_1;
return this.queues[key];
return ResourceQueue;
exports.ResourceQueue = ResourceQueue;
function setDisposableTimeout(handler, timeout) {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];
var handle = setTimeout.apply(void 0, [handler, timeout].concat(args));
return { dispose: function () { clearTimeout(handle); } };
exports.setDisposableTimeout = setDisposableTimeout;
var TimeoutTimer = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(TimeoutTimer, _super);
function TimeoutTimer() {
var _this = || this;
_this._token = -1;
return _this;
TimeoutTimer.prototype.dispose = function () {
TimeoutTimer.prototype.cancel = function () {
if (this._token !== -1) {
this._token = -1;
TimeoutTimer.prototype.cancelAndSet = function (runner, timeout) {
var _this = this;
this._token = setTimeout(function () {
_this._token = -1;
}, timeout);
TimeoutTimer.prototype.setIfNotSet = function (runner, timeout) {
var _this = this;
if (this._token !== -1) {
// timer is already set
this._token = setTimeout(function () {
_this._token = -1;
}, timeout);
return TimeoutTimer;
exports.TimeoutTimer = TimeoutTimer;
var IntervalTimer = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(IntervalTimer, _super);
function IntervalTimer() {
var _this = || this;
_this._token = -1;
return _this;
IntervalTimer.prototype.dispose = function () {
IntervalTimer.prototype.cancel = function () {
if (this._token !== -1) {
this._token = -1;
IntervalTimer.prototype.cancelAndSet = function (runner, interval) {
this._token = setInterval(function () {
}, interval);
return IntervalTimer;
exports.IntervalTimer = IntervalTimer;
var RunOnceScheduler = /** @class */ (function () {
function RunOnceScheduler(runner, timeout) {
this.timeoutToken = -1;
this.runner = runner;
this.timeout = timeout;
this.timeoutHandler = this.onTimeout.bind(this);
* Dispose RunOnceScheduler
RunOnceScheduler.prototype.dispose = function () {
this.runner = null;
* Cancel current scheduled runner (if any).
RunOnceScheduler.prototype.cancel = function () {
if (this.isScheduled()) {
this.timeoutToken = -1;
* Cancel previous runner (if any) & schedule a new runner.
RunOnceScheduler.prototype.schedule = function (delay) {
if (delay === void 0) { delay = this.timeout; }
this.timeoutToken = setTimeout(this.timeoutHandler, delay);
* Returns true if scheduled.
RunOnceScheduler.prototype.isScheduled = function () {
return this.timeoutToken !== -1;
RunOnceScheduler.prototype.onTimeout = function () {
this.timeoutToken = -1;
if (this.runner) {
return RunOnceScheduler;
exports.RunOnceScheduler = RunOnceScheduler;
function nfcall(fn) {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
return new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (c, e) { return fn.apply(void 0, args.concat([function (err, result) { return err ? e(err) : c(result); }])); }, function () { return null; });
exports.nfcall = nfcall;
function ninvoke(thisArg, fn) {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];
return new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (c, e) { return, [thisArg].concat(args, [function (err, result) { return err ? e(err) : c(result); }])); }, function () { return null; });
exports.ninvoke = ninvoke;
* An emitter that will ignore any events that occur during a specific code
* execution triggered via throttle() until the promise has finished (either
* successfully or with an error). Only after the promise has finished, the
* last event that was fired during the operation will get emitted.
var ThrottledEmitter = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ThrottledEmitter, _super);
function ThrottledEmitter() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
ThrottledEmitter.prototype.throttle = function (promise) {
var _this = this;
this.suspended = true;
return always(promise, function () { return _this.resume(); });
}; = function (event) {
if (this.suspended) {
this.lastEvent = event;
this.hasLastEvent = true;
return, event);
ThrottledEmitter.prototype.resume = function () {
this.suspended = false;
if (this.hasLastEvent) {;
this.hasLastEvent = false;
this.lastEvent = void 0;
return ThrottledEmitter;
exports.ThrottledEmitter = ThrottledEmitter;
define(__m[30/*vs/base/common/worker/simpleWorker*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,4/*vs/base/common/errors*/,10/*vs/base/common/lifecycle*/,3/*vs/base/common/winjs.base*/,14/*vs/base/common/async*/,5/*vs/base/common/platform*/]), function (require, exports, errors_1, lifecycle_1, winjs_base_1, async_1, platform_1) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var INITIALIZE = '$initialize';
var webWorkerWarningLogged = false;
function logOnceWebWorkerWarning(err) {
if (!platform_1.isWeb) {
// running tests
if (!webWorkerWarningLogged) {
webWorkerWarningLogged = true;
console.warn('Could not create web worker(s). Falling back to loading web worker code in main thread, which might cause UI freezes. Please see');
exports.logOnceWebWorkerWarning = logOnceWebWorkerWarning;
var SimpleWorkerProtocol = /** @class */ (function () {
function SimpleWorkerProtocol(handler) {
this._workerId = -1;
this._handler = handler;
this._lastSentReq = 0;
this._pendingReplies = Object.create(null);
SimpleWorkerProtocol.prototype.setWorkerId = function (workerId) {
this._workerId = workerId;
SimpleWorkerProtocol.prototype.sendMessage = function (method, args) {
var req = String(++this._lastSentReq);
var reply = {
c: null,
e: null
var result = new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (c, e, p) {
reply.c = c;
reply.e = e;
}, function () {
// Cancel not supported
this._pendingReplies[req] = reply;
vsWorker: this._workerId,
req: req,
method: method,
args: args
return result;
SimpleWorkerProtocol.prototype.handleMessage = function (serializedMessage) {
var message;
try {
message = JSON.parse(serializedMessage);
catch (e) {
// nothing
if (!message || !message.vsWorker) {
if (this._workerId !== -1 && message.vsWorker !== this._workerId) {
SimpleWorkerProtocol.prototype._handleMessage = function (msg) {
var _this = this;
if (msg.seq) {
var replyMessage = msg;
if (!this._pendingReplies[replyMessage.seq]) {
console.warn('Got reply to unknown seq');
var reply = this._pendingReplies[replyMessage.seq];
delete this._pendingReplies[replyMessage.seq];
if (replyMessage.err) {
var err = replyMessage.err;
if (replyMessage.err.$isError) {
err = new Error(); =;
err.message = replyMessage.err.message;
err.stack = replyMessage.err.stack;
var requestMessage = msg;
var req = requestMessage.req;
var result = this._handler.handleMessage(requestMessage.method, requestMessage.args);
result.then(function (r) {
vsWorker: _this._workerId,
seq: req,
res: r,
err: undefined
}, function (e) {
if (e.detail instanceof Error) {
// Loading errors have a detail property that points to the actual error
e.detail = errors_1.transformErrorForSerialization(e.detail);
vsWorker: _this._workerId,
seq: req,
res: undefined,
err: errors_1.transformErrorForSerialization(e)
SimpleWorkerProtocol.prototype._send = function (msg) {
var strMsg = JSON.stringify(msg);
// console.log('SENDING: ' + strMsg);
return SimpleWorkerProtocol;
* Main thread side
var SimpleWorkerClient = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(SimpleWorkerClient, _super);
function SimpleWorkerClient(workerFactory, moduleId) {
var _this = || this;
var lazyProxyFulfill = null;
var lazyProxyReject = null;
_this._worker = _this._register(workerFactory.create('vs/base/common/worker/simpleWorker', function (msg) {
}, function (err) {
// in Firefox, web workers fail lazily :(
// we will reject the proxy
_this._protocol = new SimpleWorkerProtocol({
sendMessage: function (msg) {
handleMessage: function (method, args) {
// Intentionally not supporting worker -> main requests
// Gather loader configuration
var loaderConfiguration = null;
if (typeof self.require !== 'undefined' && typeof self.require.getConfig === 'function') {
// Get the configuration from the Monaco AMD Loader
loaderConfiguration = self.require.getConfig();
else if (typeof self.requirejs !== 'undefined') {
// Get the configuration from requirejs
loaderConfiguration = self.requirejs.s.contexts._.config;
_this._lazyProxy = new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (c, e, p) {
lazyProxyFulfill = c;
lazyProxyReject = e;
}, function () { });
// Send initialize message
_this._onModuleLoaded = _this._protocol.sendMessage(INITIALIZE, [
_this._onModuleLoaded.then(function (availableMethods) {
var proxy = {};
for (var i = 0; i < availableMethods.length; i++) {
proxy[availableMethods[i]] = createProxyMethod(availableMethods[i], proxyMethodRequest);
}, function (e) {
_this._onError('Worker failed to load ' + moduleId, e);
// Create proxy to loaded code
var proxyMethodRequest = function (method, args) {
return _this._request(method, args);
var createProxyMethod = function (method, proxyMethodRequest) {
return function () {
var args =, 0);
return proxyMethodRequest(method, args);
return _this;
SimpleWorkerClient.prototype.getProxyObject = function () {
// Do not allow chaining promises to cancel the proxy creation
return new async_1.ShallowCancelThenPromise(this._lazyProxy);
SimpleWorkerClient.prototype._request = function (method, args) {
var _this = this;
return new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (c, e, p) {
_this._onModuleLoaded.then(function () {
_this._protocol.sendMessage(method, args).then(c, e);
}, e);
}, function () {
// Cancel intentionally not supported
SimpleWorkerClient.prototype._onError = function (message, error) {
return SimpleWorkerClient;
exports.SimpleWorkerClient = SimpleWorkerClient;
* Worker side
var SimpleWorkerServer = /** @class */ (function () {
function SimpleWorkerServer(postSerializedMessage, requestHandler) {
var _this = this;
this._requestHandler = requestHandler;
this._protocol = new SimpleWorkerProtocol({
sendMessage: function (msg) {
handleMessage: function (method, args) { return _this._handleMessage(method, args); }
SimpleWorkerServer.prototype.onmessage = function (msg) {
SimpleWorkerServer.prototype._handleMessage = function (method, args) {
if (method === INITIALIZE) {
return this.initialize(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
if (!this._requestHandler || typeof this._requestHandler[method] !== 'function') {
return winjs_base_1.TPromise.wrapError(new Error('Missing requestHandler or method: ' + method));
try {
return[method].apply(this._requestHandler, args));
catch (e) {
return winjs_base_1.TPromise.wrapError(e);
SimpleWorkerServer.prototype.initialize = function (workerId, moduleId, loaderConfig) {
var _this = this;
if (this._requestHandler) {
// static request handler
var methods = [];
for (var prop in this._requestHandler) {
if (typeof this._requestHandler[prop] === 'function') {
if (loaderConfig) {
// Remove 'baseUrl', handling it is beyond scope for now
if (typeof loaderConfig.baseUrl !== 'undefined') {
delete loaderConfig['baseUrl'];
if (typeof loaderConfig.paths !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof loaderConfig.paths.vs !== 'undefined') {
delete loaderConfig.paths['vs'];
// Since this is in a web worker, enable catching errors
loaderConfig.catchError = true;
var cc;
var ee;
var r = new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (c, e, p) {
cc = c;
ee = e;
// Use the global require to be sure to get the global config
self.require([moduleId], function () {
var result = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
result[_i] = arguments[_i];
var handlerModule = result[0];
_this._requestHandler = handlerModule.create();
var methods = [];
for (var prop in _this._requestHandler) {
if (typeof _this._requestHandler[prop] === 'function') {
}, ee);
return r;
return SimpleWorkerServer;
exports.SimpleWorkerServer = SimpleWorkerServer;
* Called on the worker side
function create(postMessage) {
return new SimpleWorkerServer(postMessage, null);
exports.create = create;
define(__m[2/*vs/editor/common/core/position*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/]), function (require, exports) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* A position in the editor.
var Position = /** @class */ (function () {
function Position(lineNumber, column) {
this.lineNumber = lineNumber;
this.column = column;
* Test if this position equals other position
Position.prototype.equals = function (other) {
return Position.equals(this, other);
* Test if position `a` equals position `b`
Position.equals = function (a, b) {
if (!a && !b) {
return true;
return (!!a &&
!!b &&
a.lineNumber === b.lineNumber &&
a.column === b.column);
* Test if this position is before other position.
* If the two positions are equal, the result will be false.
Position.prototype.isBefore = function (other) {
return Position.isBefore(this, other);
* Test if position `a` is before position `b`.
