Clear-Host $apps = Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online $apxs = Get-AppPackage -AllUsers $store = "ms-windows-store://pdp/?ProductId=" $appcsv = @("name,id,skip Microsoft.BingWeather,9WZDNCRFJ3Q2,0 Microsoft.GetHelp,9PKDZBMV1H3T,0 Microsoft.Getstarted,9WZDNCRDTBJJ,0 Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer,9NBLGGH42THS,0 Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub,9WZDNCRD29V9,0 Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection,9WZDNCRFHWD2,0 Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes,9NBLGGH4QGHW,0 Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal,9NG1H8B3ZC7M,0 Microsoft.MSPaint,9PCFS5B6T72H,0 Microsoft.Office.OneNote,9WZDNCRFHVJL,0 Microsoft.People,9NBLGGH10PG8,0 Microsoft.ScreenSketch,9MZ95KL8MR0L,0 Microsoft.SkypeApp,9WZDNCRFJ364,0 Microsoft.Windows.Photos,9WZDNCRFJBH4,0 Microsoft.WindowsAlarms,9WZDNCRFJ3PR,0 Microsoft.WindowsCalculator,9WZDNCRFHVN5,0 Microsoft.WindowsCamera,9WZDNCRFJBBG,0 microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps,9WZDNCRFHVQM,0 Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub,9NBLGGH4R32N,0 Microsoft.WindowsMaps,9WZDNCRDTBVB,0 Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder,9WZDNCRFHW,0 Microsoft.YourPhone,9NMPJ99VJBWV,0 Microsoft.XboxApp,9WZDNCRFJBD8,0 Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider,9WZDNCRD1HKW,0 Microsoft.ZuneMusic,9WZDNCRFJ3PT,0 Microsoft.ZuneVideo,9WZDNCRFJ3P2,0 ") # Windows 11 additions if ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -eq 11) { $appcsv += @(" MicrosoftWindows.Client.WebExperience,0 SpotifyAB.SpotifyMusic,0, Disney.37853FC22B2CE,0, 26720RandomSaladGamesLLC.SimpleSolitaire,0, 5A894077.McAfeeSecurity,0, C27EB4BA.DropboxOEM,0, Microsoft.MinecraftEducationEdition,0 ") } $applist = ConvertFrom-Csv $appcsv $missed = @() Write-Host @("This script will remove selected default Windows app packages. It's most useful when your Windows drive is small, and you need to conserve space. You may remove staged or user packages, or you may remove both simultaneously. USER packages are, as the name implies, installed on a per-user basis. You can easily reinstall these from the regular Microsoft Store app and website. This script can help you find the right packages in the Store app for easy reinstallation. STAGED packages are part of the default Windows user profile, which means they will automatically install for every user who logs into the local machine, regardless of how they log in (local, domain, MSA, AAD). ====== WARNING ====== Once you remove STAGED packages, there's no easy way to re-add them to the default profile! Only use this option when you're certain you never want a package ever auto-installing. ") $q = Read-Host "Remove [U]ser packages, [S]taged packages, or [B]oth?" switch ($q) { {"u","s","b"} { # this is good, proceed foreach($app in $applist) { # if skip = 1, continue if($app.skip) { continue } # check if exists in installed and staged lists if(($apps.DisplayName -contains $ -or ($apxs.Name -contains $ { $remq = Read-Host "Remove $($" if($remq) { switch ($q) { {"u","b"} { # user and both Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers -Name $ | Remove-AppxPackage } {"s","b"} { # staged and both Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | ? { $_.DisplayName -eq $ } | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online } } } } elseif($apxs.Name -notcontains $ { $missed += $app } } Write-Host "" } default { Write-Host "No valid option selected." } } if($missed.Count -gt 0) { $q2 = Read-Host "Prompt to reinstall $($missed.Count) missing USER packages?" if($q2) { foreach($m in $missed) { $remq2 = Read-Host "Reinstall $($" if($remq2) { Start-Process ($store + $ } } } }