# LunaMac A MacOS menu bar app for the phases of the moon. LunaMac calculates the current moon phase using your computer's system time. If the menu bar icon is a Ⓧ, something went wrong and LunaMac couldn't calculate the moon phase. You can try reloading from the icon's menu.
This project covers a number of basic use cases: * Programmatically creating a status icon in the system menu bar * Working with datetime objects, including datetime math * Loading contents of a file packaged with the application * Using a timer to run periodic background updates * Setting and using user preferences to build the UI There are some useful implementations for those new to Apple's programming paradigms. Swift adopts a lot of Objective-C concepts, which themselves are likely foreign if you don't already have a working knowledge of Objective-C. * Using interface builder **actions** and **outlets** to work with window elements * Working with **object delegation** * Implementing a **view controller** to interact with windows For a comprehensive breakdown of this project's code, check out the [wiki](/ABG/LunaMac/wiki).