* If the two positions are equal, the result will be false.
Position.isBefore = function (a, b) {
if (a.lineNumber < b.lineNumber) {
return true;
if (b.lineNumber < a.lineNumber) {
return false;
return a.column < b.column;
* Test if this position is before other position.
* If the two positions are equal, the result will be true.
Position.prototype.isBeforeOrEqual = function (other) {
return Position.isBeforeOrEqual(this, other);
* Test if position `a` is before position `b`.
* If the two positions are equal, the result will be true.
Position.isBeforeOrEqual = function (a, b) {
if (a.lineNumber < b.lineNumber) {
return true;
if (b.lineNumber < a.lineNumber) {
return false;
return a.column <= b.column;
* A function that compares positions, useful for sorting
*/ = function (a, b) {
var aLineNumber = a.lineNumber | 0;
var bLineNumber = b.lineNumber | 0;
if (aLineNumber === bLineNumber) {
var aColumn = a.column | 0;
var bColumn = b.column | 0;
return aColumn - bColumn;
return aLineNumber - bLineNumber;
* Clone this position.
Position.prototype.clone = function () {
return new Position(this.lineNumber, this.column);
* Convert to a human-readable representation.
Position.prototype.toString = function () {
return '(' + this.lineNumber + ',' + this.column + ')';
// ---
* Create a `Position` from an `IPosition`.
Position.lift = function (pos) {
return new Position(pos.lineNumber, pos.column);
* Test if `obj` is an `IPosition`.
Position.isIPosition = function (obj) {
return (obj
&& (typeof obj.lineNumber === 'number')
&& (typeof obj.column === 'number'));
return Position;
exports.Position = Position;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
define(__m[7/*vs/editor/common/core/range*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,2/*vs/editor/common/core/position*/]), function (require, exports, position_1) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* A range in the editor. (startLineNumber,startColumn) is <= (endLineNumber,endColumn)
var Range = /** @class */ (function () {
function Range(startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn) {
if ((startLineNumber > endLineNumber) || (startLineNumber === endLineNumber && startColumn > endColumn)) {
this.startLineNumber = endLineNumber;
this.startColumn = endColumn;
this.endLineNumber = startLineNumber;
this.endColumn = startColumn;
else {
this.startLineNumber = startLineNumber;
this.startColumn = startColumn;
this.endLineNumber = endLineNumber;
this.endColumn = endColumn;
* Test if this range is empty.
Range.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
return Range.isEmpty(this);
* Test if `range` is empty.
Range.isEmpty = function (range) {
return (range.startLineNumber === range.endLineNumber && range.startColumn === range.endColumn);
* Test if position is in this range. If the position is at the edges, will return true.
Range.prototype.containsPosition = function (position) {
return Range.containsPosition(this, position);
* Test if `position` is in `range`. If the position is at the edges, will return true.
Range.containsPosition = function (range, position) {
if (position.lineNumber < range.startLineNumber || position.lineNumber > range.endLineNumber) {
return false;
if (position.lineNumber === range.startLineNumber && position.column < range.startColumn) {
return false;
if (position.lineNumber === range.endLineNumber && position.column > range.endColumn) {
return false;
return true;
* Test if range is in this range. If the range is equal to this range, will return true.
Range.prototype.containsRange = function (range) {
return Range.containsRange(this, range);
* Test if `otherRange` is in `range`. If the ranges are equal, will return true.
Range.containsRange = function (range, otherRange) {
if (otherRange.startLineNumber < range.startLineNumber || otherRange.endLineNumber < range.startLineNumber) {
return false;
if (otherRange.startLineNumber > range.endLineNumber || otherRange.endLineNumber > range.endLineNumber) {
return false;
if (otherRange.startLineNumber === range.startLineNumber && otherRange.startColumn < range.startColumn) {
return false;
if (otherRange.endLineNumber === range.endLineNumber && otherRange.endColumn > range.endColumn) {
return false;
return true;
* A reunion of the two ranges.
* The smallest position will be used as the start point, and the largest one as the end point.
Range.prototype.plusRange = function (range) {
return Range.plusRange(this, range);
* A reunion of the two ranges.
* The smallest position will be used as the start point, and the largest one as the end point.
Range.plusRange = function (a, b) {
var startLineNumber;
var startColumn;
var endLineNumber;
var endColumn;
if (b.startLineNumber < a.startLineNumber) {
startLineNumber = b.startLineNumber;
startColumn = b.startColumn;
else if (b.startLineNumber === a.startLineNumber) {
startLineNumber = b.startLineNumber;
startColumn = Math.min(b.startColumn, a.startColumn);
else {
startLineNumber = a.startLineNumber;
startColumn = a.startColumn;
if (b.endLineNumber > a.endLineNumber) {
endLineNumber = b.endLineNumber;
endColumn = b.endColumn;
else if (b.endLineNumber === a.endLineNumber) {
endLineNumber = b.endLineNumber;
endColumn = Math.max(b.endColumn, a.endColumn);
else {
endLineNumber = a.endLineNumber;
endColumn = a.endColumn;
return new Range(startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn);
* A intersection of the two ranges.
Range.prototype.intersectRanges = function (range) {
return Range.intersectRanges(this, range);
* A intersection of the two ranges.
Range.intersectRanges = function (a, b) {
var resultStartLineNumber = a.startLineNumber;
var resultStartColumn = a.startColumn;
var resultEndLineNumber = a.endLineNumber;
var resultEndColumn = a.endColumn;
var otherStartLineNumber = b.startLineNumber;
var otherStartColumn = b.startColumn;
var otherEndLineNumber = b.endLineNumber;
var otherEndColumn = b.endColumn;
if (resultStartLineNumber < otherStartLineNumber) {
resultStartLineNumber = otherStartLineNumber;
resultStartColumn = otherStartColumn;
else if (resultStartLineNumber === otherStartLineNumber) {
resultStartColumn = Math.max(resultStartColumn, otherStartColumn);
if (resultEndLineNumber > otherEndLineNumber) {
resultEndLineNumber = otherEndLineNumber;
resultEndColumn = otherEndColumn;
else if (resultEndLineNumber === otherEndLineNumber) {
resultEndColumn = Math.min(resultEndColumn, otherEndColumn);
// Check if selection is now empty
if (resultStartLineNumber > resultEndLineNumber) {
return null;
if (resultStartLineNumber === resultEndLineNumber && resultStartColumn > resultEndColumn) {
return null;
return new Range(resultStartLineNumber, resultStartColumn, resultEndLineNumber, resultEndColumn);
* Test if this range equals other.
Range.prototype.equalsRange = function (other) {
return Range.equalsRange(this, other);
* Test if range `a` equals `b`.
Range.equalsRange = function (a, b) {
return (!!a &&
!!b &&
a.startLineNumber === b.startLineNumber &&
a.startColumn === b.startColumn &&
a.endLineNumber === b.endLineNumber &&
a.endColumn === b.endColumn);
* Return the end position (which will be after or equal to the start position)
Range.prototype.getEndPosition = function () {
return new position_1.Position(this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn);
* Return the start position (which will be before or equal to the end position)
Range.prototype.getStartPosition = function () {
return new position_1.Position(this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn);
* Transform to a user presentable string representation.
Range.prototype.toString = function () {
return '[' + this.startLineNumber + ',' + this.startColumn + ' -> ' + this.endLineNumber + ',' + this.endColumn + ']';
* Create a new range using this range's start position, and using endLineNumber and endColumn as the end position.
Range.prototype.setEndPosition = function (endLineNumber, endColumn) {
return new Range(this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn);
* Create a new range using this range's end position, and using startLineNumber and startColumn as the start position.
Range.prototype.setStartPosition = function (startLineNumber, startColumn) {
return new Range(startLineNumber, startColumn, this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn);
* Create a new empty range using this range's start position.
Range.prototype.collapseToStart = function () {
return Range.collapseToStart(this);
* Create a new empty range using this range's start position.
Range.collapseToStart = function (range) {
return new Range(range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn, range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn);
// ---
Range.fromPositions = function (start, end) {
if (end === void 0) { end = start; }
return new Range(start.lineNumber, start.column, end.lineNumber, end.column);
* Create a `Range` from an `IRange`.
Range.lift = function (range) {
if (!range) {
return null;
return new Range(range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn, range.endLineNumber, range.endColumn);
* Test if `obj` is an `IRange`.
Range.isIRange = function (obj) {
return (obj
&& (typeof obj.startLineNumber === 'number')
&& (typeof obj.startColumn === 'number')
&& (typeof obj.endLineNumber === 'number')
&& (typeof obj.endColumn === 'number'));
* Test if the two ranges are touching in any way.
Range.areIntersectingOrTouching = function (a, b) {
// Check if `a` is before `b`
if (a.endLineNumber < b.startLineNumber || (a.endLineNumber === b.startLineNumber && a.endColumn < b.startColumn)) {
return false;
// Check if `b` is before `a`
if (b.endLineNumber < a.startLineNumber || (b.endLineNumber === a.startLineNumber && b.endColumn < a.startColumn)) {
return false;
// These ranges must intersect
return true;
* A function that compares ranges, useful for sorting ranges
* It will first compare ranges on the startPosition and then on the endPosition
Range.compareRangesUsingStarts = function (a, b) {
var aStartLineNumber = a.startLineNumber | 0;
var bStartLineNumber = b.startLineNumber | 0;
if (aStartLineNumber === bStartLineNumber) {
var aStartColumn = a.startColumn | 0;
var bStartColumn = b.startColumn | 0;
if (aStartColumn === bStartColumn) {
var aEndLineNumber = a.endLineNumber | 0;
var bEndLineNumber = b.endLineNumber | 0;
if (aEndLineNumber === bEndLineNumber) {
var aEndColumn = a.endColumn | 0;
var bEndColumn = b.endColumn | 0;
return aEndColumn - bEndColumn;
return aEndLineNumber - bEndLineNumber;
return aStartColumn - bStartColumn;
return aStartLineNumber - bStartLineNumber;
* A function that compares ranges, useful for sorting ranges
* It will first compare ranges on the endPosition and then on the startPosition
Range.compareRangesUsingEnds = function (a, b) {
if (a.endLineNumber === b.endLineNumber) {
if (a.endColumn === b.endColumn) {
if (a.startLineNumber === b.startLineNumber) {
return a.startColumn - b.startColumn;
return a.startLineNumber - b.startLineNumber;
return a.endColumn - b.endColumn;
return a.endLineNumber - b.endLineNumber;
* Test if the range spans multiple lines.
Range.spansMultipleLines = function (range) {
return range.endLineNumber > range.startLineNumber;
return Range;
exports.Range = Range;
define(__m[20/*vs/editor/common/core/selection*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,7/*vs/editor/common/core/range*/,2/*vs/editor/common/core/position*/]), function (require, exports, range_1, position_1) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* The direction of a selection.
var SelectionDirection;
(function (SelectionDirection) {
* The selection starts above where it ends.
SelectionDirection[SelectionDirection["LTR"] = 0] = "LTR";
* The selection starts below where it ends.
SelectionDirection[SelectionDirection["RTL"] = 1] = "RTL";
})(SelectionDirection = exports.SelectionDirection || (exports.SelectionDirection = {}));
* A selection in the editor.
* The selection is a range that has an orientation.
var Selection = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(Selection, _super);
function Selection(selectionStartLineNumber, selectionStartColumn, positionLineNumber, positionColumn) {
var _this =, selectionStartLineNumber, selectionStartColumn, positionLineNumber, positionColumn) || this;
_this.selectionStartLineNumber = selectionStartLineNumber;
_this.selectionStartColumn = selectionStartColumn;
_this.positionLineNumber = positionLineNumber;
_this.positionColumn = positionColumn;
return _this;
* Clone this selection.
Selection.prototype.clone = function () {
return new Selection(this.selectionStartLineNumber, this.selectionStartColumn, this.positionLineNumber, this.positionColumn);
* Transform to a human-readable representation.
Selection.prototype.toString = function () {
return '[' + this.selectionStartLineNumber + ',' + this.selectionStartColumn + ' -> ' + this.positionLineNumber + ',' + this.positionColumn + ']';
* Test if equals other selection.
Selection.prototype.equalsSelection = function (other) {
return (Selection.selectionsEqual(this, other));
* Test if the two selections are equal.
Selection.selectionsEqual = function (a, b) {
return (a.selectionStartLineNumber === b.selectionStartLineNumber &&
a.selectionStartColumn === b.selectionStartColumn &&
a.positionLineNumber === b.positionLineNumber &&
a.positionColumn === b.positionColumn);
* Get directions (LTR or RTL).
Selection.prototype.getDirection = function () {
if (this.selectionStartLineNumber === this.startLineNumber && this.selectionStartColumn === this.startColumn) {
return SelectionDirection.LTR;
return SelectionDirection.RTL;
* Create a new selection with a different `positionLineNumber` and `positionColumn`.
Selection.prototype.setEndPosition = function (endLineNumber, endColumn) {
if (this.getDirection() === SelectionDirection.LTR) {
return new Selection(this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn);
return new Selection(endLineNumber, endColumn, this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn);
* Get the position at `positionLineNumber` and `positionColumn`.
Selection.prototype.getPosition = function () {
return new position_1.Position(this.positionLineNumber, this.positionColumn);
* Create a new selection with a different `selectionStartLineNumber` and `selectionStartColumn`.
Selection.prototype.setStartPosition = function (startLineNumber, startColumn) {
if (this.getDirection() === SelectionDirection.LTR) {
return new Selection(startLineNumber, startColumn, this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn);
return new Selection(this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn, startLineNumber, startColumn);
// ----
* Create a `Selection` from one or two positions
Selection.fromPositions = function (start, end) {
if (end === void 0) { end = start; }
return new Selection(start.lineNumber, start.column, end.lineNumber, end.column);
* Create a `Selection` from an `ISelection`.
Selection.liftSelection = function (sel) {
return new Selection(sel.selectionStartLineNumber, sel.selectionStartColumn, sel.positionLineNumber, sel.positionColumn);
* `a` equals `b`.
Selection.selectionsArrEqual = function (a, b) {
if (a && !b || !a && b) {
return false;
if (!a && !b) {
return true;
if (a.length !== b.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0, len = a.length; i < len; i++) {
if (!this.selectionsEqual(a[i], b[i])) {
return false;
return true;
* Test if `obj` is an `ISelection`.
Selection.isISelection = function (obj) {
return (obj
&& (typeof obj.selectionStartLineNumber === 'number')
&& (typeof obj.selectionStartColumn === 'number')
&& (typeof obj.positionLineNumber === 'number')
&& (typeof obj.positionColumn === 'number'));
* Create with a direction.
Selection.createWithDirection = function (startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn, direction) {
if (direction === SelectionDirection.LTR) {
return new Selection(startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn);
return new Selection(endLineNumber, endColumn, startLineNumber, startColumn);
return Selection;
exports.Selection = Selection;
define(__m[21/*vs/editor/common/core/token*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/]), function (require, exports) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Token = /** @class */ (function () {
function Token(offset, type, language) {
this.offset = offset | 0; // @perf
this.type = type;
this.language = language;
Token.prototype.toString = function () {
return '(' + this.offset + ', ' + this.type + ')';
return Token;
exports.Token = Token;
var TokenizationResult = /** @class */ (function () {
function TokenizationResult(tokens, endState) {
this.tokens = tokens;
this.endState = endState;
return TokenizationResult;
exports.TokenizationResult = TokenizationResult;
var TokenizationResult2 = /** @class */ (function () {
function TokenizationResult2(tokens, endState) {
this.tokens = tokens;
this.endState = endState;
return TokenizationResult2;
exports.TokenizationResult2 = TokenizationResult2;
define(__m[8/*vs/editor/common/core/uint*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/]), function (require, exports) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Uint8Matrix = /** @class */ (function () {
function Uint8Matrix(rows, cols, defaultValue) {
var data = new Uint8Array(rows * cols);
for (var i = 0, len = rows * cols; i < len; i++) {
data[i] = defaultValue;
this._data = data;
this.rows = rows;
this.cols = cols;
Uint8Matrix.prototype.get = function (row, col) {
return this._data[row * this.cols + col];
Uint8Matrix.prototype.set = function (row, col, value) {
this._data[row * this.cols + col] = value;
return Uint8Matrix;
exports.Uint8Matrix = Uint8Matrix;
var Constants;
(function (Constants) {
* MAX SMI (SMall Integer) as defined in v8.
* one bit is lost for boxing/unboxing flag.
* one bit is lost for sign flag.
* See
Constants[Constants["MAX_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER"] = 1073741824] = "MAX_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER";
* MIN SMI (SMall Integer) as defined in v8.
* one bit is lost for boxing/unboxing flag.
* one bit is lost for sign flag.
* See
Constants[Constants["MIN_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER"] = -1073741824] = "MIN_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER";
* Max unsigned integer that fits on 8 bits.
Constants[Constants["MAX_UINT_8"] = 255] = "MAX_UINT_8";
* Max unsigned integer that fits on 16 bits.
Constants[Constants["MAX_UINT_16"] = 65535] = "MAX_UINT_16";
* Max unsigned integer that fits on 32 bits.
Constants[Constants["MAX_UINT_32"] = 4294967295] = "MAX_UINT_32";
})(Constants = exports.Constants || (exports.Constants = {}));
function toUint8(v) {
if (v < 0) {
return 0;
if (v > 255 /* MAX_UINT_8 */) {
return 255 /* MAX_UINT_8 */;
return v | 0;
exports.toUint8 = toUint8;
function toUint32(v) {
if (v < 0) {
return 0;
if (v > 4294967295 /* MAX_UINT_32 */) {
return 4294967295 /* MAX_UINT_32 */;
return v | 0;
exports.toUint32 = toUint32;
function toUint32Array(arr) {
var len = arr.length;
var r = new Uint32Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
r[i] = toUint32(arr[i]);
return r;
exports.toUint32Array = toUint32Array;
define(__m[23/*vs/editor/common/core/characterClassifier*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,8/*vs/editor/common/core/uint*/]), function (require, exports, uint_1) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* A fast character classifier that uses a compact array for ASCII values.
var CharacterClassifier = /** @class */ (function () {
function CharacterClassifier(_defaultValue) {
var defaultValue = uint_1.toUint8(_defaultValue);
this._defaultValue = defaultValue;
this._asciiMap = CharacterClassifier._createAsciiMap(defaultValue);
this._map = new Map();
CharacterClassifier._createAsciiMap = function (defaultValue) {
var asciiMap = new Uint8Array(256);
for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
asciiMap[i] = defaultValue;
return asciiMap;
CharacterClassifier.prototype.set = function (charCode, _value) {
var value = uint_1.toUint8(_value);
if (charCode >= 0 && charCode < 256) {
this._asciiMap[charCode] = value;
else {
this._map.set(charCode, value);
CharacterClassifier.prototype.get = function (charCode) {
if (charCode >= 0 && charCode < 256) {
return this._asciiMap[charCode];
else {
return (this._map.get(charCode) || this._defaultValue);
return CharacterClassifier;
exports.CharacterClassifier = CharacterClassifier;
var Boolean;
(function (Boolean) {
Boolean[Boolean["False"] = 0] = "False";
Boolean[Boolean["True"] = 1] = "True";
})(Boolean || (Boolean = {}));
var CharacterSet = /** @class */ (function () {
function CharacterSet() {
this._actual = new CharacterClassifier(0 /* False */);
CharacterSet.prototype.add = function (charCode) {
this._actual.set(charCode, 1 /* True */);
CharacterSet.prototype.has = function (charCode) {
return (this._actual.get(charCode) === 1 /* True */);
return CharacterSet;
exports.CharacterSet = CharacterSet;
define(__m[24/*vs/editor/common/diff/diffComputer*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,13/*vs/base/common/diff/diff*/,16/*vs/base/common/strings*/]), function (require, exports, diff_1, strings) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var MAXIMUM_RUN_TIME = 5000; // 5 seconds
function computeDiff(originalSequence, modifiedSequence, continueProcessingPredicate, pretty) {
var diffAlgo = new diff_1.LcsDiff(originalSequence, modifiedSequence, continueProcessingPredicate);
return diffAlgo.ComputeDiff(pretty);
var MarkerSequence = /** @class */ (function () {
function MarkerSequence(buffer, startMarkers, endMarkers) {
this.buffer = buffer;
this.startMarkers = startMarkers;
this.endMarkers = endMarkers;
MarkerSequence.prototype.getLength = function () {
return this.startMarkers.length;
MarkerSequence.prototype.getElementHash = function (i) {
return this.buffer.substring(this.startMarkers[i].offset, this.endMarkers[i].offset);
MarkerSequence.prototype.getStartLineNumber = function (i) {
if (i === this.startMarkers.length) {
// This is the special case where a change happened after the last marker
return this.startMarkers[i - 1].lineNumber + 1;
return this.startMarkers[i].lineNumber;
MarkerSequence.prototype.getStartColumn = function (i) {
return this.startMarkers[i].column;
MarkerSequence.prototype.getEndLineNumber = function (i) {
return this.endMarkers[i].lineNumber;
MarkerSequence.prototype.getEndColumn = function (i) {
return this.endMarkers[i].column;
return MarkerSequence;
var LineMarkerSequence = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(LineMarkerSequence, _super);
function LineMarkerSequence(lines) {
var _this = this;
var buffer = '';
var startMarkers = [];
var endMarkers = [];
for (var pos = 0, i = 0, length_1 = lines.length; i < length_1; i++) {
buffer += lines[i];
var startColumn = LineMarkerSequence._getFirstNonBlankColumn(lines[i], 1);
var endColumn = LineMarkerSequence._getLastNonBlankColumn(lines[i], 1);
offset: pos + startColumn - 1,
lineNumber: i + 1,
column: startColumn
offset: pos + endColumn - 1,
lineNumber: i + 1,
column: endColumn
pos += lines[i].length;
_this =, buffer, startMarkers, endMarkers) || this;
return _this;
LineMarkerSequence._getFirstNonBlankColumn = function (txt, defaultValue) {
var r = strings.firstNonWhitespaceIndex(txt);
if (r === -1) {
return defaultValue;
return r + 1;
LineMarkerSequence._getLastNonBlankColumn = function (txt, defaultValue) {
var r = strings.lastNonWhitespaceIndex(txt);
if (r === -1) {
return defaultValue;
return r + 2;
LineMarkerSequence.prototype.getCharSequence = function (startIndex, endIndex) {
var startMarkers = [];
var endMarkers = [];
for (var index = startIndex; index <= endIndex; index++) {
var startMarker = this.startMarkers[index];
var endMarker = this.endMarkers[index];
for (var i = startMarker.offset; i < endMarker.offset; i++) {
offset: i,
lineNumber: startMarker.lineNumber,
column: startMarker.column + (i - startMarker.offset)
offset: i + 1,
lineNumber: startMarker.lineNumber,
column: startMarker.column + (i - startMarker.offset) + 1
return new MarkerSequence(this.buffer, startMarkers, endMarkers);
return LineMarkerSequence;
var CharChange = /** @class */ (function () {
function CharChange(originalStartLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalEndLineNumber, originalEndColumn, modifiedStartLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedEndLineNumber, modifiedEndColumn) {
this.originalStartLineNumber = originalStartLineNumber;
this.originalStartColumn = originalStartColumn;
this.originalEndLineNumber = originalEndLineNumber;
this.originalEndColumn = originalEndColumn;
this.modifiedStartLineNumber = modifiedStartLineNumber;
this.modifiedStartColumn = modifiedStartColumn;
this.modifiedEndLineNumber = modifiedEndLineNumber;
this.modifiedEndColumn = modifiedEndColumn;
CharChange.createFromDiffChange = function (diffChange, originalCharSequence, modifiedCharSequence) {
var originalStartLineNumber;
var originalStartColumn;
var originalEndLineNumber;
var originalEndColumn;
var modifiedStartLineNumber;
var modifiedStartColumn;
var modifiedEndLineNumber;
var modifiedEndColumn;
if (diffChange.originalLength === 0) {
originalStartLineNumber = 0;
originalStartColumn = 0;
originalEndLineNumber = 0;
originalEndColumn = 0;
else {
originalStartLineNumber = originalCharSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.originalStart);
originalStartColumn = originalCharSequence.getStartColumn(diffChange.originalStart);
originalEndLineNumber = originalCharSequence.getEndLineNumber(diffChange.originalStart + diffChange.originalLength - 1);
originalEndColumn = originalCharSequence.getEndColumn(diffChange.originalStart + diffChange.originalLength - 1);
if (diffChange.modifiedLength === 0) {
modifiedStartLineNumber = 0;
modifiedStartColumn = 0;
modifiedEndLineNumber = 0;
modifiedEndColumn = 0;
else {
modifiedStartLineNumber = modifiedCharSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.modifiedStart);
modifiedStartColumn = modifiedCharSequence.getStartColumn(diffChange.modifiedStart);
modifiedEndLineNumber = modifiedCharSequence.getEndLineNumber(diffChange.modifiedStart + diffChange.modifiedLength - 1);
modifiedEndColumn = modifiedCharSequence.getEndColumn(diffChange.modifiedStart + diffChange.modifiedLength - 1);
return new CharChange(originalStartLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalEndLineNumber, originalEndColumn, modifiedStartLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedEndLineNumber, modifiedEndColumn);
return CharChange;
function postProcessCharChanges(rawChanges) {
if (rawChanges.length <= 1) {
return rawChanges;
var result = [rawChanges[0]];
var prevChange = result[0];
for (var i = 1, len = rawChanges.length; i < len; i++) {
var currChange = rawChanges[i];
var originalMatchingLength = currChange.originalStart - (prevChange.originalStart + prevChange.originalLength);
var modifiedMatchingLength = currChange.modifiedStart - (prevChange.modifiedStart + prevChange.modifiedLength);
// Both of the above should be equal, but the continueProcessingPredicate may prevent this from being true
var matchingLength = Math.min(originalMatchingLength, modifiedMatchingLength);
// Merge the current change into the previous one
prevChange.originalLength = (currChange.originalStart + currChange.originalLength) - prevChange.originalStart;
prevChange.modifiedLength = (currChange.modifiedStart + currChange.modifiedLength) - prevChange.modifiedStart;
else {
// Add the current change
prevChange = currChange;
return result;
var LineChange = /** @class */ (function () {
function LineChange(originalStartLineNumber, originalEndLineNumber, modifiedStartLineNumber, modifiedEndLineNumber, charChanges) {
this.originalStartLineNumber = originalStartLineNumber;
this.originalEndLineNumber = originalEndLineNumber;
this.modifiedStartLineNumber = modifiedStartLineNumber;
this.modifiedEndLineNumber = modifiedEndLineNumber;
this.charChanges = charChanges;
LineChange.createFromDiffResult = function (diffChange, originalLineSequence, modifiedLineSequence, continueProcessingPredicate, shouldPostProcessCharChanges) {
var originalStartLineNumber;
var originalEndLineNumber;
var modifiedStartLineNumber;
var modifiedEndLineNumber;
var charChanges;
if (diffChange.originalLength === 0) {
originalStartLineNumber = originalLineSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.originalStart) - 1;
originalEndLineNumber = 0;
else {
originalStartLineNumber = originalLineSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.originalStart);
originalEndLineNumber = originalLineSequence.getEndLineNumber(diffChange.originalStart + diffChange.originalLength - 1);
if (diffChange.modifiedLength === 0) {
modifiedStartLineNumber = modifiedLineSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.modifiedStart) - 1;
modifiedEndLineNumber = 0;
else {
modifiedStartLineNumber = modifiedLineSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.modifiedStart);
modifiedEndLineNumber = modifiedLineSequence.getEndLineNumber(diffChange.modifiedStart + diffChange.modifiedLength - 1);
if (diffChange.originalLength !== 0 && diffChange.modifiedLength !== 0 && continueProcessingPredicate()) {
var originalCharSequence = originalLineSequence.getCharSequence(diffChange.originalStart, diffChange.originalStart + diffChange.originalLength - 1);
var modifiedCharSequence = modifiedLineSequence.getCharSequence(diffChange.modifiedStart, diffChange.modifiedStart + diffChange.modifiedLength - 1);
var rawChanges = computeDiff(originalCharSequence, modifiedCharSequence, continueProcessingPredicate, true);
if (shouldPostProcessCharChanges) {
rawChanges = postProcessCharChanges(rawChanges);
charChanges = [];
for (var i = 0, length_2 = rawChanges.length; i < length_2; i++) {
charChanges.push(CharChange.createFromDiffChange(rawChanges[i], originalCharSequence, modifiedCharSequence));
return new LineChange(originalStartLineNumber, originalEndLineNumber, modifiedStartLineNumber, modifiedEndLineNumber, charChanges);
return LineChange;
var DiffComputer = /** @class */ (function () {
function DiffComputer(originalLines, modifiedLines, opts) {
this.shouldPostProcessCharChanges = opts.shouldPostProcessCharChanges;
this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace = opts.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace;
this.shouldMakePrettyDiff = opts.shouldMakePrettyDiff;
this.maximumRunTimeMs = MAXIMUM_RUN_TIME;
this.originalLines = originalLines;
this.modifiedLines = modifiedLines;
this.original = new LineMarkerSequence(originalLines);
this.modified = new LineMarkerSequence(modifiedLines);
DiffComputer.prototype.computeDiff = function () {
if (this.original.getLength() === 1 && this.original.getElementHash(0).length === 0) {
// empty original => fast path
return [{
originalStartLineNumber: 1,
originalEndLineNumber: 1,
modifiedStartLineNumber: 1,
modifiedEndLineNumber: this.modified.getLength(),
charChanges: [{
modifiedEndColumn: 0,
modifiedEndLineNumber: 0,
modifiedStartColumn: 0,
modifiedStartLineNumber: 0,
originalEndColumn: 0,
originalEndLineNumber: 0,
originalStartColumn: 0,
originalStartLineNumber: 0
if (this.modified.getLength() === 1 && this.modified.getElementHash(0).length === 0) {
// empty modified => fast path
return [{
originalStartLineNumber: 1,
originalEndLineNumber: this.original.getLength(),
modifiedStartLineNumber: 1,
modifiedEndLineNumber: 1,
charChanges: [{
modifiedEndColumn: 0,
modifiedEndLineNumber: 0,
modifiedStartColumn: 0,
modifiedStartLineNumber: 0,
originalEndColumn: 0,
originalEndLineNumber: 0,
originalStartColumn: 0,
originalStartLineNumber: 0
this.computationStartTime = (new Date()).getTime();
var rawChanges = computeDiff(this.original, this.modified, this._continueProcessingPredicate.bind(this), this.shouldMakePrettyDiff);
// The diff is always computed with ignoring trim whitespace
// This ensures we get the prettiest diff
if (this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace) {
var lineChanges = [];
for (var i = 0, length_3 = rawChanges.length; i < length_3; i++) {
lineChanges.push(LineChange.createFromDiffResult(rawChanges[i], this.original, this.modified, this._continueProcessingPredicate.bind(this), this.shouldPostProcessCharChanges));
return lineChanges;
// Need to post-process and introduce changes where the trim whitespace is different
// Note that we are looping starting at -1 to also cover the lines before the first change
var result = [];
var originalLineIndex = 0;
var modifiedLineIndex = 0;
for (var i = -1 /* !!!! */, len = rawChanges.length; i < len; i++) {
var nextChange = (i + 1 < len ? rawChanges[i + 1] : null);
var originalStop = (nextChange ? nextChange.originalStart : this.originalLines.length);
var modifiedStop = (nextChange ? nextChange.modifiedStart : this.modifiedLines.length);
while (originalLineIndex < originalStop && modifiedLineIndex < modifiedStop) {
var originalLine = this.originalLines[originalLineIndex];
var modifiedLine = this.modifiedLines[modifiedLineIndex];
if (originalLine !== modifiedLine) {
// These lines differ only in trim whitespace
// Check the leading whitespace
var originalStartColumn = LineMarkerSequence._getFirstNonBlankColumn(originalLine, 1);
var modifiedStartColumn = LineMarkerSequence._getFirstNonBlankColumn(modifiedLine, 1);
while (originalStartColumn > 1 && modifiedStartColumn > 1) {
var originalChar = originalLine.charCodeAt(originalStartColumn - 2);
var modifiedChar = modifiedLine.charCodeAt(modifiedStartColumn - 2);
if (originalChar !== modifiedChar) {
if (originalStartColumn > 1 || modifiedStartColumn > 1) {
this._pushTrimWhitespaceCharChange(result, originalLineIndex + 1, 1, originalStartColumn, modifiedLineIndex + 1, 1, modifiedStartColumn);
// Check the trailing whitespace
var originalEndColumn = LineMarkerSequence._getLastNonBlankColumn(originalLine, 1);
var modifiedEndColumn = LineMarkerSequence._getLastNonBlankColumn(modifiedLine, 1);
var originalMaxColumn = originalLine.length + 1;
var modifiedMaxColumn = modifiedLine.length + 1;
while (originalEndColumn < originalMaxColumn && modifiedEndColumn < modifiedMaxColumn) {
var originalChar = originalLine.charCodeAt(originalEndColumn - 1);
var modifiedChar = originalLine.charCodeAt(modifiedEndColumn - 1);
if (originalChar !== modifiedChar) {
if (originalEndColumn < originalMaxColumn || modifiedEndColumn < modifiedMaxColumn) {
this._pushTrimWhitespaceCharChange(result, originalLineIndex + 1, originalEndColumn, originalMaxColumn, modifiedLineIndex + 1, modifiedEndColumn, modifiedMaxColumn);
if (nextChange) {
// Emit the actual change
result.push(LineChange.createFromDiffResult(nextChange, this.original, this.modified, this._continueProcessingPredicate.bind(this), this.shouldPostProcessCharChanges));
originalLineIndex += nextChange.originalLength;
modifiedLineIndex += nextChange.modifiedLength;
return result;
DiffComputer.prototype._pushTrimWhitespaceCharChange = function (result, originalLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalEndColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedEndColumn) {
if (this._mergeTrimWhitespaceCharChange(result, originalLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalEndColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedEndColumn)) {
// Merged into previous
result.push(new LineChange(originalLineNumber, originalLineNumber, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedLineNumber, [
new CharChange(originalLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalLineNumber, originalEndColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedEndColumn)
DiffComputer.prototype._mergeTrimWhitespaceCharChange = function (result, originalLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalEndColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedEndColumn) {
var len = result.length;
if (len === 0) {
return false;
var prevChange = result[len - 1];
if (prevChange.originalEndLineNumber === 0 || prevChange.modifiedEndLineNumber === 0) {
// Don't merge with inserts/deletes
return false;
if (prevChange.originalEndLineNumber + 1 === originalLineNumber && prevChange.modifiedEndLineNumber + 1 === modifiedLineNumber) {
prevChange.originalEndLineNumber = originalLineNumber;
prevChange.modifiedEndLineNumber = modifiedLineNumber;
prevChange.charChanges.push(new CharChange(originalLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalLineNumber, originalEndColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedEndColumn));
return true;
return false;
DiffComputer.prototype._continueProcessingPredicate = function () {
if (this.maximumRunTimeMs === 0) {
return true;
var now = (new Date()).getTime();
return now - this.computationStartTime < this.maximumRunTimeMs;
return DiffComputer;
exports.DiffComputer = DiffComputer;
define(__m[25/*vs/editor/common/model/wordHelper*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/]), function (require, exports) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.USUAL_WORD_SEPARATORS = '`~!@#$%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:\'",.<>/?';
* Create a word definition regular expression based on default word separators.
* Optionally provide allowed separators that should be included in words.
* The default would look like this:
* /(-?\d*\.\d\w*)|([^\`\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\-\=\+\[\{\]\}\\\|\;\:\'\"\,\.\<\>\/\?\s]+)/g
function createWordRegExp(allowInWords) {
if (allowInWords === void 0) { allowInWords = ''; }
var source = '(-?\\d*\\.\\d\\w*)|([^';
for (var i = 0; i < exports.USUAL_WORD_SEPARATORS.length; i++) {
if (allowInWords.indexOf(exports.USUAL_WORD_SEPARATORS[i]) >= 0) {
source += '\\' + exports.USUAL_WORD_SEPARATORS[i];
source += '\\s]+)';
return new RegExp(source, 'g');
// catches numbers (including floating numbers) in the first group, and alphanum in the second
exports.DEFAULT_WORD_REGEXP = createWordRegExp();
function ensureValidWordDefinition(wordDefinition) {
var result = exports.DEFAULT_WORD_REGEXP;
if (wordDefinition && (wordDefinition instanceof RegExp)) {
if (! {
var flags = 'g';
if (wordDefinition.ignoreCase) {
flags += 'i';
if (wordDefinition.multiline) {
flags += 'm';
result = new RegExp(wordDefinition.source, flags);
else {
result = wordDefinition;
result.lastIndex = 0;
return result;
exports.ensureValidWordDefinition = ensureValidWordDefinition;
function getWordAtPosFast(column, wordDefinition, text, textOffset) {
// find whitespace enclosed text around column and match from there
var pos = column - 1 - textOffset;
var start = text.lastIndexOf(' ', pos - 1) + 1;
var end = text.indexOf(' ', pos);
if (end === -1) {
end = text.length;
wordDefinition.lastIndex = start;
var match;
while (match = wordDefinition.exec(text)) {
if (match.index <= pos && wordDefinition.lastIndex >= pos) {
return {
word: match[0],
startColumn: textOffset + 1 + match.index,
endColumn: textOffset + 1 + wordDefinition.lastIndex
return null;
function getWordAtPosSlow(column, wordDefinition, text, textOffset) {
// matches all words starting at the beginning
// of the input until it finds a match that encloses
// the desired column. slow but correct
var pos = column - 1 - textOffset;
wordDefinition.lastIndex = 0;
var match;
while (match = wordDefinition.exec(text)) {
if (match.index > pos) {
// |nW -> matched only after the pos
return null;
else if (wordDefinition.lastIndex >= pos) {
// W|W -> match encloses pos
return {
word: match[0],
startColumn: textOffset + 1 + match.index,
endColumn: textOffset + 1 + wordDefinition.lastIndex
return null;
function getWordAtText(column, wordDefinition, text, textOffset) {
// if `words` can contain whitespace character we have to use the slow variant
// otherwise we use the fast variant of finding a word
wordDefinition.lastIndex = 0;
var match = wordDefinition.exec(text);
if (!match) {
return null;
// todo@joh the `match` could already be the (first) word
var ret = match[0].indexOf(' ') >= 0
// did match a word which contains a space character -> use slow word find
? getWordAtPosSlow(column, wordDefinition, text, textOffset)
// sane word definition -> use fast word find
: getWordAtPosFast(column, wordDefinition, text, textOffset);
// both (getWordAtPosFast and getWordAtPosSlow) leave the wordDefinition-RegExp
// in an undefined state and to not confuse other users of the wordDefinition
// we reset the lastIndex
wordDefinition.lastIndex = 0;
return ret;
exports.getWordAtText = getWordAtText;
define(__m[26/*vs/editor/common/modes/linkComputer*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,23/*vs/editor/common/core/characterClassifier*/,8/*vs/editor/common/core/uint*/]), function (require, exports, characterClassifier_1, uint_1) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var State;
(function (State) {
State[State["Invalid"] = 0] = "Invalid";
State[State["Start"] = 1] = "Start";
State[State["H"] = 2] = "H";
State[State["HT"] = 3] = "HT";
State[State["HTT"] = 4] = "HTT";
State[State["HTTP"] = 5] = "HTTP";
State[State["F"] = 6] = "F";
State[State["FI"] = 7] = "FI";
State[State["FIL"] = 8] = "FIL";
State[State["BeforeColon"] = 9] = "BeforeColon";
State[State["AfterColon"] = 10] = "AfterColon";
State[State["AlmostThere"] = 11] = "AlmostThere";
State[State["End"] = 12] = "End";
State[State["Accept"] = 13] = "Accept";
})(State || (State = {}));
var StateMachine = /** @class */ (function () {
function StateMachine(edges) {
var maxCharCode = 0;
var maxState = 0 /* Invalid */;
for (var i = 0, len = edges.length; i < len; i++) {
var _a = edges[i], from = _a[0], chCode = _a[1], to = _a[2];
if (chCode > maxCharCode) {
maxCharCode = chCode;
if (from > maxState) {
maxState = from;
if (to > maxState) {
maxState = to;
var states = new uint_1.Uint8Matrix(maxState, maxCharCode, 0 /* Invalid */);
for (var i = 0, len = edges.length; i < len; i++) {
var _b = edges[i], from = _b[0], chCode = _b[1], to = _b[2];
states.set(from, chCode, to);
this._states = states;
this._maxCharCode = maxCharCode;
StateMachine.prototype.nextState = function (currentState, chCode) {
if (chCode < 0 || chCode >= this._maxCharCode) {
return 0 /* Invalid */;
return this._states.get(currentState, chCode);
return StateMachine;
// State machine for http:// or https:// or file://
var _stateMachine = null;
function getStateMachine() {
if (_stateMachine === null) {
_stateMachine = new StateMachine([
[1 /* Start */, 104 /* h */, 2 /* H */],
[1 /* Start */, 72 /* H */, 2 /* H */],
[1 /* Start */, 102 /* f */, 6 /* F */],
[1 /* Start */, 70 /* F */, 6 /* F */],
[2 /* H */, 116 /* t */, 3 /* HT */],
[2 /* H */, 84 /* T */, 3 /* HT */],
[3 /* HT */, 116 /* t */, 4 /* HTT */],
[3 /* HT */, 84 /* T */, 4 /* HTT */],
[4 /* HTT */, 112 /* p */, 5 /* HTTP */],
[4 /* HTT */, 80 /* P */, 5 /* HTTP */],
[5 /* HTTP */, 115 /* s */, 9 /* BeforeColon */],
[5 /* HTTP */, 83 /* S */, 9 /* BeforeColon */],
[5 /* HTTP */, 58 /* Colon */, 10 /* AfterColon */],
[6 /* F */, 105 /* i */, 7 /* FI */],
[6 /* F */, 73 /* I */, 7 /* FI */],
[7 /* FI */, 108 /* l */, 8 /* FIL */],
[7 /* FI */, 76 /* L */, 8 /* FIL */],
[8 /* FIL */, 101 /* e */, 9 /* BeforeColon */],
[8 /* FIL */, 69 /* E */, 9 /* BeforeColon */],
[9 /* BeforeColon */, 58 /* Colon */, 10 /* AfterColon */],
[10 /* AfterColon */, 47 /* Slash */, 11 /* AlmostThere */],
[11 /* AlmostThere */, 47 /* Slash */, 12 /* End */],
return _stateMachine;
var CharacterClass;
(function (CharacterClass) {
CharacterClass[CharacterClass["None"] = 0] = "None";
CharacterClass[CharacterClass["ForceTermination"] = 1] = "ForceTermination";
CharacterClass[CharacterClass["CannotEndIn"] = 2] = "CannotEndIn";
})(CharacterClass || (CharacterClass = {}));
var _classifier = null;
function getClassifier() {
if (_classifier === null) {
_classifier = new characterClassifier_1.CharacterClassifier(0 /* None */);
var FORCE_TERMINATION_CHARACTERS = ' \t<>\'\"、。。、,.:;?!@#$%&*‘“〈《「『【〔([{「」}])〕】』」》〉”’`~…';
for (var i = 0; i < FORCE_TERMINATION_CHARACTERS.length; i++) {
_classifier.set(FORCE_TERMINATION_CHARACTERS.charCodeAt(i), 1 /* ForceTermination */);
for (var i = 0; i < CANNOT_END_WITH_CHARACTERS.length; i++) {
_classifier.set(CANNOT_END_WITH_CHARACTERS.charCodeAt(i), 2 /* CannotEndIn */);
return _classifier;
var LinkComputer = /** @class */ (function () {
function LinkComputer() {
LinkComputer._createLink = function (classifier, line, lineNumber, linkBeginIndex, linkEndIndex) {
// Do not allow to end link in certain characters...
var lastIncludedCharIndex = linkEndIndex - 1;
do {
var chCode = line.charCodeAt(lastIncludedCharIndex);
var chClass = classifier.get(chCode);
if (chClass !== 2 /* CannotEndIn */) {
} while (lastIncludedCharIndex > linkBeginIndex);
// Handle links enclosed in parens, square brackets and curlys.
if (linkBeginIndex > 0) {
var charCodeBeforeLink = line.charCodeAt(linkBeginIndex - 1);
var lastCharCodeInLink = line.charCodeAt(lastIncludedCharIndex);
if ((charCodeBeforeLink === 40 /* OpenParen */ && lastCharCodeInLink === 41 /* CloseParen */)
|| (charCodeBeforeLink === 91 /* OpenSquareBracket */ && lastCharCodeInLink === 93 /* CloseSquareBracket */)
|| (charCodeBeforeLink === 123 /* OpenCurlyBrace */ && lastCharCodeInLink === 125 /* CloseCurlyBrace */)) {
// Do not end in ) if ( is before the link start
// Do not end in ] if [ is before the link start
// Do not end in } if { is before the link start
return {
range: {
startLineNumber: lineNumber,
startColumn: linkBeginIndex + 1,
endLineNumber: lineNumber,
endColumn: lastIncludedCharIndex + 2
url: line.substring(linkBeginIndex, lastIncludedCharIndex + 1)
LinkComputer.computeLinks = function (model) {
var stateMachine = getStateMachine();
var classifier = getClassifier();
var result = [];
for (var i = 1, lineCount = model.getLineCount(); i <= lineCount; i++) {
var line = model.getLineContent(i);
var len = line.length;
var j = 0;
var linkBeginIndex = 0;
var linkBeginChCode = 0;
var state = 1 /* Start */;
var hasOpenParens = false;
var hasOpenSquareBracket = false;
var hasOpenCurlyBracket = false;
while (j < len) {
var resetStateMachine = false;
var chCode = line.charCodeAt(j);
if (state === 13 /* Accept */) {
var chClass = void 0;
switch (chCode) {
case 40 /* OpenParen */:
hasOpenParens = true;
chClass = 0 /* None */;
case 41 /* CloseParen */:
chClass = (hasOpenParens ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */);
case 91 /* OpenSquareBracket */:
hasOpenSquareBracket = true;
chClass = 0 /* None */;
case 93 /* CloseSquareBracket */:
chClass = (hasOpenSquareBracket ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */);
case 123 /* OpenCurlyBrace */:
hasOpenCurlyBracket = true;
chClass = 0 /* None */;
case 125 /* CloseCurlyBrace */:
chClass = (hasOpenCurlyBracket ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */);
/* The following three rules make it that ' or " or ` are allowed inside links if the link began with a different one */
case 39 /* SingleQuote */:
chClass = (linkBeginChCode === 34 /* DoubleQuote */ || linkBeginChCode === 96 /* BackTick */) ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */;
case 34 /* DoubleQuote */:
chClass = (linkBeginChCode === 39 /* SingleQuote */ || linkBeginChCode === 96 /* BackTick */) ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */;
case 96 /* BackTick */:
chClass = (linkBeginChCode === 39 /* SingleQuote */ || linkBeginChCode === 34 /* DoubleQuote */) ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */;
chClass = classifier.get(chCode);
// Check if character terminates link
if (chClass === 1 /* ForceTermination */) {
result.push(LinkComputer._createLink(classifier, line, i, linkBeginIndex, j));
resetStateMachine = true;
else if (state === 12 /* End */) {
var chClass = classifier.get(chCode);
// Check if character terminates link
if (chClass === 1 /* ForceTermination */) {
resetStateMachine = true;
else {
state = 13 /* Accept */;
else {
state = stateMachine.nextState(state, chCode);
if (state === 0 /* Invalid */) {
resetStateMachine = true;
if (resetStateMachine) {
state = 1 /* Start */;
hasOpenParens = false;
hasOpenSquareBracket = false;
hasOpenCurlyBracket = false;
// Record where the link started
linkBeginIndex = j + 1;
linkBeginChCode = chCode;
if (state === 13 /* Accept */) {
result.push(LinkComputer._createLink(classifier, line, i, linkBeginIndex, len));
return result;
return LinkComputer;
* Returns an array of all links contains in the provided
* document. *Note* that this operation is computational
* expensive and should not run in the UI thread.
function computeLinks(model) {
if (!model || typeof model.getLineCount !== 'function' || typeof model.getLineContent !== 'function') {
// Unknown caller!
return [];
return LinkComputer.computeLinks(model);
exports.computeLinks = computeLinks;
define(__m[27/*vs/editor/common/modes/supports/inplaceReplaceSupport*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/]), function (require, exports) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var BasicInplaceReplace = /** @class */ (function () {
function BasicInplaceReplace() {
this._defaultValueSet = [
['true', 'false'],
['True', 'False'],
['Private', 'Public', 'Friend', 'ReadOnly', 'Partial', 'Protected', 'WriteOnly'],
['public', 'protected', 'private'],
BasicInplaceReplace.prototype.navigateValueSet = function (range1, text1, range2, text2, up) {
if (range1 && text1) {
var result = this.doNavigateValueSet(text1, up);
if (result) {
return {
range: range1,
value: result
if (range2 && text2) {
var result = this.doNavigateValueSet(text2, up);
if (result) {
return {
range: range2,
value: result
return null;
BasicInplaceReplace.prototype.doNavigateValueSet = function (text, up) {
var numberResult = this.numberReplace(text, up);
if (numberResult !== null) {
return numberResult;
return this.textReplace(text, up);
BasicInplaceReplace.prototype.numberReplace = function (value, up) {
var precision = Math.pow(10, value.length - (value.lastIndexOf('.') + 1));
var n1 = Number(value);
var n2 = parseFloat(value);
if (!isNaN(n1) && !isNaN(n2) && n1 === n2) {
if (n1 === 0 && !up) {
return null; // don't do negative
// } else if(n1 === 9 && up) {
// return null; // don't insert 10 into a number
else {
n1 = Math.floor(n1 * precision);
n1 += up ? precision : -precision;
return String(n1 / precision);
return null;
BasicInplaceReplace.prototype.textReplace = function (value, up) {
return this.valueSetsReplace(this._defaultValueSet, value, up);
BasicInplaceReplace.prototype.valueSetsReplace = function (valueSets, value, up) {
var result = null;
for (var i = 0, len = valueSets.length; result === null && i < len; i++) {
result = this.valueSetReplace(valueSets[i], value, up);
return result;
BasicInplaceReplace.prototype.valueSetReplace = function (valueSet, value, up) {
var idx = valueSet.indexOf(value);
if (idx >= 0) {
idx += up ? +1 : -1;
if (idx < 0) {
idx = valueSet.length - 1;
else {
idx %= valueSet.length;
return valueSet[idx];
return null;
BasicInplaceReplace.INSTANCE = new BasicInplaceReplace();
return BasicInplaceReplace;
exports.BasicInplaceReplace = BasicInplaceReplace;
define(__m[28/*vs/editor/common/standalone/standaloneBase*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,9/*vs/base/common/event*/,19/*vs/base/common/keyCodes*/,2/*vs/editor/common/core/position*/,7/*vs/editor/common/core/range*/,20/*vs/editor/common/core/selection*/,3/*vs/base/common/winjs.base*/,11/*vs/base/common/cancellation*/,21/*vs/editor/common/core/token*/,6/*vs/base/common/uri*/]), function (require, exports, event_1, keyCodes_1, position_1, range_1, selection_1, winjs_base_1, cancellation_1, token_1, uri_1) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
// --------------------------------------------
// This is repeated here so it can be exported
// because TS inlines const enums
// --------------------------------------------
var Severity;
(function (Severity) {
Severity[Severity["Ignore"] = 0] = "Ignore";
Severity[Severity["Info"] = 1] = "Info";
Severity[Severity["Warning"] = 2] = "Warning";
Severity[Severity["Error"] = 3] = "Error";
})(Severity = exports.Severity || (exports.Severity = {}));
var MarkerSeverity;
(function (MarkerSeverity) {
MarkerSeverity[MarkerSeverity["Hint"] = 1] = "Hint";
MarkerSeverity[MarkerSeverity["Info"] = 2] = "Info";
MarkerSeverity[MarkerSeverity["Warning"] = 4] = "Warning";
MarkerSeverity[MarkerSeverity["Error"] = 8] = "Error";
})(MarkerSeverity = exports.MarkerSeverity || (exports.MarkerSeverity = {}));
// --------------------------------------------
// This is repeated here so it can be exported
// because TS inlines const enums
// --------------------------------------------
var KeyMod = /** @class */ (function () {
function KeyMod() {
KeyMod.chord = function (firstPart, secondPart) {
return keyCodes_1.KeyChord(firstPart, secondPart);
KeyMod.CtrlCmd = 2048 /* CtrlCmd */;
KeyMod.Shift = 1024 /* Shift */;
KeyMod.Alt = 512 /* Alt */;
KeyMod.WinCtrl = 256 /* WinCtrl */;
return KeyMod;
exports.KeyMod = KeyMod;
// --------------------------------------------
// This is repeated here so it can be exported
// because TS inlines const enums
// --------------------------------------------
* Virtual Key Codes, the value does not hold any inherent meaning.
* Inspired somewhat from
* But these are "more general", as they should work across browsers & OS`s.
var KeyCode;
(function (KeyCode) {
* Placed first to cover the 0 value of the enum.
KeyCode[KeyCode["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Backspace"] = 1] = "Backspace";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Tab"] = 2] = "Tab";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Enter"] = 3] = "Enter";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Shift"] = 4] = "Shift";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Ctrl"] = 5] = "Ctrl";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Alt"] = 6] = "Alt";
KeyCode[KeyCode["PauseBreak"] = 7] = "PauseBreak";
KeyCode[KeyCode["CapsLock"] = 8] = "CapsLock";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Escape"] = 9] = "Escape";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Space"] = 10] = "Space";
KeyCode[KeyCode["PageUp"] = 11] = "PageUp";
KeyCode[KeyCode["PageDown"] = 12] = "PageDown";
KeyCode[KeyCode["End"] = 13] = "End";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Home"] = 14] = "Home";
KeyCode[KeyCode["LeftArrow"] = 15] = "LeftArrow";
KeyCode[KeyCode["UpArrow"] = 16] = "UpArrow";
KeyCode[KeyCode["RightArrow"] = 17] = "RightArrow";
KeyCode[KeyCode["DownArrow"] = 18] = "DownArrow";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Insert"] = 19] = "Insert";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Delete"] = 20] = "Delete";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_0"] = 21] = "KEY_0";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_1"] = 22] = "KEY_1";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_2"] = 23] = "KEY_2";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_3"] = 24] = "KEY_3";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_4"] = 25] = "KEY_4";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_5"] = 26] = "KEY_5";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_6"] = 27] = "KEY_6";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_7"] = 28] = "KEY_7";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_8"] = 29] = "KEY_8";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_9"] = 30] = "KEY_9";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_A"] = 31] = "KEY_A";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_B"] = 32] = "KEY_B";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_C"] = 33] = "KEY_C";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_D"] = 34] = "KEY_D";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_E"] = 35] = "KEY_E";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_F"] = 36] = "KEY_F";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_G"] = 37] = "KEY_G";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_H"] = 38] = "KEY_H";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_I"] = 39] = "KEY_I";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_J"] = 40] = "KEY_J";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_K"] = 41] = "KEY_K";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_L"] = 42] = "KEY_L";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_M"] = 43] = "KEY_M";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_N"] = 44] = "KEY_N";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_O"] = 45] = "KEY_O";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_P"] = 46] = "KEY_P";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_Q"] = 47] = "KEY_Q";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_R"] = 48] = "KEY_R";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_S"] = 49] = "KEY_S";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_T"] = 50] = "KEY_T";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_U"] = 51] = "KEY_U";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_V"] = 52] = "KEY_V";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_W"] = 53] = "KEY_W";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_X"] = 54] = "KEY_X";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_Y"] = 55] = "KEY_Y";
KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_Z"] = 56] = "KEY_Z";
KeyCode[KeyCode["Meta"] = 57] = "Meta";
KeyCode[KeyCode["ContextMenu"] = 58] = "ContextMenu";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F1"] = 59] = "F1";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F2"] = 60] = "F2";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F3"] = 61] = "F3";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F4"] = 62] = "F4";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F5"] = 63] = "F5";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F6"] = 64] = "F6";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F7"] = 65] = "F7";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F8"] = 66] = "F8";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F9"] = 67] = "F9";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F10"] = 68] = "F10";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F11"] = 69] = "F11";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F12"] = 70] = "F12";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F13"] = 71] = "F13";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F14"] = 72] = "F14";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F15"] = 73] = "F15";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F16"] = 74] = "F16";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F17"] = 75] = "F17";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F18"] = 76] = "F18";
KeyCode[KeyCode["F19"] = 77] = "F19";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NumLock"] = 78] = "NumLock";
KeyCode[KeyCode["ScrollLock"] = 79] = "ScrollLock";
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
* For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_SEMICOLON"] = 80] = "US_SEMICOLON";
* For any country/region, the '+' key
* For the US standard keyboard, the '=+' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_EQUAL"] = 81] = "US_EQUAL";
* For any country/region, the ',' key
* For the US standard keyboard, the ',<' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_COMMA"] = 82] = "US_COMMA";
* For any country/region, the '-' key
* For the US standard keyboard, the '-_' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_MINUS"] = 83] = "US_MINUS";
* For any country/region, the '.' key
* For the US standard keyboard, the '.>' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_DOT"] = 84] = "US_DOT";
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
* For the US standard keyboard, the '/?' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_SLASH"] = 85] = "US_SLASH";
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
* For the US standard keyboard, the '`~' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_BACKTICK"] = 86] = "US_BACKTICK";
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
* For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
* For the US standard keyboard, the '\|' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_BACKSLASH"] = 88] = "US_BACKSLASH";
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
* For the US standard keyboard, the ']}' key
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
* For the US standard keyboard, the ''"' key
KeyCode[KeyCode["US_QUOTE"] = 90] = "US_QUOTE";
* Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
KeyCode[KeyCode["OEM_8"] = 91] = "OEM_8";
* Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard.
KeyCode[KeyCode["OEM_102"] = 92] = "OEM_102";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_0"] = 93] = "NUMPAD_0";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_1"] = 94] = "NUMPAD_1";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_2"] = 95] = "NUMPAD_2";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_3"] = 96] = "NUMPAD_3";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_4"] = 97] = "NUMPAD_4";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_5"] = 98] = "NUMPAD_5";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_6"] = 99] = "NUMPAD_6";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_7"] = 100] = "NUMPAD_7";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_8"] = 101] = "NUMPAD_8";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_9"] = 102] = "NUMPAD_9";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_ADD"] = 104] = "NUMPAD_ADD";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_DECIMAL"] = 107] = "NUMPAD_DECIMAL";
KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_DIVIDE"] = 108] = "NUMPAD_DIVIDE";
* Cover all key codes when IME is processing input.
KeyCode[KeyCode["ABNT_C1"] = 110] = "ABNT_C1";
KeyCode[KeyCode["ABNT_C2"] = 111] = "ABNT_C2";
* Placed last to cover the length of the enum.
* Please do not depend on this value!
KeyCode[KeyCode["MAX_VALUE"] = 112] = "MAX_VALUE";
})(KeyCode = exports.KeyCode || (exports.KeyCode = {}));
function createMonacoBaseAPI() {
return {
editor: undefined,
languages: undefined,
CancellationTokenSource: cancellation_1.CancellationTokenSource,
Emitter: event_1.Emitter,
KeyCode: KeyCode,
KeyMod: KeyMod,
Position: position_1.Position,
Range: range_1.Range,
Selection: selection_1.Selection,
SelectionDirection: selection_1.SelectionDirection,
Severity: Severity,
MarkerSeverity: MarkerSeverity,
Promise: winjs_base_1.TPromise,
Uri: uri_1.default,
Token: token_1.Token
exports.createMonacoBaseAPI = createMonacoBaseAPI;
define(__m[29/*vs/editor/common/viewModel/prefixSumComputer*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,8/*vs/editor/common/core/uint*/]), function (require, exports, uint_1) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var PrefixSumIndexOfResult = /** @class */ (function () {
function PrefixSumIndexOfResult(index, remainder) {
this.index = index;
this.remainder = remainder;
return PrefixSumIndexOfResult;
exports.PrefixSumIndexOfResult = PrefixSumIndexOfResult;
var PrefixSumComputer = /** @class */ (function () {
function PrefixSumComputer(values) {
this.values = values;
this.prefixSum = new Uint32Array(values.length);
this.prefixSumValidIndex = new Int32Array(1);
this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = -1;
PrefixSumComputer.prototype.getCount = function () {
return this.values.length;
PrefixSumComputer.prototype.insertValues = function (insertIndex, insertValues) {
insertIndex = uint_1.toUint32(insertIndex);
var oldValues = this.values;
var oldPrefixSum = this.prefixSum;
var insertValuesLen = insertValues.length;
if (insertValuesLen === 0) {
return false;
this.values = new Uint32Array(oldValues.length + insertValuesLen);
this.values.set(oldValues.subarray(0, insertIndex), 0);
this.values.set(oldValues.subarray(insertIndex), insertIndex + insertValuesLen);
this.values.set(insertValues, insertIndex);
if (insertIndex - 1 < this.prefixSumValidIndex[0]) {
this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = insertIndex - 1;
this.prefixSum = new Uint32Array(this.values.length);
if (this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] >= 0) {
this.prefixSum.set(oldPrefixSum.subarray(0, this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] + 1));
return true;
PrefixSumComputer.prototype.changeValue = function (index, value) {
index = uint_1.toUint32(index);
value = uint_1.toUint32(value);
if (this.values[index] === value) {
return false;
this.values[index] = value;
if (index - 1 < this.prefixSumValidIndex[0]) {
this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = index - 1;
return true;
PrefixSumComputer.prototype.removeValues = function (startIndex, cnt) {
startIndex = uint_1.toUint32(startIndex);
cnt = uint_1.toUint32(cnt);
var oldValues = this.values;
var oldPrefixSum = this.prefixSum;
if (startIndex >= oldValues.length) {
return false;
var maxCnt = oldValues.length - startIndex;
if (cnt >= maxCnt) {
cnt = maxCnt;
if (cnt === 0) {
return false;
this.values = new Uint32Array(oldValues.length - cnt);
this.values.set(oldValues.subarray(0, startIndex), 0);
this.values.set(oldValues.subarray(startIndex + cnt), startIndex);
this.prefixSum = new Uint32Array(this.values.length);
if (startIndex - 1 < this.prefixSumValidIndex[0]) {
this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = startIndex - 1;
if (this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] >= 0) {
this.prefixSum.set(oldPrefixSum.subarray(0, this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] + 1));
return true;
PrefixSumComputer.prototype.getTotalValue = function () {
if (this.values.length === 0) {
return 0;
return this._getAccumulatedValue(this.values.length - 1);
PrefixSumComputer.prototype.getAccumulatedValue = function (index) {
if (index < 0) {
return 0;
index = uint_1.toUint32(index);
return this._getAccumulatedValue(index);
PrefixSumComputer.prototype._getAccumulatedValue = function (index) {
if (index <= this.prefixSumValidIndex[0]) {
return this.prefixSum[index];
var startIndex = this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] + 1;
if (startIndex === 0) {
this.prefixSum[0] = this.values[0];
if (index >= this.values.length) {
index = this.values.length - 1;
for (var i = startIndex; i <= index; i++) {
this.prefixSum[i] = this.prefixSum[i - 1] + this.values[i];
this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = Math.max(this.prefixSumValidIndex[0], index);
return this.prefixSum[index];
PrefixSumComputer.prototype.getIndexOf = function (accumulatedValue) {
accumulatedValue = Math.floor(accumulatedValue); //@perf
// Compute all sums (to get a fully valid prefixSum)
var low = 0;
var high = this.values.length - 1;
var mid;
var midStop;
var midStart;
while (low <= high) {
mid = low + ((high - low) / 2) | 0;
midStop = this.prefixSum[mid];
midStart = midStop - this.values[mid];
if (accumulatedValue < midStart) {
high = mid - 1;
else if (accumulatedValue >= midStop) {
low = mid + 1;
else {
return new PrefixSumIndexOfResult(mid, accumulatedValue - midStart);
return PrefixSumComputer;
exports.PrefixSumComputer = PrefixSumComputer;
var PrefixSumComputerWithCache = /** @class */ (function () {
function PrefixSumComputerWithCache(values) {
this._cacheAccumulatedValueStart = 0;
this._cache = null;
this._actual = new PrefixSumComputer(values);
PrefixSumComputerWithCache.prototype._bustCache = function () {
this._cacheAccumulatedValueStart = 0;
this._cache = null;
PrefixSumComputerWithCache.prototype.insertValues = function (insertIndex, insertValues) {
if (this._actual.insertValues(insertIndex, insertValues)) {
PrefixSumComputerWithCache.prototype.changeValue = function (index, value) {
if (this._actual.changeValue(index, value)) {
PrefixSumComputerWithCache.prototype.removeValues = function (startIndex, cnt) {
if (this._actual.removeValues(startIndex, cnt)) {
PrefixSumComputerWithCache.prototype.getTotalValue = function () {
return this._actual.getTotalValue();
PrefixSumComputerWithCache.prototype.getAccumulatedValue = function (index) {
return this._actual.getAccumulatedValue(index);
PrefixSumComputerWithCache.prototype.getIndexOf = function (accumulatedValue) {
accumulatedValue = Math.floor(accumulatedValue); //@perf
if (this._cache !== null) {
var cacheIndex = accumulatedValue - this._cacheAccumulatedValueStart;
if (cacheIndex >= 0 && cacheIndex < this._cache.length) {
// Cache hit!
return this._cache[cacheIndex];
// Cache miss!
return this._actual.getIndexOf(accumulatedValue);
* Gives a hint that a lot of requests are about to come in for these accumulated values.
PrefixSumComputerWithCache.prototype.warmUpCache = function (accumulatedValueStart, accumulatedValueEnd) {
var newCache = [];
for (var accumulatedValue = accumulatedValueStart; accumulatedValue <= accumulatedValueEnd; accumulatedValue++) {
newCache[accumulatedValue - accumulatedValueStart] = this.getIndexOf(accumulatedValue);
this._cache = newCache;
this._cacheAccumulatedValueStart = accumulatedValueStart;
return PrefixSumComputerWithCache;
exports.PrefixSumComputerWithCache = PrefixSumComputerWithCache;
define(__m[17/*vs/editor/common/model/mirrorTextModel*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,29/*vs/editor/common/viewModel/prefixSumComputer*/,2/*vs/editor/common/core/position*/]), function (require, exports, prefixSumComputer_1, position_1) {
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var MirrorTextModel = /** @class */ (function () {
function MirrorTextModel(uri, lines, eol, versionId) {
this._uri = uri;
this._lines = lines;
this._eol = eol;
this._versionId = versionId;
MirrorTextModel.prototype.dispose = function () {
this._lines.length = 0;
Object.defineProperty(MirrorTextModel.prototype, "version", {
get: function () {
return this._versionId;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
MirrorTextModel.prototype.getText = function () {
return this._lines.join(this._eol);
MirrorTextModel.prototype.onEvents = function (e) {
if (e.eol && e.eol !== this._eol) {
this._eol = e.eol;
this._lineStarts = null;
// Update my lines
var changes = e.changes;
for (var i = 0, len = changes.length; i < len; i++) {
var change = changes[i];
this._acceptInsertText(new position_1.Position(change.range.startLineNumber, change.range.startColumn), change.text);
this._versionId = e.versionId;
MirrorTextModel.prototype._ensureLineStarts = function () {
if (!this._lineStarts) {
var eolLength = this._eol.length;
var linesLength = this._lines.length;
var lineStartValues = new Uint32Array(linesLength);
for (var i = 0; i < linesLength; i++) {
lineStartValues[i] = this._lines[i].length + eolLength;
this._lineStarts = new prefixSumComputer_1.PrefixSumComputer(lineStartValues);
* All changes to a line's text go through this method
MirrorTextModel.prototype._setLineText = function (lineIndex, newValue) {
this._lines[lineIndex] = newValue;
if (this._lineStarts) {
// update prefix sum
this._lineStarts.changeValue(lineIndex, this._lines[lineIndex].length + this._eol.length);
MirrorTextModel.prototype._acceptDeleteRange = function (range) {
if (range.startLineNumber === range.endLineNumber) {
if (range.startColumn === range.endColumn) {
// Nothing to delete
// Delete text on the affected line
this._setLineText(range.startLineNumber - 1, this._lines[range.startLineNumber - 1].substring(0, range.startColumn - 1)
+ this._lines[range.startLineNumber - 1].substring(range.endColumn - 1));
// Take remaining text on last line and append it to remaining text on first line
this._setLineText(range.startLineNumber - 1, this._lines[range.startLineNumber - 1].substring(0, range.startColumn - 1)
+ this._lines[range.endLineNumber - 1].substring(range.endColumn - 1));
// Delete middle lines
this._lines.splice(range.startLineNumber, range.endLineNumber - range.startLineNumber);
if (this._lineStarts) {
// update prefix sum
this._lineStarts.removeValues(range.startLineNumber, range.endLineNumber - range.startLineNumber);
MirrorTextModel.prototype._acceptInsertText = function (position, insertText) {
if (insertText.length === 0) {
// Nothing to insert
var insertLines = insertText.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/);
if (insertLines.length === 1) {
// Inserting text on one line
this._setLineText(position.lineNumber - 1, this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1].substring(0, position.column - 1)
+ insertLines[0]
+ this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1].substring(position.column - 1));
// Append overflowing text from first line to the end of text to insert
insertLines[insertLines.length - 1] += this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1].substring(position.column - 1);
// Delete overflowing text from first line and insert text on first line
this._setLineText(position.lineNumber - 1, this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1].substring(0, position.column - 1)
+ insertLines[0]);
// Insert new lines & store lengths
var newLengths = new Uint32Array(insertLines.length - 1);
for (var i = 1; i < insertLines.length; i++) {
this._lines.splice(position.lineNumber + i - 1, 0, insertLines[i]);
newLengths[i - 1] = insertLines[i].length + this._eol.length;
if (this._lineStarts) {
// update prefix sum
this._lineStarts.insertValues(position.lineNumber, newLengths);
return MirrorTextModel;
exports.MirrorTextModel = MirrorTextModel;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
define(__m[31/*vs/editor/common/services/editorSimpleWorker*/], __M([1/*require*/,0/*exports*/,6/*vs/base/common/uri*/,3/*vs/base/common/winjs.base*/,7/*vs/editor/common/core/range*/,24/*vs/editor/common/diff/diffComputer*/,13/*vs/base/common/diff/diff*/,2/*vs/editor/common/core/position*/,17/*vs/editor/common/model/mirrorTextModel*/,26/*vs/editor/common/modes/linkComputer*/,27/*vs/editor/common/modes/supports/inplaceReplaceSupport*/,25/*vs/editor/common/model/wordHelper*/,28/*vs/editor/common/standalone/standaloneBase*/,5/*vs/base/common/platform*/]), function (require, exports, uri_1, winjs_base_1, range_1, diffComputer_1, diff_1, position_1, mirrorTextModel_1, linkComputer_1, inplaceReplaceSupport_1, wordHelper_1, standaloneBase_1, platform_1) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* @internal
var MirrorModel = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(MirrorModel, _super);
function MirrorModel() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
Object.defineProperty(MirrorModel.prototype, "uri", {
get: function () {
return this._uri;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(MirrorModel.prototype, "version", {
get: function () {
return this._versionId;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(MirrorModel.prototype, "eol", {
get: function () {
return this._eol;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
MirrorModel.prototype.getValue = function () {
return this.getText();
MirrorModel.prototype.getLinesContent = function () {
return this._lines.slice(0);
MirrorModel.prototype.getLineCount = function () {
return this._lines.length;
MirrorModel.prototype.getLineContent = function (lineNumber) {
return this._lines[lineNumber - 1];
MirrorModel.prototype.getWordAtPosition = function (position, wordDefinition) {
var wordAtText = wordHelper_1.getWordAtText(position.column, wordHelper_1.ensureValidWordDefinition(wordDefinition), this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1], 0);
if (wordAtText) {
return new range_1.Range(position.lineNumber, wordAtText.startColumn, position.lineNumber, wordAtText.endColumn);
return null;
MirrorModel.prototype.getWordUntilPosition = function (position, wordDefinition) {
var wordAtPosition = this.getWordAtPosition(position, wordDefinition);
if (!wordAtPosition) {
return {
word: '',
startColumn: position.column,
endColumn: position.column
return {
word: this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1].substring(wordAtPosition.startColumn - 1, position.column - 1),
startColumn: wordAtPosition.startColumn,
endColumn: position.column
MirrorModel.prototype.createWordIterator = function (wordDefinition) {
var _this = this;
var obj = {
done: false,
value: ''
var lineNumber = 0;
var lineText;
var wordRangesIdx = 0;
var wordRanges = [];
var next = function () {
if (wordRangesIdx < wordRanges.length) {
obj.done = false;
obj.value = lineText.substring(wordRanges[wordRangesIdx].start, wordRanges[wordRangesIdx].end);
wordRangesIdx += 1;
else if (lineNumber >= _this._lines.length) {
obj.done = true;
obj.value = undefined;
else {
lineText = _this._lines[lineNumber];
wordRanges = _this._wordenize(lineText, wordDefinition);
wordRangesIdx = 0;
lineNumber += 1;
return next();
return obj;
return { next: next };
MirrorModel.prototype._wordenize = function (content, wordDefinition) {
var result = [];
var match;
wordDefinition.lastIndex = 0; // reset lastIndex just to be sure
while (match = wordDefinition.exec(content)) {
if (match[0].length === 0) {
// it did match the empty string
result.push({ start: match.index, end: match.index + match[0].length });
return result;
MirrorModel.prototype.getValueInRange = function (range) {
range = this._validateRange(range);
if (range.startLineNumber === range.endLineNumber) {
return this._lines[range.startLineNumber - 1].substring(range.startColumn - 1, range.endColumn - 1);
var lineEnding = this._eol;
var startLineIndex = range.startLineNumber - 1;
var endLineIndex = range.endLineNumber - 1;
var resultLines = [];
resultLines.push(this._lines[startLineIndex].substring(range.startColumn - 1));
for (var i = startLineIndex + 1; i < endLineIndex; i++) {
resultLines.push(this._lines[endLineIndex].substring(0, range.endColumn - 1));
return resultLines.join(lineEnding);
MirrorModel.prototype.offsetAt = function (position) {
position = this._validatePosition(position);
return this._lineStarts.getAccumulatedValue(position.lineNumber - 2) + (position.column - 1);
MirrorModel.prototype.positionAt = function (offset) {
offset = Math.floor(offset);
offset = Math.max(0, offset);
var out = this._lineStarts.getIndexOf(offset);
var lineLength = this._lines[out.index].length;
// Ensure we return a valid position
return {
lineNumber: 1 + out.index,
column: 1 + Math.min(out.remainder, lineLength)
MirrorModel.prototype._validateRange = function (range) {
var start = this._validatePosition({ lineNumber: range.startLineNumber, column: range.startColumn });
var end = this._validatePosition({ lineNumber: range.endLineNumber, column: range.endColumn });
if (start.lineNumber !== range.startLineNumber
|| start.column !== range.startColumn
|| end.lineNumber !== range.endLineNumber
|| end.column !== range.endColumn) {
return {
startLineNumber: start.lineNumber,
startColumn: start.column,
endLineNumber: end.lineNumber,
endColumn: end.column
return range;
MirrorModel.prototype._validatePosition = function (position) {
if (!position_1.Position.isIPosition(position)) {
throw new Error('bad position');
var lineNumber = position.lineNumber, column = position.column;
var hasChanged = false;
if (lineNumber < 1) {
lineNumber = 1;
column = 1;
hasChanged = true;
else if (lineNumber > this._lines.length) {
lineNumber = this._lines.length;
column = this._lines[lineNumber - 1].length + 1;
hasChanged = true;
else {
var maxCharacter = this._lines[lineNumber - 1].length + 1;
if (column < 1) {
column = 1;
hasChanged = true;
else if (column > maxCharacter) {
column = maxCharacter;
hasChanged = true;
if (!hasChanged) {
return position;
else {
return { lineNumber: lineNumber, column: column };
return MirrorModel;
* @internal
var BaseEditorSimpleWorker = /** @class */ (function () {
function BaseEditorSimpleWorker(foreignModuleFactory) {
this._foreignModuleFactory = foreignModuleFactory;
this._foreignModule = null;
// ---- BEGIN diff --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BaseEditorSimpleWorker.prototype.computeDiff = function (originalUrl, modifiedUrl, ignoreTrimWhitespace) {
var original = this._getModel(originalUrl);
var modified = this._getModel(modifiedUrl);
if (!original || !modified) {
return null;
var originalLines = original.getLinesContent();
var modifiedLines = modified.getLinesContent();
var diffComputer = new diffComputer_1.DiffComputer(originalLines, modifiedLines, {
shouldPostProcessCharChanges: true,
shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace: ignoreTrimWhitespace,
shouldMakePrettyDiff: true
BaseEditorSimpleWorker.prototype.computeDirtyDiff = function (originalUrl, modifiedUrl, ignoreTrimWhitespace) {
var original = this._getModel(originalUrl);
var modified = this._getModel(modifiedUrl);
if (!original || !modified) {
return null;
var originalLines = original.getLinesContent();
var modifiedLines = modified.getLinesContent();
var diffComputer = new diffComputer_1.DiffComputer(originalLines, modifiedLines, {
shouldPostProcessCharChanges: false,
shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace: ignoreTrimWhitespace,
shouldMakePrettyDiff: true
BaseEditorSimpleWorker.prototype.computeMoreMinimalEdits = function (modelUrl, edits) {
var model = this._getModel(modelUrl);
if (!model) {
var result = [];
var lastEol;
for (var _i = 0, edits_1 = edits; _i < edits_1.length; _i++) {
var _a = edits_1[_i], range = _a.range, text = _a.text, eol = _a.eol;
if (typeof eol === 'number') {
lastEol = eol;
if (!range) {
// eol-change only
var original = model.getValueInRange(range);
text = text.replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/g, model.eol);
if (original === text) {
// noop
// make sure diff won't take too long
if (Math.max(text.length, original.length) > BaseEditorSimpleWorker._diffLimit) {
result.push({ range: range, text: text });
// compute diff between original and edit.text
var changes = diff_1.stringDiff(original, text, false);
var editOffset = model.offsetAt(range_1.Range.lift(range).getStartPosition());
for (var _b = 0, changes_1 = changes; _b < changes_1.length; _b++) {
var change = changes_1[_b];
var start = model.positionAt(editOffset + change.originalStart);
var end = model.positionAt(editOffset + change.originalStart + change.originalLength);
var newEdit = {
text: text.substr(change.modifiedStart, change.modifiedLength),
range: { startLineNumber: start.lineNumber, startColumn: start.column, endLineNumber: end.lineNumber, endColumn: end.column }
if (model.getValueInRange(newEdit.range) !== newEdit.text) {
if (typeof lastEol === 'number') {
result.push({ eol: lastEol, text: undefined, range: undefined });
// ---- END minimal edits ---------------------------------------------------------------
BaseEditorSimpleWorker.prototype.computeLinks = function (modelUrl) {
var model = this._getModel(modelUrl);
if (!model) {
return null;
BaseEditorSimpleWorker.prototype.textualSuggest = function (modelUrl, position, wordDef, wordDefFlags) {
var model = this._getModel(modelUrl);
if (model) {
var suggestions = [];
var wordDefRegExp = new RegExp(wordDef, wordDefFlags);
var currentWord = model.getWordUntilPosition(position, wordDefRegExp).word;
var seen = Object.create(null);
seen[currentWord] = true;
for (var iter = model.createWordIterator(wordDefRegExp), e =; !e.done && suggestions.length <= BaseEditorSimpleWorker._suggestionsLimit; e = {
var word = e.value;
if (seen[word]) {
seen[word] = true;
if (!isNaN(Number(word))) {
type: 'text',
label: word,
insertText: word,
noAutoAccept: true,
overwriteBefore: currentWord.length
return{ suggestions: suggestions });
return undefined;
// ---- END suggest --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BaseEditorSimpleWorker.prototype.navigateValueSet = function (modelUrl, range, up, wordDef, wordDefFlags) {
var model = this._getModel(modelUrl);
if (!model) {
return null;
var wordDefRegExp = new RegExp(wordDef, wordDefFlags);
if (range.startColumn === range.endColumn) {
range = {
startLineNumber: range.startLineNumber,
startColumn: range.startColumn,
endLineNumber: range.endLineNumber,
endColumn: range.endColumn + 1
var selectionText = model.getValueInRange(range);
var wordRange = model.getWordAtPosition({ lineNumber: range.startLineNumber, column: range.startColumn }, wordDefRegExp);
var word = null;
if (wordRange !== null) {
word = model.getValueInRange(wordRange);
var result = inplaceReplaceSupport_1.BasicInplaceReplace.INSTANCE.navigateValueSet(range, selectionText, wordRange, word, up);
// ---- BEGIN foreign module support --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BaseEditorSimpleWorker.prototype.loadForeignModule = function (moduleId, createData) {
var _this = this;
var ctx = {
getMirrorModels: function () {
return _this._getModels();
if (this._foreignModuleFactory) {
this._foreignModule = this._foreignModuleFactory(ctx, createData);
// static foreing module
var methods = [];
for (var prop in this._foreignModule) {
if (typeof this._foreignModule[prop] === 'function') {
return new winjs_base_1.TPromise(function (c, e) {
require([moduleId], function (foreignModule) {
_this._foreignModule = foreignModule.create(ctx, createData);
var methods = [];
for (var prop in _this._foreignModule) {
if (typeof _this._foreignModule[prop] === 'function') {
}, e);
// foreign method request
BaseEditorSimpleWorker.prototype.fmr = function (method, args) {
if (!this._foreignModule || typeof this._foreignModule[method] !== 'function') {
return winjs_base_1.TPromise.wrapError(new Error('Missing requestHandler or method: ' + method));
try {
return[method].apply(this._foreignModule, args));
catch (e) {
return winjs_base_1.TPromise.wrapError(e);
// ---- END diff --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---- BEGIN minimal edits ---------------------------------------------------------------
BaseEditorSimpleWorker._diffLimit = 10000;
// ---- BEGIN suggest --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BaseEditorSimpleWorker._suggestionsLimit = 10000;
return BaseEditorSimpleWorker;
exports.BaseEditorSimpleWorker = BaseEditorSimpleWorker;
* @internal
var EditorSimpleWorkerImpl = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(EditorSimpleWorkerImpl, _super);
function EditorSimpleWorkerImpl(foreignModuleFactory) {
var _this =, foreignModuleFactory) || this;
_this._models = Object.create(null);
return _this;
EditorSimpleWorkerImpl.prototype.dispose = function () {
this._models = Object.create(null);
EditorSimpleWorkerImpl.prototype._getModel = function (uri) {
return this._models[uri];
EditorSimpleWorkerImpl.prototype._getModels = function () {
var _this = this;
var all = [];
Object.keys(this._models).forEach(function (key) { return all.push(_this._models[key]); });
return all;
EditorSimpleWorkerImpl.prototype.acceptNewModel = function (data) {
this._models[data.url] = new MirrorModel(uri_1.default.parse(data.url), data.lines, data.EOL, data.versionId);
EditorSimpleWorkerImpl.prototype.acceptModelChanged = function (strURL, e) {
if (!this._models[strURL]) {
var model = this._models[strURL];
EditorSimpleWorkerImpl.prototype.acceptRemovedModel = function (strURL) {
if (!this._models[strURL]) {
delete this._models[strURL];
return EditorSimpleWorkerImpl;
exports.EditorSimpleWorkerImpl = EditorSimpleWorkerImpl;
* Called on the worker side
* @internal
function create() {
return new EditorSimpleWorkerImpl(null);
exports.create = create;
if (typeof importScripts === 'function') {
// Running in a web worker
platform_1.globals.monaco = standaloneBase_1.createMonacoBaseAPI();
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
(function () {
'use strict';
var MonacoEnvironment = self.MonacoEnvironment;
var monacoBaseUrl = MonacoEnvironment && MonacoEnvironment.baseUrl ? MonacoEnvironment.baseUrl : '../../../';
if (typeof self.define !== 'function' || !self.define.amd) {
importScripts(monacoBaseUrl + 'vs/loader.js');
baseUrl: monacoBaseUrl,
catchError: true
var loadCode = function (moduleId) {
require([moduleId], function (ws) {
setTimeout(function () {
var messageHandler = ws.create(function (msg) {
}, null);
self.onmessage = function (e) { return messageHandler.onmessage(; };
while (beforeReadyMessages.length > 0) {
}, 0);
var isFirstMessage = true;
var beforeReadyMessages = [];
self.onmessage = function (message) {
if (!isFirstMessage) {
isFirstMessage = false;